PHP: Munkamenet kezel� f�ggv�nyek - Manual
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Last updated: Fri, 30 Aug 2002
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XCII. Munkamenet kezel� f�ggv�nyek

A PHP munkamenet kezel�se lehet�v� teszi adatok meg�rz�s�t az egym�st k�vet� oldal lek�rdez�sek k�z�tt. Ez k�pess� tesz m�g testreszabhat�bb oldalak k�sz�t�s�re.

Ha ismered a PHPLIB munkamenet kezel�s�t, sok hasonl�s�got fogsz felfedezni a PHP munkamenet kezel� f�ggv�nyeit illet�en.

Minden webhelyedre l�togat� egy-egy egyedi azonos�t�t kap, az �gynevezett munkamenet azonos�t�t (session azonos�t�t). Ez vagy egy s�tiben (cookie) t�rol�dik a l�togat� g�p�n, vagy az URL-ben k�zlekedik oldalr�l oldalra.

A munkamenet t�mogat�s lehet�v� teszi tetsz�leges sz�m� v�ltoz� meg�rz�s�t a PHP oldal lek�rdez�sek k�z�tt. Ha egy l�togat� �rkezik webhelyedre, h�romf�lek�ppen kezd�dhet el, vagy folytat�dhat a munkamenete. Mindh�rom esetben a PHP egy munkamenet azonos�t� �rkez�s�t v�rja. Ha nem �rkezik, �j munkamenetet ind�t.

Ha a session.auto_start be van kapcsolva, a PHP automatikusan megkezdni / folytatja a munkamenetet. Ha ez nincs bekapcsolva, akkor k�zvetlen�l a session_start() f�ggv�nnyel, vagy k�zvetve a session_register() f�ggv�nnyel tudod a munkamenetet folytatni / megkezdeni. Ha egy �rv�nyes azonos�t� �rkezett, a kor�bban be�ll�tott munkamenet k�rnyezet vissza�ll�t�sra ker�l.

Minden a munkamenethez rendelt v�ltoz� szerializ�l�dik a PHP oldal fut�s�nak befejez�d�sekor. A nem defini�lt, de munkamenethez rendelt v�ltoz�k a k�s�bbi folytat�sokban nem j�nnek �jb�l l�tre.

A track_vars �s register_globals ini be�ll�t�sok befoly�solj�k a munkamenet v�ltoz�k t�rol�s�nak �s vissza�ll�t�s�nak m�dj�t.

Megjegyz�s: A PHP 4.0.3 verzi�t�l kezdve a track_vars mindig be van kapcsolva, kikapcsol�s�ra nincs m�d.

Megjegyz�s: A 4.1.0 verzi�t�l kezdve a $_SESSION szuperglob�lis v�ltoz� rendelkez�sre �ll, csak�gy mint a $_POST, $_GET, $_REQUEST �s �gy tov�bb. A $HTTP_SESSION_VARS v�ltoz�t�l elt�r�en a $_SESSION mindig el�rhet� (szuperglob�lis). Ez�rt a global kulcssz�val nem szabad egy�tt haszn�lni a $_SESSION v�ltoz�t.

Ha a track_vars be van kapcsolva, �s a register_globals ki van kapcsolva, csak a $HTTP_SESSION_VARS asszociat�v t�mb elemei a munkamenet v�ltoz�k. A vissza�ll�tott munkamenet v�ltoz�k is csak a $HTTP_SESSION_VARS t�mbben lesznek megtal�lhat�ak.

P�lda 1. V�ltoz� bejegyz�se a munkamenetbe a track_vars bekapcsolt �llapot�ban.

if (isset($HTTP_SESSION_VARS['szamlalo'])) {
else {
   $HTTP_SESSION_VARS['szamlalo'] = 0;

A $_SESSION v�ltoz� haszn�lata (vagy a $HTTP_SESSION_VARS v�ltoz� haszn�lata PHP 4.0.6 vagy r�gebbi verzi� eset�n) javasolt biztons�gi �s olvashat�s�gi szempontok miatt. A $_SESSION vagy $HTTP_SESSION_VARS haszn�lat�val nincs sz�ks�g a session_register()/session_unregister()/session_is_registered() f�ggv�nyekre. A programoz�k �ppen �gy dolgozhatnak a munkamenet v�ltoz�kkal, mint a "norm�lis" v�ltoz�kkal.

