Fejezet 20. F�jlfelt�lt�s kezel�sePOST met�dus� felt�lt�sek
A PHP alkalmas f�jl felt�lt�st fogadni b�rmilyen RFC-1867
kompatibilis b�ng�sz�t�l (mint a Netscape Navigator 3 vagy k�s�bbi �s a
Microsoft Internet Explorer 3 Microsoft jav�t�ssal, vagy
k�s�bbi IE jav�t�s n�lk�l). Ez a szolg�ltat�s egyar�nt lehet�v� teszi
a l�togat�nak sz�veges �s bin�ris f�jlok felt�lt�s�t.
A PHP azonos�t�si �s f�jlkezel�si k�pess�geivel teljes
fel�gyeleted van afelett, hogy ki t�lthet fel f�jlt, �s
mi t�rt�nik a felt�lt�tt f�jlokkal.
�rdemes megeml�teni, hogy a PHP t�mogatja a PUT met�dust is,
amit a Netscape Composer �s a W3C Amaya kliensek haszn�lnak.
L�sd a PUT
met�dus� felt�lt�sek r�szt.
A f�jl felt�lt�si lehet�s�g egy speci�lisan kik�pzett
formmal biztos�that�:
P�lda 20-1. F�jlfelt�lt� �rlap <form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="_URL_" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="1000">
F�jl elk�ld�se: <input name="userfile" type="file">
<input type="submit" value="OK">
</form> |
Az _URL_ a feldolgoz�st v�gz� PHP f�jlra kell, hogy mutasson.
A MAX_FILE_SIZE rejtett mez� a f�jl input mez� el�tt kell,
hogy szerepeljen, �s azt adja meg, hogy mekkora a maxim�lis
f�jl m�ret (byte-okban megadva), amit a PHP fogad.
Figyelem |
A MAX_FILE_SIZE egy javasolt �rt�k a b�ng�sz�k sz�m�ra.
K�nny� megker�lni ezt a megadott maximumot. Ez�rt nem
szabad arra �p�teni, hogy a b�ng�sz� �gy viselkedik, ahogy
azt te szeretn�d. A PHP-be�ll�t�sok a maxim�lis felt�lt�si
�llom�nym�retre azonban nem ker�lhet�ek meg.
A v�ltoz�k, amelyek egy sikeres felt�lt�s sor�n l�trej�nnek
a PHP v�ltozat �s be�ll�t�s f�ggv�ny�ben m�sok-m�sok lehetnek.
A k�vetkez� v�ltoz�k a felt�lt�s c�lprogramj�ban j�nnek l�tre
egy sikeres felt�lt�s sor�n. Ha a track_vars be�ll�t�st
enged�lyezed, a $HTTP_POST_FILES �s $_FILES t�mb�k j�nnek
l�tre. V�g�l a kapcsol�d� v�ltoz�k l�trej�hetnek glob�lis
v�ltoz�kk�nt is, ha a register_globals
be�ll�t�s be van kapcsolva. Ez azonban nem javasolt.
A track_vars be�ll�t�s
mindig be van kapcsolva a PHP 4.0.3 vagy �jabb vezi�kban.
A PHP 4.1.0 vagy �jabb v�ltozatokban a $_FILES t�mb�t
is haszn�lhatod a $HTTP_POST_FILES helyett.
A $_FILES mindig el�rhet�, ez�rt nem szabad
a global kulcssz�t haszn�lni a $_FILES
v�ltoz�ra f�ggv�nyekben.
$_FILES v�ltoz�k haszn�lata javasolt
a felt�lt�tt �llom�ny inform�ci�k el�r�s�re. A t�mb
tartalma itt k�vetkezik. Ebben az esetben felt�telezz�k,
hogy a fenti �rlapnak megfelel�en a 'userfile' nevet adtad
a felt�lt�si input mez�nek:
- $HTTP_POST_FILES['userfile']['name']
Az eredeti f�jln�v a kliensg�pen.
- $HTTP_POST_FILES['userfile']['type']
A f�jl MIME t�pusa, ha a b�ng�sz� megadta ezt az inform�ci�t.
P�ld�ul egy gif k�p eset�ben: "image/gif".
- $HTTP_POST_FILES['userfile']['size']
A felt�lt�tt f�jl m�rete, byte-ban megadva.
