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Last updated: Tue, 21 Dec 2004

第 54章Returning Values

Returning values from your functions to PHP was described briefly in an earlier section; this section gives the details. Return values are passed via the return_value variable, which is passed to your functions as argument. The return_value argument consists of a zval container (see the earlier discussion of the call interface) that you can freely modify. The container itself is already allocated, so you don't have to run MAKE_STD_ZVAL on it. Instead, you can access its members directly.

To make returning values from functions easier and to prevent hassles with accessing the internal structures of the zval container, a set of predefined macros is available (as usual). These macros automatically set the correspondent type and value, as described in 表54-1 and 表54-2.

注意: The macros in 表54-1 automatically return from your function, those in 表54-2 only set the return value; they don't return from your function.

表 54-1. Predefined Macros for Returning Values from a Function

RETURN_RESOURCE(resource)Returns a resource.
RETURN_BOOL(bool)Returns a Boolean.
RETURN_NULL()Returns nothing (a NULL value).
RETURN_LONG(long)Returns a long.
RETURN_DOUBLE(double)Returns a double.
RETURN_STRING(string, duplicate) Returns a string. The duplicate flag indicates whether the string should be duplicated using estrdup().
RETURN_STRINGL(string, length, duplicate) Returns a string of the specified length; otherwise, behaves like RETURN_STRING. This macro is faster and binary-safe, however.
RETURN_EMPTY_STRING()Returns an empty string.
RETURN_FALSEReturns Boolean false.
RETURN_TRUEReturns Boolean true.

表 54-2. Predefined Macros for Setting the Return Value of a Function

RETVAL_RESOURCE(resource)Sets the return value to the specified resource.
RETVAL_BOOL(bool)Sets the return value to the specified Boolean value.
RETVAL_NULLSets the return value to NULL.
RETVAL_LONG(long) Sets the return value to the specified long.
RETVAL_DOUBLE(double) Sets the return value to the specified double.
RETVAL_STRING(string, duplicate) Sets the return value to the specified string and duplicates it to Zend internal memory if desired (see also RETURN_STRING).
RETVAL_STRINGL(string, length, duplicate) Sets the return value to the specified string and forces the length to become length (see also RETVAL_STRING). This macro is faster and binary-safe, and should be used whenever the string length is known.
RETVAL_EMPTY_STRING Sets the return value to an empty string.
RETVAL_FALSE Sets the return value to Boolean false.
RETVAL_TRUE Sets the return value to Boolean true.

Complex types such as arrays and objects can be returned by using array_init() and object_init(), as well as the corresponding hash functions on return_value. Since these types cannot be constructed of trivial information, there are no predefined macros for them.

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Returning Values
07-Apr-2004 09:51
Remember that even if RETURN_* macros sets the return_value to return variable to user, they also RETURN FROM YOU CODE by a "return ;", any code after these macro will be ignored.

If you want to place code after a return of variable (which is not a good idea for code readability), you'll have to use RETVAL_* macro instead.
07-Apr-2004 09:44
Just an example of the way of the way of returning array :

** Creates a array of on element (a long of value 42)
  zval *my_long;

  // Declaring and allocating return_value to be an array

  //Creates and assign the long element at (long)42
  ZVAL_LONG(new_element, 42);

  //Make this our $array[0] I do not use add_index_long to
  //to show a "by-hand" assignation
  zend_hash_index_update(HASH_OF(return_value), 0, (void *)&my_long, sizeof(zval *), NULL);

  //Returns nothing to satisfy the void prototype
  return ;


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 Last updated: Tue, 21 Dec 2004
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