장 4. ConfigurationThe configuration file
The configuration file (called php3.ini in
PHP 3.0, and simply php.ini as of PHP 4.0)
is read when PHP starts up. For the server module versions of PHP,
this happens only once when the web server is started. For the
CGI and CLI version, it happens on
every invocation.
The default location of php.ini is a compile time option (see the FAQ entry), but can be changed
for the CGI and CLI version with the
-c command line switch, see the chapter about using
PHP from the command line. You can also use the
environment variable PHPRC for an additional path to
search for a php.ini file.
Not every PHP directive is documented below. For a list of all directives,
please read your well commented php.ini file. You may want to view the
latest from CVS.
The default value for the PHP directive
register_globals changed from
on to off in PHP
예 4-1. php.ini example ; any text on a line after an unquoted semicolon (;) is ignored
[php] ; section markers (text within square brackets) are also ignored
; Boolean values can be set to either:
; true, on, yes
; or false, off, no, none
register_globals = off
magic_quotes_gpc = yes
; you can enclose strings in double-quotes
include_path = ".:/usr/local/lib/php"
; backslashes are treated the same as any other character
include_path = ".;c:\php\lib" |
User Contributed Notes Configuration |
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spambucketremovethis at usa dot net
11-Feb-2001 07:40 |
Finally figured this out: if you are using server side includes (SSI) with
Apache, and have added a line
AddHandler server-parsed
in your httpd.conf file so that .html files can use SSI,
this setting will prevent
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
from working (.php will work, but .html won't). From what
I've figured out so far, you need to dump SSI support for .html files if
you want to get PHP to work with .html files. No loss since PHP
duplicates the functionality, I think. (Of course be aware that enabling
PHP parsing of .html files will make performance suffer somewhat,
especially if most of your files do not need PHP.)
Another thing
I've learned is that even with all this talk of the php.ini files, they
are not even required unless you need to make adjustments. If there is no
php.ini file, the defaults will be used.
michael at dynamine dot net dot remove dot this
29-Nov-2001 05:08 |
If you want to specify the location of your php.ini file at runtime, set
the environment variable PHPRC equal to the directory in which php.ini is
located. Note that the filename php.ini cannot be changed; just the
directory in which it's stored.
chris-php at bolt dot cx
16-May-2002 04:35 |
Unlike Apache logs, the error_log is opened after the server is started, so
it must have the permissions the server runs as (usually nobody)
php dot net at odi dot ch
14-Jun-2002 10:17 |
[[[Editors note:
magic_quotes_gpc being on does save a lot of support
questions. Everyone is free to read the documentation (php.ini and manual)
and plan accordingly. In fact, PHP comes with two php.ini files, one is
called php.ini-recommended and it has magic_quotes_gpc off. See also:
stripslashes(), get_magic_quotes_gpc(), and
Beware, magic_quotes_gpc is evil
The option may look very tempting at the first glance. However
there are some caveats:
1. Most parameters do not go to a
In a web application most form field are used internally
without the need to store them in a database. Magic quotes cause troubles
in these cases.
Moreover the data passed to the application is not the
data entered by the user if it was processed by magic quotes. This is
2. Impedes code reuse.
If you feed data from
either form parameters or internal data sources into the same function
then your function must know if the data was processed by magic quotes or
3. Bad surprises at deployment time and code
If you do not carefully check if this parameter is set on
your development and production system you can run into troubles.
Especially if you can not change the settings on one system (because the
hoster does not let you).
4. Behaviour can not be controlled at
script runtime.
The ini_set does not help in this case even though the
parameter can be modified at runtime the behaviour does not change.
Consequently you are bound to the php.ini settings (which may be not under
your control).
I therefore request that this option be removed
from future versions of PHP and the default behaviour should be FALSE.
netdelay at linuxbr dot com dot br
07-Aug-2002 08:32 |
You can configure this values for independent VirtualHosts. Just put at
your httpd.conf <VirtualHost> section the flag php_admin_value
<variable_name> <value>
<VirtualHost> DocumentRoot /path/to/file ServerName
your.website.name php_admin_value auto_prepend_file
/path/to/file/lib/config.inc.php </VirtualHost>
And now
the file config.inc.php will be automatically loaded before the main file,
but only for this Virtual Host
13-Aug-2002 12:38 |
Should be trivial but was not so trivial for me :) error_log =
filename error_log =/path/filename
Make sure php user (usually
nobody) have privileges to write to filename or /path/filename. Or you
will get nor error logged.
dangNOSPAM at planetmirror dot NOSPAM dot com
26-Mar-2003 05:29 |
Okay this one took a while. I was having issues changing the
default upload_max_filesize value.
phpinfo(); told me where my
php.ini file was. So I looked there and ... no such file.
so I
created one, and set post_max_size and upload_max_filesize.
restarted apache, and ... no luck.
So the solution, I found, was to
specify these things in the httpd.conf file for Apache, as
php_value upload_max_filesize 10000000 php_value
post_max_size 10000000
Hope this helps others in the same
Shurik dot from OZ
01-May-2003 02:19 |
Users of Linux who installed PHP binaries for Linux may not have MySQL
libraries support by default. This causes errors when calling mysql
standard functions from your php code. To enable MySQL support in Linux
go to your RPM (e.g. in KDE Configuration->Packaging->install
software) and then look for the "php-mysql-x.x.x.x" package
(e.g. search all packages on 'mysql'). Install missing package - the
problem solved!
allen AT brooker DOT G(ee)B(ee) DOT net
08-May-2003 11:37 |
In reference to the post by php dot net at odi dot ch
magic_quotes is slightly evil, but we have to live with it, and to be
honest its not a problem, I now have a file which runs these sorts of
chekcs thats included at the beginning of the script. My code for magic
quotes looks like this:
// 'Turn off' magic_quotes_gpc if
(get_magic_quotes_gpc ()) { foreach ($_POST as $key => $value)
{ $_POST[$key] = stripslashes ($value); }
foreach ($_GET as $key => $value) { $_GET[$key] =
stripslashes ($value); }
foreach ($_COOKIE as $key =>
$value) { $_COOKIE[$key] = stripslashes ($value); }
So saying that the behavious cannot be modified at runtime is
actually incorrect.
I'm even creating a new template database
script which allows me to easily work around the more evil
magic_quotes_runtime by writing my own database routines (the script is in
fact designed for small databases and can be run either using flatfiles or
It would make my life way easier if they removed safe mode
from PHP, but it isn't going to happen. Live with it and love it
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