- $HTTP_POST_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name']
Az ideiglenes f�jl el�r�si �tja, ahol a felt�lt�tt f�jl
t�rol�sra ker�lt a szerveren.
A PHP 4.1.0 �s �jabb verzi�k a r�videbb nev�
$_FILES v�ltoz�t is biztos�tj�k.
A PHP 3 nem biztos�tja a
$HTTP_POST_FILES v�ltoz�t.
Ha a register_globals
be van kapcsolva a php.ini f�jlban,
a k�vetkez� v�ltoz�k j�nnek l�tre. Ebben az esetben is
felt�telezz�k, hogy a fenti �rlapnak megfelel�en a
'userfile' nevet adtad a felt�lt�si input mez�nek:
$userfile - Az ideiglenes f�jl el�r�si �tja, ahol a
felt�lt�tt f�jl t�rol�sra ker�lt a szerveren.
$userfile_name - Az eredeti f�jln�v a kliens g�pen.
$userfile_size - A felt�lt�tt f�jl m�rete, byte-okban megadva.
$userfile_type - A f�jl MIME t�pusa, ha a b�ng�sz� megadta ezt
az inform�ci�t. P�ld�ul egy gif k�p eset�ben: "image/gif".
Figyeld meg, hogy a "$userfile" el�tag minden fenti
v�ltoz�ban az �rlapban megadott �rt�k, amit a type="file"
sorn�l megadott <input> elem nevek�nt hat�rozt�l meg.
A fenti k�rd��vben ezt "userfile"-nak v�lasztottuk.
A register_globals = On be�ll�t�s
nem aj�nlott biztons�gi �s teljes�tm�ny okok miatt.
A f�jlok alapbe�ll�t�sban a szerver szok�sos ideiglenes
k�nyvt�r�ban t�rol�dnak, ha nem adt�l meg m�st az upload_tmp_dir be�ll�t�ssal
a php.ini f�jlban. A szerver alapbe�ll�t�s�
k�nyvt�ra megv�ltoztathat� a TMPDIR
k�rnyezeti v�ltoz�val abban a k�rnyezetben, ahol a PHP fut.
Egy PHP szkriptb�l a putenv()-el val� �t�ll�t�sa
nem fog menni. Ez a k�rnyezeti v�ltoz� arra is haszn�lhat�, hogy
ellen�rizd, hogy m�s m�veletek is v�gezhet�ek-e a felt�lt�tt
P�lda 20-2. F�jlfelt�lt�sek ellen�rz�se
Az al�bbi p�ld�k a PHP 4.0.2-n�l �jabb verzi�ival
m�k�dnek. L�sd az is_uploaded_file() �s
move_uploaded_file() f�ggv�nyeket.
// A PHP 4.1.0 vagy k�s�bbi verzi�iban a $_FILES
// haszn�land� a $HTTP_POST_FILES helyett
if (is_uploaded_file($HTTP_POST_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'])) {
copy($HTTP_POST_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'], "/a/feltoltott/file/uj/helye");
} else {
echo "Lehets�ges t�mad�s. F�jln�v: " . $HTTP_POST_FILES['userfile']['name'];
/* ...vagy... */
move_uploaded_file($HTTP_POST_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'], "/a/feltoltott/file/uj/helye");
?> |
A PHP program, ami megkapja a felt�lt�tt f�jlt, gondoskodik
arr�l is, hogy a k�v�nt m�veleteket elv�gezze a f�jlal.
P�ld�ul t�r�lheti a f�jlt, ha az t�l nagy, vagy
t�l kicsi, figyelembe v�ve a
v�ltoz�t, vagy meghat�rozhatja a
alapj�n, hogy ez a f�jl megfelel-e egy meghat�rozott
f�jlt�pusnak, �s ha nem, t�r�lheti. B�rmi is a c�l
a felt�lt�tt f�jlal, a PHP szkriptnek kell gondoskodnia
arr�l, hogy elmozgassa egy biztons�gos helyre, vagy
t�r�lje az ideiglenes k�nyvt�rb�l az adott f�jlt.
A f�jl t�rl�sre ker�l az ideiglenes k�nyvt�rb�l a k�r�s
v�grehajt�s�nak v�gezt�vel, ha nem mozgatod el, vagy
nem nevezed �t.
