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Last updated: Fri, 30 Aug 2002
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LXXXIV. Pspell Functions


These functions allow you to check the spelling of a word and offer suggestions.


To compile PHP with pspell support, you need the aspell and pspell libraries, available from and respectively.


If you have the libraries needed add the --with-pspell[=dir] option when compiling PHP.

Fut�sidej� be�ll�t�sok

Ez a kiterjeszt�s semmilyen konfigur�ci�s be�ll�t�sokat nem defini�l.

Er�forr�s t�pusok

Ez a kiterjeszt�s semmilyen er�forr�s t�pust nem defini�l.

El�re defini�lt �lland�k

Az itt list�zott �lland�kat ez a kiterjeszt�s defini�lja, �s csak akkor el�rhet�ek, ha az adott kiterjeszt�s be van ford�tva a PHP-be, vagy dinamikusan bet�lt�tt.

PSPELL_FAST (integer)




pspell_add_to_personal -- Add the word to a personal wordlist
pspell_add_to_session -- Add the word to the wordlist in the current session
pspell_check -- Check a word
pspell_clear_session -- Clear the current session
pspell_config_create -- Create a config used to open a dictionary
pspell_config_ignore -- Ignore words less than N characters long
pspell_config_mode -- Change the mode number of suggestions returned
pspell_config_personal -- Set a file that contains personal wordlist
pspell_config_repl -- Set a file that contains replacement pairs
pspell_config_runtogether -- Consider run-together words as valid compounds
pspell_config_save_repl -- Determine whether to save a replacement pairs list along with the wordlist
pspell_new_config -- Load a new dictionary with settings based on a given config
pspell_new_personal -- Load a new dictionary with personal wordlist
pspell_new -- Load a new dictionary
pspell_save_wordlist -- Save the personal wordlist to a file
pspell_store_replacement -- Store a replacement pair for a word
pspell_suggest -- Suggest spellings of a word
User Contributed Notes
Pspell Functions
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[email protected]
12-Dec-2001 11:16

If you can't get ASPELL, PSPELL and PHP configured properly (like errors in the make of PHP) then the author of ASPELL has broken source backward compatibility.

The best remedy is to grab an older version of ASPELL and PSPELL.


[email protected]
21-Jun-2002 12:00

I origonally compiled Pspell/Aspell/Php and got the �Unable to load �aspell� module.� error. Here is what I did to get a fully working pspell.

RedHat 7.2 (installed without pspell/aspell)
php4.2.1 (DSO), pspell .12.2, aspell .33.7.1, Apache 1.3.24 (mod_ssl)

cd aspell
# I did not specify a prefix
make install

cd pspell
# I did not specify a prefix
cd modules
cd ..
make install
# For ldconfig /usr/local/lib was not in it�s path, so I had to edit /etc/ and add: /usr/local/lib
ldconfig -v
cd ..

cd php
./configure --with-pspell=/usr/local \
--other config options etc
make install

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Last updated: Fri, 30 Aug 2002
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