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Last updated: Thu, 15 Jul 2004

LXVII. MySQL funkce


Tyto funkce zprost�edkov�vaj� p��stup na MySQL datab�zov� server. V�ce informac� o MySQL lze nal�zt na .

Dokumentace k MySQL je dostupn� na .


Aby byly tyto funkce dostupn�, mus� b�t PHP zkompilov�no s podporou MySQL.


Pou�it�m konfigura�n� volby --with-mysql[=DIR] povol�te PHP p�istupovat k MySQL datab�z�m.

V PHP 4 je volba --with-mysql ve v�choz�m nastaven� povolena. Pro zak�z�n� MySQL m��ete pou��t volbu --without-mysql. Pokud v PHP 4 povol�te MySQL bez zad�n� cesty k MySQL, PHP pou�ije p�ibalen� klientsk� knihovny MySQL. Pod Windows nen� pot�eba ��dn� DLL, je p��mo obsa�eno v PHP 4. U�ivatel�, kte�� pou��vaj� jin� aplikace, kter� pou��vaj� MySQL (nap��klad auth-mysql) by nem�li pou��t p�ibalen� knihovny, ale m�li by rad�ji ur�it cestu k instala�n�mu adres��i MySQL, nap�.: --with-mysql=/path/to/mysql. To p�inut� PHP pou��vat klientsk� knihovny instalovan� MySQL, ��m� se vyhnete p��padn�m konflikt�m.

V PHP 5 nen� ve v�choz�m nastaven� MySQL nad�le zapnuto ani nejsou k dispozici p�ibalen� knihovny MySQL. P�e�t�te si tuto FAQ s vysv�tlen�m d�vod�.

Toto MySQL roz���en� nebude pracovat s MySQL verzemi v�t��mi ne� 4.1.0. Pro tyto verze pou�ijte MySQLi.


Pad�n� a probl�my p�i startu PHP mohou nastat, pokud nahr�v�te toto roz���en� spolu s roz���en�m recode. Viz roz���en� recode pro bli��� informace.

Pozn�mka: Pokud pot�ebujete k�dov� str�nky jin� ne� latin (v�choz�), mus�te nainstalovat extern� (ne p�ibalenou) knihovnu se zakompilovanou podporou k�dov�ch str�nek.

Konfigurace b�hu

Chov�n� t�chto funkc� je ovlivn�no nastaven�m parametr� v php.ini.

Tabulka 1. Mo�nosti nastaven� MySQL

Podrobn� popis a definice konstant PHP_INI_* naleznete v ini_set().

Zde je stru�n� vysv�tlen� konfigura�n�ch direktiv.

mysql.allow_persistent boolean

M�-li b�t povoleno persistentn� (trval�) spojen� s MySQL.

mysql.max_persistent integer

Maxim�ln� po�et persistentn�ch spojen� na jeden proces.

mysql.max_links integer

Maxim�ln� po�et spojen� s MySQL na jeden proces v�etn� persistentn�ch spojen�.

mysql.default_port string

��slo v�choz�ho TCP portu pro spojen� s datab�zov�m serverem, pokud nen� port zad�n. Nen�-li v�choz� port zad�n, pou�ije se port uveden� v prom�nn� prost�ed� MYSQL_TCP_PORT, z�znam mysql-tcp v /etc/services nebo "compile-time" konstanta MYSQL_PORT, v tomto po�ad�. Win32 pou��v� pouze konstantu MYSQL_PORT.

mysql.default_socket string

V�choz� jm�no socketu pro p�ipojen� k lok�ln�mu datab�zov�mu serveru, nen�-li jin� socket specifikov�n.

mysql.default_host string

V�choz� server pro spojen� s datab�zov�m serverem, nen�-li uveden jin�. Nelze pou��t p�i bezpe�n�m re�imu (safe mode).

mysql.default_user string

V�choz� u�ivatel pro spojen� s datab�zov�m serverem, nen�-li uveden jin� u�ivatel. Nelze pou��t p�i bezpe�n�m re�imu (safe mode).

mysql.default_password string

V�choz� heslo pro spojen� s datab�zov�m serverem, nen�-li uvedeno jin� heslo. Nelze pou��t p�i bezpe�n�m re�imu (safe mode).

mysql.connect_timeout integer

Timeout p�ipojen� v sekund�ch. Na Linuxu je tento timeout pou�it tak� pro �ek�n� na prvn� odpov�� serveru.