User Contributed Notes F�jlfelt�lt�s kezel�se |
[email protected]
05-Jan-2001 02:36 |
You'll usually access variables from forms
sent via POST method by just accessing the associated PHP global
However, if your POST data is not URI encoded (i.e.,
custom application that's not form-based) PHP won't parse the data into
nice variables for you. You will need to use $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA to
access the raw data directly. (This should return a copy of the data given
to the PHP process on STDIN; note that you wan't be able to open STDIN and
read it yourself because PHP already did so itself.)
[email protected]
26-Aug-2001 06:20 |
File uploading with 'safe mode' turned on is a real problem. (As is 'safe
mode' in its present incarnation, generally.) The temporary file is
rarely owned by the same userid who created the page. But PHP, having
just created this file, ought to know that and ought to handle it more
It seems to me that 'safe mode' could be more
well-defined, e.g. with a set of user-IDs that are allowed to create
pages, any one of whose IDs should be accepted.
Certainly 'safe
mode' should be aware of uploads. In its present form, uploading
essentially rules-out the use of safe mode completely. :-/
16-Jan-2002 07:09 |
This example is was a bit confusing for me... didn't get a file to upload
till I looked here.
[email protected]
30-Jan-2002 01:33 |
Some restrictive firewalls may not let file uploads happen via a form with
We were having problems
with an upload script hanging (not returning content) when a file was
uploaded through a remote office firewall. Removing the enctype parameter
of the form allowed the form submit to happen but then broke the file
upload capability. Everything but the file came through. Using a dial-in
or other Internet connection (bypassing the bad firewall) allowed
everything to function correctly.
So if your upload script does not
respond when uploading a file, it may be a firewall issue.
[email protected]
02-Feb-2002 12:02 |
There is one thing open.
I am using PHP 4.1.1 on Apache / Linux. The
upload procedure _requires_ that you have a line that sets the maximum
file size in your form:
<input type="hidden"
name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="100000">
in bytes)
[email protected]
12-Feb-2002 10:55 |
Well so far none of the suggestions mentioned here has worked for me. I am
currently using the following pieced together from all the different
comments and continue to get an "attack" error. The file I am
unloading is 4Bytes and I have the MAX-SIZE set to 100000. Here is the
<? print "$userfile = userfile "; print
"$userfile_name = userfile_name "; print
"$userfile_type = userfile_type "; print
"$userfile_size = userfile_size "; print "$tmp_name =
tmp_name ";
// In PHP 4.1.0 or later, $_FILES should be
used instead of $HTTP_POST_FILES. if
(is_uploaded_file($HTTP_POST_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'])) {
"f:\\place\\to\\file\\"); } else { echo "Possible
file upload attack: filename
'".$HTTP_POST_FILES['userfile']['name']."."; } /*
*/ move_uploaded_file($HTTP_POST_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'],
"f:\\place\\to\\file\\"); ?>
Here is the
result: = userfile test.txt = userfile_name text/plain =
userfile_type = userfile_size = tmp_name Possible file upload
attack: filename 'test.txt.
[email protected]
13-Feb-2002 05:11 |
i had many problems trying to do a multiple upload and insert into mysql, i
eventually cracked
$ary=array($pic_name[$key],$name[$key]); while(list($key) =
each($ary)) { $query="insert into images (pics,name) values
('$pics_name[$key]', '$name[$key]')"; $result =
$db->query($query); print
"".$query." ";
unset($pics_name[$key],$name[$key]); }
using pic[] and name[] in
the form
[email protected]
15-Feb-2002 02:52 |
There's a strange issue with file uploading and mime types, it seems it
depends of the browser..
With a file upload system, the above code
will show differents results :
echo "type :
".$HTTP_POST_FILES["image"]["type"]." name :
tmpname :
size : ".$HTTP_POST_FILES["image"]["size"]
where 'image' is an input (type='file') field.
On IE, it
gives : type : image/pjpeg name : apercuclip.jpg tmpname :
/tmp/phpwYQzWO size : 5182
Ok, normal, let's try another
Netscape6 it gives : type : image/jpeg name : apercuclip.jpg tmpname :
/tmp/php6jgmQR size : 5182
note that the mime type is now
image/jpeg and not image/pjpeg
On Opera6 : type : image/jpeg;
name=\"apercuclip.jpg\" name : apercuclip.jpg tmpname :
/tmp/php655KLf size : 5182
Still image/jpeg, but there's also a
"name" value ! weird result..
