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Mirror Sites

Here you can find information about the mirrors of This page only lists the official mirrors, registered in our database. The mirrors automatically detected to be outdated or disfunctional are not listed for your convinience, so there may be a mirror (or some mirrors) with problems in your country additionaly to those listed here. Therefore if you cannot find mirror sites in your country here, or the mirror site you used seems to be disappeared, check back later.

We suggest you to choose a mirror site geographically close to you. All mirror sites are expected to provide the same service. This means that you don't lose anything if you go with a local mirror site, but you gain speed. The current mirror is highlighted in the list below.

If you are interested in hosting a mirror of this site, read our mirroring page.

We have automatically detected the following mirrors to be close to you. If you use a mirror close to you for downloads and your usual daily work, you will get better response times.

United States United States

Here is the list of all the other sites in case our detection did something wrong, or the local mirror sites are busy.

Argentina Argentina
Armenia Armenia
Australia Australia
Austria Austria
Belgium Belgium
Bolivia Bolivia
Brazil Brazil
Bulgaria Bulgaria
Canada Canada
Chile Chile
China China
Costa Rica Costa Rica
Czech Republic Czech Republic
Denmark Denmark
Estonia Estonia
Finland Finland
France France
Germany Germany
Greece Greece
Hong Kong Hong Kong
Hungary Hungary
Iceland Iceland
India India
Indonesia Indonesia
Iran Iran
Ireland Ireland
Israel Israel
Italy Italy
Japan Japan
Latvia Latvia
Liechtenstein Liechtenstein
Lithuania Lithuania
Luxembourg Luxembourg
Malaysia Malaysia
Mexico Mexico
Netherlands Netherlands
New Zealand New Zealand
Norway Norway
Philippines Philippines
Poland Poland
Portugal Portugal
Republic of Korea Republic of Korea
Romania Romania
Russian Federation Russian Federation
Serbia and Montenegro Serbia and Montenegro
Singapore Singapore
Slovakia Slovakia
Slovenia Slovenia
South Africa South Africa
Spain Spain
Sweden Sweden
Switzerland Switzerland
Taiwan Taiwan
Thailand Thailand
Turkey Turkey
Ukraine Ukraine
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Venezuela Venezuela
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