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<PUT methode ondersteuningConnection handling>
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Last updated: Tue, 22 Apr 2003

Hoofdstuk 19. Het gebruik van remote bestanden

Zo lang de ondersteuning voor "URL fopen wrapper" actief is wanneer je PHP configureert (is standaard actief tenzij je expliciet de --disable-url-fopen-wrapper optie gebruikt (voor versies tot en met 4.0.3) of allow_url_fopen zet to "off" (voor nieuwere versies) kun je HTTP en FTP urls gebruiken met de meeste functies die standaard gezien een bestandsnaam als argument vereisen, dit werkt ook met de require() en include() functies.

Opmerking: Op het Windows platform kun je geen remote bestanden gebruiken als argument in de include() en require() functies.

Je kunt dit bijvoorbeeld gebruiken om een bestand te openen op een andere webserver, de output verwerken om de data te krijgen die jij wilt hebben en vervolgens deze data in een database query gebruiken of om simpel weg deze data weer te geven in je eigen website-stijl.

Voorbeeld 19-1. De titel van een remote pagina op halen.

$bestand = fopen ("", "r");
if (!$bestand) {
    echo "<p>Kon remote bestand niet open.\n";
while (!feof ($bestand)) {
    $regel = fgets ($bestand, 1024);
    /* dit werkt alleen als de titel en <title> en </title> op 1 regel staan */
    if (eregi ("<title>(.*)</title>", $regel, $matches)) {
        $titel = $matches[1];

Je kunt ook naar bestanden schrijven op een FTP server als je teminste de juiste rechten hebt voor deze operatie en zolang het bestand nog niet bestaat op de FTP server. Om in te loggen als een user anders dan 'anonymous' moet je je gebruikersnaam en mogelijk je paswoord opgeven in de URL, dit gaat op deze manier: 'ftp://gebruikersnaam:[email protected]/pad/naar/bestand' Op deze manier kan je ook over HTTP toegang krijgen tot bestanden die 'Basic Authentication' vereisen.

Voorbeeld 19-2. Data opslaan op een andere server

$bestand = fopen ("", "w");
if (!$bestand) {
    echo "<p>Kon remote bestand niet openen om naar te schrijven\n</p>";
/* Schrijf data weg */
fputs ($bestand, "$HTTP_USER_AGENT\n");
fclose ($bestand);

Opmerking: Je kunt het idee krijgen om deze techniek te gebruiken om te schrijven naar een log op een andere server, maar zoals eerder gezegd kan je alleen schrijven naar bestanden die nog niet bestaan. Om 'distributed logging' mogelijk te maken zou je moeten kijken naar syslog().

User Contributed Notes
Het gebruik van remote bestanden
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greg at b-sphere dot com
25-Apr-2000 09:21

To use images and links in an included or required web page on a remote server, the calls in the remote files probably must use a fully qualified URL (). Don't know how universal this is, but it's been the case with several servers so far, and no exceptions found. Since the URLs on the remote page are probably using relative addressing, some added coordination is probably called for in most collaboration projects, where one site is serving content to be required or included on other sites.
25-Feb-2002 02:42

Be careful when you use something like index.php?showpage=news.php and include() that $showpage file.
If a malicious user would call your script as index.php?showpage= it would include that script and run it in *your* script's scope. That means it can read all files and variables your webserver has access to!
Use file_exists() (which only works on local files) or check for 'tp:' in the filename prior to inclusion.

jt at gno dot de
27-Feb-2002 12:24

Greg: I had your problem, too, and I simply solved it by defining a <base href> tag in the script's HTML header. This points all relative links and image sources of the included page to the defined URL.
E.g. you run your script on and you include a site from then you would define <base href=">

Of course you have to make your own references in the script global!

christer at frostmo dot com
04-Apr-2002 03:21

The easiest solution to this security risk is, in my oppinion, to add a host string in front of the url specified in the url adress.





yup =) It's impossible to include() an page from another server.


Christer Frostmo

toby at butzon dot com
19-Apr-2002 12:15

It's important to understand that remote files included/required into your script are NOT run on your server (as previous posts have suggested).