So be careful with that
while uploading file..
[email protected]
18-Feb-2002 05:55 |
part in the
<form ...> field is very important, if you forget it you won't get
the $userfile, $userfile_name, $userfile_size, $userfile_type veriables
set (correctly). So if you're adding a File Input Field in a form, don't
forget to add the above part (I did it and wondered why the vars were not
set correctly).
[email protected]
27-Feb-2002 02:13 |
Some browsers label the type differently. I found this out while trying to
restrict the file types that could be uploaded. I created a simple script
that will let the user upload a file, and then print_r() the $_FILES
variables. In Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0.26 on Windows XP, I got
this result:
Array ( [file] => Array (
[name] => command.com [type] =>
application/octet-stream [tmp_name] =>
C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\phpBE.tmp [size] => 50620
Uploading the same file with the same script in Opera
6.01 (again on Windows XP), I got this result:
Array (
[file] => Array ( [name] =>
command.com [type] => application/octet-stream;
name="command.com" [tmp_name] =>
C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\phpBF.tmp [size] => 50620
The tmp_name is obviously supposed to be different, but
notice how the name of the file was appened to type. My solution is
either (a) split() at the semicolon and use the first element of that
array, or (b), search the type for the allowed filetypes (via strstr()).
[email protected]
04-Mar-2002 08:05 |
When uploading very large files (greater than the default 8M) I found that
I had alter not only the "max_file_size" input and the php.ini
max_file_size limit, but ALSO the "post_max_size" variable in
the php.ini file.
Because I was submitting the file via a POST
request, it would hit this limit and deny the upload.
[email protected]
12-Mar-2002 05:50 |
I don't know if anybody else besides me will find this useful, but I just
wrote this bit to handle files that were uploaded to my server, but to not
allow them to overwrite an existing file with the same name. This will
append the number 1 to the end of the file name and if THAT file exists,
it will increment the number until it finds an unused one.
thing this wouldn't handle, is if you have periods in your directory name
for some reason. Replace "images/profile" with your directory
$glued_filename = "images/profile/" .
$_FILES['userfile']['name']; $i = 1; while
(file_exists($glued_filename)) { $separated_filename =
explode(".",$glued_filename); if
(substr($separated_filename[0],-1) == $i) {
$separated_filename[0] = substr($separated_filename[0], 0,
(strlen($separated_filename[0])-1)); $i++;
$separated_filename[0] = $separated_filename[0] .
"$i"; $glued_filename =
implode(".",$separated_filename); }
copy($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'], $glued_filename);
[email protected]_SPAN.com
15-Mar-2002 04:20 |
Your binary files may be uploaded incorrectly if you use modules what
recode characters. For example, for Russian Apache, you should use
<Files ScriptThatReceivesUploads.php> CharsetDisable
On </Files>
[email protected]
24-Mar-2002 08:14 |
If no file was uploaded, you would probably expect the $userfile variable
(or whatever its name is) to be empty. But it isn't. It contains the
string "none" instead.
I don't know if this is true for
all systems and configurations, but the fact that it *might* be the case
is reason enough *not* to use things like that in order to check whether a
file was uploaded:
// This is bad: if($userfile ==
"") echo "You did not upload any
Instead, you might want to check $userfile_size. But
note that this method makes no difference between NO and an EMPTY
// This is better: if(!$userfile_size) echo
"Either you did not upload any file, or you uploaded an empty
[email protected]
16-Apr-2002 10:50 |
Don't forget to allow file uploads by other users for the directory you use
as file-upload destination. Same thing for the temporary-file
Just CHMOD the directories to 777 and it should work,
granted the PHP code itself is working okay.
[email protected]
24-Apr-2002 11:27 |
in reply to: [email protected] 19-Apr-2002 07:46
restriction is when the folders on your server are read only for the
current user (public).
You must edit the properties of that
folder in some FTP program. Setting the properties to 777 should remove
this problem. Also typing error_reporting(7); in your code will
hide the error from the users.