P�lda 2. V�ltoz� bejegyz�se a munkamenetbe a $_SESSION t�mbbel.

// Haszn�ld a $HTTP_SESSION_VARS t�mb�t PHP 4.0.6 vagy r�gebbi verzi�ban
if (!isset($_SESSION['szamlalo'])) {
    $_SESSION['szamlalo'] = 0;
} else {

P�lda 3. V�ltoz� bejegyz�s t�rl�se a $_SESSION t�mbbel.

// Haszn�ld a $HTTP_SESSION_VARS t�mb�t PHP 4.0.6 vagy r�gebbi verzi�ban


Ha a register_globals be van kapcsolva, akkor minden glob�lis v�ltoz� lehet munkamenet v�ltoz�k�nt regisztr�lva, �s a munkamenet k�s�bbi folytat�saiban is l�tre fognak j�nni glob�lis v�ltoz�kk�nt a bejegyzett v�ltoz�k. Mivel ebben az esetben a PHP-nek tudnia kell, hogy mely glob�lis v�ltoz�k bejegyzett munkamenet v�ltoz�k is egyben, a programoz�nak a session_register() f�ggv�nyt kell haszn�lnia. Eml�keztet�k�nt a $HTTP_SESSION_VARS/$_SESSION t�mb�k haszn�latakor nincs sz�ks�g a session_register() f�ggv�nyre.


Ha a $HTTP_SESSION_VARS/$_SESSION t�mb�t haszn�lod �s kikapcsolod a register_globals be�ll�t�st, ne haszn�ld a session_register(), session_is_registered() �s session_unregister() f�ggv�nyeket.

Ha bekapcsolod a register_globals be�ll�t�st, a session_unregister() f�ggv�nyt kell haszn�lnod, mivel a munkamenet v�ltoz�k glob�lis v�ltoz�kban jelennek meg. A register_globals kikapcsol�sa javasolt mind biztons�gi, mind teljes�tm�ny szempontokb�l.

P�lda 4. V�ltoz� bejegyz�se a register_globals bekapcsolt �llapota mellett.

if (!session_is_registered('szamlalo')) {
    $szamlalo = 0;
else {

Ha mind a track_vars, mind a register_globals be�ll�t�sok be vannak kapcsolva, a glob�lis v�ltoz�k �s a $HTTP_SESSION_VARS/$_SESSION t�mb�k elemei ugynazokra az �rt�kekre fognak mutatni a m�r bejegyzett v�ltoz�kat illet�en.

Ha a programoz� a session_register() f�ggv�nyt haszn�lja munkamenet v�ltoz�k bejegyz�s�re, akkor ebben az esetben a $HTTP_SESSION_VARS/$_SESSION t�mb�kben nem fog megjelenni ez a v�ltoz� a k�vetkez� munkamenet folytat�sa el�tt (azaz a k�vetkez� PHP program fut�s el�tt).

K�tf�lek�ppen "k�zlekedhet" a munkamenet azonos�t�:

  • S�ti form�j�ban

  • URL / �rlap param�terben

A munkamenetkezel� modul mindk�t form�t t�mogatja. A s�tik optim�lisak, de sajnos nem megb�zhat�ak (sokan nem fogadj�k a s�tiket), ez�rt nem lehet r�juk biztons�ggal �p�teni. A m�sodik m�dszer az azonos�t�t k�zvetlen�l az URL-ekbe �s �rlapokba helyezi.