Typy prost�edk�

V MySQL modulu jsou pou�ity dva typy zdroj�. Prvn� je identifik�tor spojen� pro p�ipojen� k datab�zi a druh� uchov�v� v�sledek dotazu.

P�eddefinovan� konstanty

Tyto konstanty jsou definov�ny t�mto roz���en�m a budou k dispozici pouze tehdy, bylo-li roz���en� zkompilov�no spole�n� s PHP nebo dynamicky zavedeno za b�hu.

Od PHP 4.3.0 je mo�n� nastavit klienta dopl�uj�c�mi parametry pro funkce mysql_connect() a mysql_pconnect() Jsou definov�ny n�sleduj�c� konstanty:

Tabulka 2. MySQL klientsk� konstanty

MYSQL_CLIENT_COMPRESSPou�ije kompresn� protokol
MYSQL_CLIENT_IGNORE_SPACEPovol� mezeru za n�zvy funkc�
MYSQL_CLIENT_INTERACTIVEPovol� interactive_timeout sekundy (nam�sto wait_timeout) neaktivity p�ed uzav�en�m spojen�.

Funkce mysql_fetch_array() pou��v� konstanty pro r�zn� typy v�sledkov�ch pol�. Jsou definov�ny n�sleduj�c� konstanty:

Tabulka 3. MySQL fetch konstanty

MYSQL_ASSOC Sloupce jsou vraceny do pole jeho� kl��emi jsou n�zvy sloupc�.
MYSQL_BOTH Sloupce jsou vr�ceny do pole maj�c�ho ��slen� i textov� kl��e, ur�uj�c� po�ad� sloupce v tabulce, respektive jeho jm�no.
MYSQL_NUM Vrac� sloupec do pole s ��seln�mi kl��i reprezentuj�c�mi po�ad� sloupce v tabulce. Prvn� sloupec tabulky za��n� kl��em 0.


Tento jednoduch� p��klad ukazuje jak se p�ipojit, prov�st dotaz, zobrazit v�sledn� ��dky a odpojit se z MySQL datab�ze.

P��klad 1. Uk�zkov� p��klad pou�it� MySQL

/* P�ipojen�, v�b�r datab�ze */
$link = mysql_connect("mysql_host", "mysql_user", "mysql_password")
       or die(
"Nelze se p�ipojit: " . mysql_error());
"P�ipojeno �sp�n�";
mysql_select_db("my_database") or die("Nelze vybrat datab�zi");

/* P��prava SQL dotazu */
$query = "SELECT * FROM my_table";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die("Dotaz nelze prov�st: " . mysql_error());

/* Zobrazen� v�sledku v HTML */
print "<table>\n";
   while (
$line = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
       foreach (
$line as $col_value) {