[email protected]
25-Apr-2002 12:01 |
Just another way to handle multiple uploads:
<? function
upload($FVARS) { for($i=0;$i<count($FVARS[file][tmp_name]);$i++)
{ $size=$FVARS[file][size][$i]; // filesize
$type=$FVARS[file][type][$i]; // mime type
$name=$FVARS[file][name][$i]; // original name
$temp=$FVARS[file][tmp_name][$i]; // temporary name if($size) {
//whatever to do with uploaded files echo
"original name: $name<br />"; echo
"temporary name: $temp<br />"; echo "mime
type: $type<br />"; echo "size: $size<hr
/>"; } } }
upload($HTTP_POST_FILES); //
or $_FILES or whatever ?>
Using this function every <input
type="file" name="file[]"> will be handled.
[email protected]
02-May-2002 10:53 |
To check to see if a file was actually uploaded, it is safer to check the
value of ($_FILES["name"]["size"] > 0) than to
check (!empty($_FILES["name"]["tmp_name"])) beacuse
some versions of PHP will store 'none' in
$_FILES["name"]["tmp_name"] while others will leave it
empty in the case od a missing file.
[email protected]
04-May-2002 12:11 |
Just another way I found to keep an uploaded file from overwriting an
already exisiting one - I prefix each uploaded file with time() timestamp.
Something like: $unique_id = time();
Then when I give the new
name to move the file to, I use something
like: $unique_id."-".$filename
So I get a fairly
unique filename each time a file is uploaded. Obviously, if two files are
uploaded at once, both will have the same timestamp, but I don't worry too
much about that. Hope this might help someone.
CBWhiz@[email protected]
08-May-2002 11:06 |
Here is a fully functional File Upload Handler function. You simply pass it
the name that you typed on the form, the upload dir (and others if your
advanced,) and viola!
call like so: $OkExt = Array('php', 'htm',
'html') DoFileUpload('Userfile', 1024, './upload', '', $OkExt , '', '')
$ForceFilename is if you want to use this name instead of whats in
the $_FILES var.
$Overwriteok - set to anything but '' for
$ErrorFunction - set to the name of a function you defined, or
'' to use default.
Need help? ask again. Not that you may have
to fix word wrap...
---------------------------- function
DoFileUpload($InputFile, $MaxSize, $Path, $ErrorFunction, $ExtsOk,
$ForceFilename, $OverwriteOk) { //Copyright CBWhiz $ErrNo =
-1; $TempFile = $_FILES[$InputFile]['tmp_name']; $FileSize =
$_FILES[$InputFile]['size']; $FileName =
$_FILES[$InputFile]['name']; $FileType =
$_FILES[$InputFile]['type']; if (strlen($ForceFilename)) { $FileName =
$ForceFilename; }
if (!function_exists($ErrorFunction)) { if
(!function_exists('DoFileUploadDefErrorHandle')) { function
DoFileUploadDefErrorHandle($ErrorNumber, $ErrorText) { echo
"<center><font color=red><b>Error $ErrorNumber:
$ErrorText</b></font></center>"; } } $ErrorFunction
= 'DoFileUploadDefErrorHandle'; }
<<<HTML <hr>
width=35%> <table> <tr><td>Filename:</td><td>$FileName</td></tr> <tr><td>File
Size:</td><td>$FileSize</td></tr> <tr><td>Temporary
File:</td><td>$TempFile</td></tr> <tr><td>File
Type:</td><td>$FileType</td></tr> </table> <hr
width=35%> </center> HTML; if($TempFile == 'none' ||
$TempFile == '') { $ErrorTxt = "This File was
unspecified."; $ErrNo = 1; $ErrorFunction($ErrNo,
$ErrorTxt); return
$ErrNo; }
if(!is_uploaded_file($TempFile)) { $ErrorTxt =
"File Upload Attack, Filename:
\"$FileName\""; $ErrNo =
2; $ErrorFunction($ErrNo, $ErrorTxt); return $ErrNo; }
if($FileSize == 0)
{ $ErrorTxt = 'The file you attempted to upload is zero
length!'; $ErrNo = 3; $ErrorFunction($ErrNo,
$ErrorTxt); return $ErrNo; } //$FileSize == 0
$TheExt =
foreach ($ExtsOk as $CurNum => $CurText)
{ if ($TheExt == $CurText) { $FileExtOk = 1;
} }
if($FileExtOk != 1) { $ErrorTxt = 'You attempted to
upload a file with a disallowed extention!'; $ErrNo =
4; $ErrorFunction($ErrNo, $ErrorTxt); return
$ErrNo; }
if($FileSize > $MaxSize) { $ErrorTxt = 'The
file you attempted to upload exceeded the maximum file size of' .