A PHP k�pes ezut�bbi azonos�t� terjeszt�st �tl�tsz�an v�gezni, ha az --enable-trans-sid opci�val fod�tottad. Ha ezt az opci�t bekapcsolod, a relt�v URL-ekhez �s �rlapokhoz automatikusan hozz�teszi a PHP a munkamenet azonos�t�t. Alternat�v m�dszerk�nt haszn�lhatod a SID konstanst, ami defini�lt, ha a kliens nem k�ldte vissza a megfelel� s�tit. A SID vagy session_name=session_id (munkamenet n�v, munkamenet azonos�t�) form�tum�, vagy egy �res karektersorozat.

A k�vetkez� p�lda egy v�ltoz� bejegyz�st, �s egy k�vetkez� oldalra mutat� link k�sz�t�s�t mutatja,

P�lda 5. Egy l�togat� �ltal leh�vott oldalak sz�ml�l�sa

if (!session_is_registered('szamlalo')) {
    $szamlalo = 1;
else {

�dv l�togat�, eddig <?php echo $szamlalo; ?> alkalommal
l�ttad ezt az oldalt.<p>

# Az <?php echo SID?> sz�ks�ges, hogy a munkamenet azonos�t�t
# meg�rizz�k abban az esetben is, ha a l�togat� nem fogadja
# a s�tit. (<?=SID?> haszn�lhat�, ha a r�vid tagek enged�lyezettek)

A tov�bbl�p�shez <A HREF="kovoldal.php?<?php echo SID?>">kattints ide</A>.

A <?=SID?> nem sz�ks�ges, ha az --enable-trans-sid opci�val ford�tottad a PHP-t.

Megjegyz�s: A nem relat�v hivatkoz�sok felt�telezetten k�ls� oldalakra mutatnak, ez�rt nem eg�sz�lnek ki automatikusan a SID-el. Komoly biztons�gi probl�m�kat okozna, ha a SID-ek elker�ln�nek egy m�sik kiszolg�l�hoz.

A munkamenethez tartoz� adatok �llom�nyokban t�rol�dnak. Ha adatb�zisban, vagy m�s t�rol� eszk�z�n szeretn�d r�gz�teni a munkamenethez tartoz� adatokat, a session_set_save_handler() f�ggv�nyt kell haszn�lnod a saj�t t�rol� f�ggv�nyeid bejegyz�s�hez.

A munkamenet kezel� f�ggv�nyek sz�mos be�ll�t�si lehet�s�get biztos�tanak, amiket a php.ini �llom�nyban helyezhetsz el. Egy r�vid �ttekint�s k�vetkezik.

  • A session.save_handler be�ll�t�s adja meg a haszn�lt t�rol�s kezel�t, ami a munkamenet adatok elment�s�re, �s visszakeres�s�re szolg�l. Az alap�rt�ke files.

  • A session.save_path be�ll�t�s az a param�ter, amit a t�rol�s kezel� megkap. Ha az alap�rtelmezett �llom�ny kezel�t haszn�lod, ez a munkamenetek t�rol�s�ra haszn�lt ideiglenes �llom�nyok k�nyt�r�nak el�r�si �tja. Alap�rtelmez�se /tmp. Ha a session.save_path m�lys�ge t�bb mint kett�, az automatikus szem�t takar�t�s nem fog m�k�dni.


    Ha ezt az �rt�ket egy mindenki �ltal olvashat� k�nyvt�rra �ll�tod (mint az alapbe�ll�t�s� /tmp), akkor a kiszolg�l�n l�v� t�bbi felhaszn�l� el tudja kapni a munkameneteidet a k�nyvt�rban l�v� �llom�nyok neve �s tartalma alapj�n.

  • A a munkamenet neve, amit a PHP a s�ti be�ll�t�sakor, az URL / �rlap param�terek felv�telekor �s a munkamenet folytat�sakor haszn�l. Csak alfanumerikus karaktereket tartalmazhat. Alap�rt�ke PHPSESSID.