/* Uvolnit v�sledek */

/* Odpojen� od datab�ze */

mysql_affected_rows -- Vr�t� po�et ovlivn�n�ch (zm�n�n�ch) z�znam� v MySQL po posledn�m dotazu
mysql_change_user --  Zm�n� p�ihl�en�ho u�ivatele v sou�asn�m spojen�
mysql_client_encoding -- Vr�t� n�zev znakov� sady
mysql_close -- Ukon�� (zav�e) MySQL spojen�
mysql_connect -- Vytvo�� spojen� s MySQL Serverem
mysql_create_db -- Vytvo�� MySQL datab�zi
mysql_data_seek -- P�esune ukazatel na aktu�ln� z�znam
mysql_db_name -- Vr�t� seznam v�ech datab�z�
mysql_db_query -- Po�le MySQL dotaz
mysql_drop_db -- Vyma�e (odstran�) MySQL datab�zi
mysql_errno --  Vr�t� ��slenou hodnotu chybov� hl�ky p�edchoz�ho MySQL p��kazu.
mysql_error --  Vr�t� text chybov� zpr�vy p�edchoz�ho MySQL p��kazu.
mysql_escape_string --  Uprav� �et�zec pro bezpe�n� pou�it� v mysql_query.
mysql_fetch_array --  Na�te v�sledn� ��dek do asociativn�ho, ��slen�ho pole nebo oboj�ho.
mysql_fetch_assoc --  Na�te v�sledn� ��dek do asociativn�ho pole
mysql_fetch_field --  Na�te informace o sloupci z v�sledku do prom�nn� objektu
mysql_fetch_lengths --  Zjist� d�lku v�ech polo�ek aktu�ln�ho v�stupu
mysql_fetch_object --  Na�te v�sledn� z�znam do prom�nn� objektu
mysql_fetch_row -- Na�te v�sledn� z�znam do pole
mysql_field_flags --  Na�te p��znaky sloupce tabulky
mysql_field_len --  Vrac� d�lku sloupce tabulky
mysql_field_name --  Na�te n�zev sloupce tabulky
mysql_field_seek --  Nastav� ukazatel na zadan� sloupec
mysql_field_table --  Zjist� jm�no tabulky, v n� se nach�z� uveden� sloupec
mysql_field_type --  Vrac� typ specifikovan�ho sloupce.
mysql_free_result -- Uvoln� v�sledek z pam�ti
mysql_get_client_info -- Na�te verzi klientsk� knihovny MySQL
mysql_get_host_info -- Na�te informaci o hostu
mysql_get_proto_info -- Na�te informaci o protokolu MySQL
mysql_get_server_info -- Na�te informace o serveru MySQL
mysql_info --  Vrac� informace o posledn�m dotazu
mysql_insert_id --  Vrac� generovanou hodnotu id posledn�ho p��kazu INSERT
mysql_list_dbs --  Na�te v�echny dostupn� datab�ze na MySQL serveru
mysql_list_fields -- Na�te v�sledek s obsahem sloupce
mysql_list_processes -- List MySQL processes
mysql_list_tables -- Na�te v�echny tabulky v MySQL datab�zi
mysql_num_fields -- Vrac� po�et sloupc� ve v�sledku
mysql_num_rows -- Vrac� po�et z�znam� ve v�sledku
mysql_pconnect --  Otev�e persistentn� spojen� s MySQL serverem
mysql_ping -- Ov��� spojen� se serverem, p��padn�, nen�-li spojen� dostupn�, pokus� se p�ipojit znovu.
mysql_query -- Po�le MySQL dotaz
mysql_real_escape_string --  Uprav� �et�zec pro bezpe�n� pou�it� v mysql_query.
mysql_result -- Na�te obsah jednoho sloupce tabulky
mysql_select_db -- Nastav� MySQL datab�zi
mysql_stat -- Vrac� aktu�ln� stav syst�mu
mysql_tablename -- Na�te jm�no tabulky
mysql_thread_id -- Vrac� id aktu�ln�ho vl�kna
mysql_unbuffered_query --  Po�le SQL dotaz bez na�ten� a bufferov�n� v�sledn�ch z�znam�

add a note add a note User Contributed Notes
MySQL funkce
22-Oct-2004 02:04
Having trouble loading extensions under windows? Seems as though php.ini is not being read at all?

Maybe the php5 installer has written a PHPIniDir directive in your httpd.conf telling php to look for php.ini in c:\php\
nleippe at integr8ted dot com
12-Oct-2004 10:22
trace_mode breaks SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS.
This is because it emits an EXPLAIN <query> before sending the <query> by itself, thus the subsequent SELECT FOUND_ROWS() is no longer the next consecutive query, and the result is zero.
This was true for me for at least MySQL 4.0.21 and 4.1.5gamma.
(PHP 4.3.9)
Melvin Nava: e-4(at)
13-Sep-2004 07:02
To count page hits, just put next code in a text file and include it in every one of your pages. It will log even different querystrings as different pages. (a MySQL database and table is needed first)

This can be a pretty good example of what you can do with PHP and MySQL. I made this script to log and show all hits in:

This needs a MySQL table you can create with this:

CREATE TABLE `stats_pagecounter` (
  `id` int(25) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `page_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  `page_hits` int(25) NOT NULL default '0',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)

function page_count($page) {
$c_link        = mysql_connect('localhost', 'username', 'password')
       or die(
'counter CONNECT error: '.mysql_errno().', '.mysql_error());
$c_query    = "SELECT * FROM stats_pagecounter
       WHERE (page_name = '$page')"
$c_result    = mysql_query($c_query, $c_link)
       or die(
'counter SELECT error: '.mysql_errno().', '.mysql_error());
   if (
mysql_num_rows($c_result)) {
$pcounter = $row['page_hits']+1;
$c_update = "UPDATE stats_pagecounter
           SET page_hits = '$pcounter' WHERE page_name = '$page'"
$c_hit = mysql_query($c_update, $c_link)
           or die(
'counter UPDATE error: '.mysql_errno().', '.mysql_error());
   } else {
$c_insert = "INSERT INTO stats_pagecounter
           VALUES ( '0', '$page', '1')"
$c_page = mysql_query($c_insert, $c_link)
           or die(
'counter INSERT error: '.mysql_errno().', '.mysql_error());
$pcounter = 1;
$phpself_url = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].
$page_hits = page_count($phpself_url);

Put next line in a page to show his page hits
(If you want to)
echo $page_hits;
aidan at php dot net
15-Aug-2004 12:59
If you want to replicate the output of `mysql --html`, printing your results in a HTML table, see this function:

irn-bru at gmx dot de
27-May-2004 12:27
Note, that the sql.safe_mode configuration setting does effect all mysql_* functions. This has nothing to to with the php safe mode, check the [SQL] section in php.ini.

I found out, that if you set sql.safe_mode = On, mysql_connect will ignore provided username and passwort and makes use of the script owner instead (checked on debian).

22-Jan-2004 11:02
[Editor Note:
The password hashing was updated in MySQL 4.1, you must use the MySQLi extension with MySQL 4.1+ (or use the following method to allow
pre 4.1 clients to connect).]

MySQL 5.0 has a new password system, and PHP cannot connect to it because it cannot send a correct password.  You must use the MySQL command OLD_PASSWORD() when adding a user to the database, or PHP cannot connect as of the library that comes with PHP 5.0Beta3
gyohng at netscape dot net
20-Jun-2003 05:16
The following page contains a complete easy to read tutorial of MySQL programming with PHP.

soren at byu dot edu
14-Mar-2003 09:23
Let's say that you want to generate a MySQL password hash from a plain text password.  Normally, you would just submit the MySQL query "SELECT PASSWORD('password')", but if for some reason you can't access to MySQL database directly, then you can use the following function (translated right out of the MySQL source code):

function mysql_password($passStr) {
$charArr = preg_split("//", $passStr);

       foreach (
$charArr as $char) {
               if ((
$char == '') || ($char == ' ') || ($char == '\t')) continue;
$charVal = ord($char);
$nr ^= ((($nr & 63) + $add) * $charVal) + ($nr << 8);
$nr2 += ($nr2 << 8) ^ $nr;
$add += $charVal;

sprintf("%08x%08x", ($nr & 0x7fffffff), ($nr2 & 0x7fffffff));


<? print mysql_password("hello"); ?>



Which is the same result you get if you do "SELECT PASSWORD('hello')" directly in MySQL.  Hopefully you'll never be in a situation where you have to use this, but if you need it (like I did), it's here.
past at sbox dot tugraz dot at
21-Feb-2003 10:17
As MySQL docs say, RAND() is not very usefull for generation of randomized result orders.

But this worked for me on Linux, however:
Somewhere before:
"SELECT *, " RAND(".mt_rand(0,86622340).")*10000%100 AS randomvalue ORDER BY randomvalue"

The upper value for mt_rand() has to be Quite Big to see any effect on MySQL's RAND(). The exact number shouldn't be significant. Note the multiplication and modulo; MySQL seems to count steadily upwards when generating random numbers, so we take some numbers from between.
mijnpc at xs4all dot nl
20-Nov-2002 10:33
If you have a Windows machine running a webserver with PHP you don't need to install MySQL server to locally test scripts, if you are granted to establish a Secure Telnet connection (port 22) to the remote webserver.