($MaxSize / 1024) . 'kb.'; $ErrNo = 5; $ErrorFunction($ErrNo,
$ErrorTxt); return $ErrNo; } //if($FileSize >
if(file_exists($Path.$FileName) &&
!strlen($OverwriteOk)) { $ErrorTxt = 'The file you attempted to
upload already exists. Please specify a new filename.'; $ErrNo =
6; $ErrorFunction($ErrNo, $ErrorTxt); return
$ErrNo; }
//----------------------------------- //-------Actual
Uploading Here
move_uploaded_file ($TempFile,
chmod ($Path.$FileName, 0644); //Remove if your
webserver hates you :D
echo '<center>File Upload
Sucess!</center> '; return $ErrNo; } //function
DoFileUpload($InputFile, $MaxSize, $Path, $ErrorFunction, $ExtsOk,
$ForceFilename, $OverwriteOk)
function GetExt($Filename)
{ $RetVal = explode ( '.', $Filename); return
$RetVal[count($RetVal)-1]; }
[email protected]
12-May-2002 05:04 |
Guys here,I think u should take a look here: Array ( [attach] =>
Array ( [name] => An01_019.gif [type] => image/gif [tmp_name] =>
[error] => 2 [size] => 0 ) ) I use a file upload with
max_file_size,I found here is a error,what does it mean.
And I also
found this: If u file size is larger than the max_file_size error would
be 2,and if there is no file upload ,error would be 4, if the file
uploaded correctly,error is 0. But my Question is when it would be 3?
[email protected]
28-May-2002 07:41 |
Somebody asked for the error codes for the $_FILES error variable. I just
found them in the code...
#define UPLOAD_ERROR_A 1 /* Uploaded
file exceeded upload_max_filesize */ #define UPLOAD_ERROR_B 2 /*
Uploaded file exceeded MAX_FILE_SIZE */ #define UPLOAD_ERROR_C 3 /*
Only partiallly uploaded */ #define UPLOAD_ERROR_D 4 /* No file
uploaded */ #define UPLOAD_ERROR_E 5 /* Uploaded file size 0 bytes */
[email protected]
07-Jun-2002 01:39 |
To get the max upload filesize i use
echo get_max_upload();
get_max_upload() { if (!ini_get("file_uploads")) {
return FALSE; } $upload_max_filesize =
$post_max_size = get_real_size(ini_get("post_max_size")); //
User Contributed Notes - [email protected] $memory_limit =
round(get_real_size(ini_get("memory_limit")) / 2); //
User Contributed Notes - [email protected] if
($upload_max_filesize>$post_max_size) { $max =
$post_max_size; } else { $max = $upload_max_filesize;
} if
(($memory_limit!="")&&($memory_limit<$max)) { // i
had problems to get the "memory_limit" from the php.ini (this is
testing on winXP with apache) $max = $memory_limit; }
return $max; }
function get_real_size($size) { if
($size=="") { return 0; } $scan['MB'] = 1048576;
$scan['M'] = 1048576; $scan['KB'] = 1024; $scan['K'] =
1024; while (list($key) = each($scan)) { if
((strlen($size)>strlen($key))&&(substr($size, strlen($size) -
strlen($key))==$key)) { $size = substr($size, 0, strlen($size)
- strlen($key)) * $scan[$key]; break; } }
return $size; }
[email protected]
07-Jun-2002 07:39 |
It should be noted that there is a control for file uploads in PHP.INI
which must be on for any of this to work. In fact, my experience is that
if file uplods are turned off in php.ini, NONE of the fields in a
multipart/form-data form will be passed to PHP. This will be truw whether
or not a file is being uploaded.
[email protected]
08-Jun-2002 12:25 |
I was having problems with the returned upload array. The name, and type
were returned, but tmp_name was empty and size was set as 0.
removed the maxfilesize input type, and it worked perfectly again, all of
the elements of the array were present. Odd but true. Hope this helps
someone out.