Think about it this way: When I do this:

<?php include('); ?>

..I'm actually asking PHP to make a separate HTTP request (just as your Web browser would) to So, point your browser to that location. Do you see any PHP code? No. You will only see HTML/text content.

(On the off chance that .php wasn't associated with the PHP module/binary, the code would only be displayed. Thus, you would have to TRY to make a dangerous include scenario -- such as eval()'ing a remoted included file specified by the user.)

Therefore, although this code may be vulnerable to an "untrustworthy information" attack (where the information displayed by your Web site isn't actually information you endorse, even though the information is ultimately transferred from your Web server), you are NOT vulnerable to malicious access to your Web server resources, even if visitors can specify any remote server/file that they please.

klaus at netlibrary dot de
02-May-2002 04:08

In my experience, I cannot agree with Toby. Scripts can indeed be run through remotely included files. All that needs to be done is put the PHP script into an HTML or other file that is not parsed by the remote server.

This theoretically enables a malicious scripter to attack using a series of steps. For example, a simple .htm file with the content

echo phpinfo();

will give quite a bit of information about the local system and possibly will give enough information to wreak havoc in the server's file system. If you would like to try this out, create an 'includetest.php' in a protected directory on your server with the content

include $inc;

Pass the file to be included as 'includetest.php?inc=
The page is on one of my less used servers and can be accessed with any browser to show that it is simply the phpinfo() command I described above.

I have tested this on 3 servers, all running PHP < 4.2.0, and unless this was fixed in the latest release, it still works.

php at jerde dot net
06-May-2002 09:22

You must be VERY careful if you allow a variable to control the URL of an include()ed file.

A previous poster suggested:

This, however, won't work in all cases. For example, set the variable to "@www.evil-site.dom/evil-code.phps"

Your carefully constructed pre-URL is now sent merely as a username to the attacker's web site.

Stripping out "@" and ":" would be a good idea, and THEN you'd probably be safe.

- Peter Jerde
Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

joachim_php dot net at schirrmachers dot de
05-Jul-2002 03:19

It seems that it isn't possible to replace the standard browser signature sent in an fopen(') call with another value, i.e. the current value of $HTTP_USER_AGENT
elfyn at exposure dot org dot uk
18-Aug-2002 04:48

What toby said is pretty on the line. Same with klaus. But if your going to do something that silly like allowing a third-party to include files into your php script you should atleast 1) re the file contents to see if it contains php tags or 2) use a function in 'String functions' strip_tags to remove any php, although if you use this with the default settings it would remove html.
vlad at vkelman dot com
09-Nov-2002 08:37

There is a good news for klaus at netlibrary dot de and others: PHP 4.2.3. DOES block include('some_html_file'). It doesn't matter if this file has actual PHP inside or not: include() doesn't work. You can use fopen() or readfile(), but this means, the content won't be executed and therefore no more vulnerability exists.
ohlesbeauxjours at yahoo dot fr
03-Dec-2002 03:43

In reply to Vlad who mentionned a problem with PHP version 4.2.3 :
require "
... worked fine for me.
But note that I had to ask my web host supplier to configure its proxy server so that the IP for "" can be accepted for http requests.
Otherwise, if you don't desactivate that security mechanism on the web server, you won't see any warning or error messages when you execute your script, but only a "blocked" page, stopped at the instruction "require(")"

buht at mail dot ru
10-Dec-2002 10:16

I`ve read all that You say and try to do next two simple files.
First file make include throught Web:

Second File (test.php) make output as html, but result is the new php script:
echo "<?\$ip=getenv('REMOTE_HOST');echo \"IP=\$ip;\";?>";

That work perfectly without searching of server that does not support of php scripts but allow to store php files on it. Extention is also not important.
So that is more secure to reject using of including through Web.
But know somebody any other possibility to include a document as it from another URL using php?

robro at compsoc dot nuigalway dot ie dot nospam
14-Jan-2003 01:37

The easiest way I'd see around the security hold mentioned above would be to turn off allow_url_fopen, using ini_set.

If that is not acceptable you can simply str_replace out the :// part that seperates the protocol from the address.

include( str_replace("://", "", $whatever) );

should do the trick.

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<PUT methode ondersteuningConnection handling>
 Last updated: Tue, 22 Apr 2003
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