To do this you need a Secure Telnet client, which supports port-forwarding.
Before you establish a connection, define the port-forward.
Forward local port 3306 to [name or ip of remote server]:3306
Make sure that local ports accept connections from other hosts
Save this session

Connect to remote server with username and password
Minimize the shell and that's it...

You can use the same username (and password) as if you were working on the remote server !
E.g. : $link = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "") or die("no way jose");

You may get a shell-timeout after xx minutes depending on your remote server, just reconnect or press enter in the shell once in a while...

An example of a superb freeware Secure Telnet client is Putty : Putty :

This 'discovery' really has saved me a lot of time because I don't have to upload the scripts to the remote server time and time again, pressing [save] is enough, heh (-:
16-Jun-2002 07:38
Regarding transactions, you must use a recent MySQL version which supports InnoDB tables. you should read the mysql manual (the part about Innodb tables, section 7.5) and configure your server to use them.
Some reading about how it works:

(Click where it says Part2, I can't put the direct URL here because it is too long)

Then in PHP you use commands like:


You must make sure that you convert your existing tables to innodb or create new ones: CREATE TABLE (...) type=innodb;
jeyoung at priscimon dot com
25-Apr-2002 04:23
[Ed. Note:
This may be due to the fact that subsequent calls to mysql_connect with the same parameters return the same resource id for the connection, so in reality it is using the same connection.  In order to force a new link, you must specify the new_link parameter in mysql_connect.]

MySQL transactions

MySQL supports transactions on tables that are of type InnoDB. I have noticed a behaviour which is puzzling me when using transactions.

If I establish two connections within the same PHP page, start a transaction in the first connection and execute an INSERT query in the second one, and rollback the transaction in the first connection, the INSERT query in the second connection is also rolled-back.

I am assuming that a MySQL transaction is not bound by the connection within which it is set up, but rather by the PHP process that sets it up.

This is a very useful "mis-feature" (bug?) because it allows you to create something like this:

class Transaction {
  var $dbh;

  function Transaction($host, $username, $password) {
   $this->dbh = mysql_connect($host, $username, $password);

  function _Transaction() {

  function begin() {
   mysql_query("BEGIN", $this->dbh);

  function rollback() {
     mysql_query("ROLLBACK", $this->dbh);

  function commit() {
   mysql_query("COMMIT", $this->dbh);

which you could use to wrap around transactional statements like this:

$tx =& new Transaction("localhost", "username", "password");
$dbh = mysql_connect("localhost", "username", "password");
$result = mysql_query("INSERT ...");
if (!$result) {
} else {

The benefit of such a Transaction class is that it is generic and can wrap around any of your MySQL statements.
nospam at nospam dot nos
19-Nov-2001 05:17
ever wanted to know the date a table was last updated? use this:

$info = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("show table status from databasename like 'tablename'"));
echo $info["Update_time"];
skelley at diff dot nl
25-Sep-2001 09:11
Hi, here's a nice little trick to select records in random order from a table in a MySQL database prior to version 3.23

SELECT *, (ItemID/ItemID)*RAND() AS MyRandom FROM Items ORDER BY MyRandom

[Editors note: And just "SELECT * FROM foo ORDER BY RAND()" after 3.23]
mbabcock-php at fibrespeed dot net
29-Jul-2001 02:41
Since there aren't functions to start and end/rollback transactions, you'll have to use mysql_query("BEGIN"), mysql_query("COMMIT") and mysql_query("ROLLBACK").  These will only work properly on tables that support transactions.  You may also wish to roll your own mysql_begin (etc) functions that run the above queries for you.
philip at cornado dot com
23-Jul-2001 07:24
If you're new to this, you really should learn basic SQL before moving on.  PHP != SQL. Here's are a few good basic SQL tutorials:

mw-php at ender dot com
22-Jun-2001 04:11
The mysql_fetch_[row|object|array] functions return data as type string. Owing to the very flexible nature of php variables, this is normally not relevent, but if you happen to retrieve two integers from a database, then try to compare with bitwise operators, you'll run into trouble, because (19 & 2) == 2, but ("19" & "2") == 0. To remedy this, if you use variables from a database with bitwise operators, use the settype() function to explicitly cast your variables as integers before comparing.

 Last updated: Thu, 15 Jul 2004
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