12-Jun-2002 08:21 |
this is really wierd, wanted to let y'all know that I tried many upload
scripts could not make any work until I set "register_globals = on
". I was trying to avoid turning it on b/c of all the security
warnings but it was unavoidable. Im running win2k, apache 2.0.36 and
php 4.2.1. I used the recommended php.ini which already had
"file_uploads = on" and I set an"upload_tmp_dir". Now
...I could not install php as a module (dont ask me why Im happy its
working) I had to use the CGI binary,php.exe. could this be a
Bottom line I got my stuff working but if there is a
better way Im all ears.
[email protected]
18-Jun-2002 05:32 |
I had a strange Problem on a Debian System with PHP
$filename is $filename_name not the tempname on the
--- CUT ---
if ($filename==$filename_name):
$filename=$_FILES['filename']['tmp_name']; endif;
This bit of code helps to get the right tempfile as u
18-Jun-2002 09:40 |
Si trabajas en XP, es necesario colocar los slashes de esta
[email protected]
21-Jun-2002 05:30 |
One important point to note is that there is a upload parameter in the php
configuration file (i.e. php.ini). There is a section called "File
If large files would be uploaded to the server,
upload_max_filesize should be set to a large size. e.g. 10M
[email protected]
24-Jun-2002 07:24 |
I've pieced this together out of bits I've found elsewhere, but the info
belongs here.
If you're on a shared host that won't allow you to
modify the php.ini file and your max_upload_size is set low, you can
create an .htaccess file in the upload handler script directory that
php_value upload_max_filesize 8000000
(example set
for 8 megs)
As a nice side benefit, it will keep big uploads from
being erroneously listed as an upload attack via many of the scripts found
here ;)
[email protected]
29-Jun-2002 05:54 |
Always use move_uploaded_file() to have your uploaded file in a suitable
location, not copy() .
move_uploaded_file() is easier and more
And it will work in safe_mode and with an
It your customers complain about errors like
Warning: open_basedir restriction in effect. File is in wrong
directory in /users/sexydoo/www.bitchy-sex.com/html/inscription.php on
line 40
with scripts managing uploaded files, tell them to replace
copy() calls with move_uploaded_file() .
[email protected]
14-Jul-2002 05:53 |
Well, it could look so obvious, but I spent some hour asking to myself why
the hell the whole thing didn't work: when I sent POST with
ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data", I did find the file uploaded into
/tmp, but the post data were completely BLANK!! The matter was that the
php.ini file actually has a file_uploads directive, and in my Red Hat 7.3
distro it is Off by default.
[email protected]
19-Jul-2002 04:57 |
--HANDLING LARGE FILE UPLOADS and entering into a MySQL blob
Hope this helps someone as it was a bitch to fig out.
MySQL default buffer and packets are set small. here is a method to get
aroudn it.
$filehandle = fopen($addfile,
"r"); $filesize = filesize($addfile);
//now this is
bullshit, but have to read the file piece by piece and insert because the
mysql server is set up to only handle 1meg inserts (small buffer and
$buffer = addslashes(fread($filehandle,
906240)); $query = "Insert into files (file, filename, size,
userid ) values ('$filedata','$addfile_name',
'$filesize')"; $this->query($query); $id =
mysql_insert_id($this->link_id()); while (!feof
($filehandle)) { $buffer = addslashes(fread($filehandle,
906240)); $query = "UPDATE files SET file = concat('$buffer')
where id='$id'"; $this->query($query); } fclose
[email protected]
26-Jul-2002 05:27 |
If you have a script like this:
<? if
($_REQUEST["answered"] == "ok") { echo
"<pre>"; echo $_SERVER["SERVER_SOFTWARE"]
. "\n\n"; if
echo "It really is an Uploaded File!\n";
else echo "It is NOT\n"; echo "These are
the contents of the \$_FILES array :: \n";
print_r($_FILES); echo "</pre>"; } else
{ ?>
<form name="forma"
action="file_problem.php" method="post"
ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data"> <input
type="file" name="userfile"> <input
type="hidden" name="answered"
value="ok"> <input
type="submit"> </form>
This is the result when we run it in PHP 4.1.2 browsing a real file from
our disk:
Apache/1.3.24 (Unix) PHP/4.1.2
It really is an
Uploaded File! These are the contents of the $_FILES array ::
Array ( [userfile] => Array (
[name] => wtrs.audit [type] => text/plain
[tmp_name] => /var/tmp/phpTMaO4e [size] =>
30313 )
**** And this is the result in PHP
4.2.2 :
Apache/1.3.26 (Unix) PHP/4.2.2
It really is an
Uploaded File! These are the contents of the $_FILES array ::
Array ( [userfile] => Array (
[name] => wtrs.audit [type] => text/plain
[tmp_name] => /var/tmp/phpU6a4fK [error] => 0
[size] => 30313 )
Everything seems
to work fine, In fact in 4.2.2 we have a nice variable "error"
in the array to be sure that there was no error during the
If we select a 0 byte file from our disk or if
we simply write a bogus name in the userfile field before submiting the
form we have these VERY different results:
**** In PHP
Apache/1.3.24 (Unix) PHP/4.1.2
It is NOT These are
the contents of the $_FILES array :: Array ( [userfile]
=> Array ( [name] => sdfsdf
[type] => application/octet-stream [tmp_name] =>
none [size] => 0 )
... very
nice, we can use the "none" in the tmp_name to determine that
this is not a correct file and that we don't have to move it to our
directory maybe damaging an already stored file with that name.
In PHP 4.2.2 :
Apache/1.3.26 (Unix) PHP/4.2.2
It really is
an Uploaded File! These are the contents of the $_FILES array ::
Array ( [userfile] => Array (
[name] => sdfsdf [type] =>
application/octet-stream [tmp_name] =>
/var/tmp/phpNaaagK [error] => 0 [size]
=> 0 )
... this is bad because PHP assumes a
file was uploaded and creates a tmp_file in the server, also it doesn't
report an error in the "error" variable of the array, and of
course is_uploaded_file returns true.
Now we have no way to
determine if the uploaded file was really a file and we will finish coding
then we won't be able to upload 0 byte files (as we could in earlier
version of PHP).
Is this a bug? any ideas of working this arround?
Constructions like these won't work any more:
(!empty($userfile_name) && is_uploaded_file($userfile))
...assuming that
register_globals is on; or:
$userfile =
$_FILE["userfile"]["tmp_name"]; $userfile_name =
$_FILE["userfile"]["name"]; if ( $userfile !=
'none' && is_uploaded_file($userfile))
... if register_globals are
[email protected]
30-Jul-2002 11:11 |
In my opinion PHP 4.2.2 behaves correctly. It may be not as nice as before,
but cleaner. If the user sends an empty file you get an empty file. If the
user types a bogus file name it is the responsibility of the browser to
tell the user that the file cannot be found. I would not consider the
PHP 4.2.2 behaviour a bug, but the change in behaviour could be considered
a bug.
[email protected]
30-Jul-2002 04:15 |
after many attempts, i found this script from a previous posting above.
worked the first time without a hitch. good
// Complete working file upload example,
Win2KPro, Apache 1.3x, PHP 4.x
// Set this line in php.ini //
upload_tmp_dir =
handleupload() { if
(is_uploaded_file($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'])) { $realname
= $_FILES['userfile']['name']; print
"<b>$realname</b> was uploaded successfuly to the upload
directory"; print
""; copy($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'], "/Library/WebServer/yourURL.com/upload_directory/".$realname); }
else { echo "Possible file upload attack:
filename ".$_FILES['userfile']['name']."."; } }
($act == "upload")
{ handleupload(); }
ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" method="POST"
action="ultest.php?act=upload"> File:<INPUT
TYPE="FILE" NAME="userfile"
SIZE="35"> <input type="hidden"
name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="1000000"> <input
type="submit" value="Upload"
name="B1"> Please click only <b>once</b> and
wait for confirmation </form> <a href=ultest.php>clear
form</a> </body></html>
[email protected]
07-Aug-2002 05:13 |
PHP 4.2.2 in CGI mode ; Xitami Web Server 2.4d9 ; Opera 6.04. When i
upload a Binary file, i always have something like this
: Name="1234.xls" type="" tmp_name=""
(<-- strange here ) error=2 size=0
if and only if i have
the MAX_FILE_SIZE value in the form.
If i remove the MAX_FILE_SIZE
hidden html object of the form, everything works fine.
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