  • A session.auto_start be�ll�t�s adja meg, hogy a PHP kezdjen-e / folytasson-e minden PHP oldal futatt�sn�l automatikusan munkamenetet. Alap�rt�ke 0 (kikapcsolt).

  • A session.cookie_lifetime a be�ll�tott s�ti �lettartalm�t szab�lyozza m�sodpercekben megadva. A nulla �rt�k azt jelenti, hogy "am�g a b�ng�sz�t be nem z�rj�k". Alap�rt�ke �ppen 0.

  • A session.serialize_handler a szerializ�l�shoz haszn�lt kezel� nev�t adja meg. Jelenleg egy be�p�tett PHP form�tum (php n�ven) �s egy WDDX form�tum t�mogatott (wddx n�ven). A WDDX form�tumhoz sz�ks�ges, hogy a WDDX t�mogat�s a PHP-be legyen ford�tva. L�sd WDDX. Alap�rt�ke a be�p�tett php kezel�.

  • A session.gc_probability megadja, hogy mekkora val�sz�n�s�ggel indul el a gc (garbage collection - szem�tgy�jt�s) az egyes PHP lek�rdez�sekkor. Az �rt�ket sz�zal�kban kell megadni. Alap�rt�ke 1.

  • A session.gc_maxlifetime megadja, hogy h�ny m�sodperc eltelt�vel tekinti a szem�tgy�tjt� szem�tnek, �s eltakar�tand�nak a munkamenet adatokat.

  • A session.referer_check azt a r�sz-karaktersorozatot tartalmazza, amit minden HTTP Referer fejl�cben keresni szeretn�l a munkamenetek m�g biztons�gosabb azonos�t�sa c�lj�b�l. Ha a megadott r�sz-karaktersorozatot nem tal�lja meg a PHP a Refererben, a k�ld�tt munkamenet azonos�t�t nem fogja elfogadni. Alap�rt�ke az �res karaktersorozat.

  • A session.entropy_file egy el�r�si utat hat�roz meg ahhoz az "�llom�nyhoz", amit a PHP k�ls� entr�pia forr�snak haszn�l a munkamenet azonos�t� el��ll�t�sakor. Ez lehet p�ld�ul /dev/random vagy /dev/urandom. Ezek sok Unix rendszeren el�rhet�ek.

  • A session.entropy_length az olvasott byte-ok sz�m�t adja meg, amennyit a fent eml�tett �llom�nyb�l olvas a PHP. Alap�rt�ke 0 (kikapcsolt).

  • A session.use_cookies hat�rozza meg, hogy a PHP haszn�l-e s�tiket a munkamenet azonos�t� t�rol�s�ra a kliens oldalon. Alap�rt�ke 1 (enged�lyezett).

  • A session.cookie_path azt az el�r�si utat hat�rozza meg, amit a munkamenet s�tiben be�ll�t a PHP. Alap�rt�ke /.

  • A session.cookie_domain azt a domain �rt�ket hat�rozza meg, amit a PHP a munkamenet s�tiben be�ll�t. Alap�rt�ke semmi.

  • A session.cache_limiter azt a cache met�dust hat�rozza meg, amit a munkamenet oldalakra alkalmazni kell. Lehets�ges �rt�kei: none, nocache, private, private_no_expire �s public. Alap�rt�ke nocache.

  • A session.cache_expire megadja, hogy h�ny percig legyen aktu�lis a cache-ben egy munkamenetet haszn�l� oldal. Ennek nincs hat�sa, ha nocache m�dot v�lasztasz. Alap�rt�ke 180.

  • A session.use_trans_sid szab�lyozza, hogy az �tl�tsz� SID hozz�ad�s be van-e kapcsolva vagy nincs. Ehhez sz�ks�ges, hogy a --enable-trans-sid opci�val ford�tsd kor�bban a PHP-t. Alap�rt�ke 1 (enged�lyezett).

  • Az url_rewriter.tags adja meg, hogy mely HTML elemeket kell �t�rni, ha a munkamenet azonos�t�k �tl�tsz� elhelyez�se be van kapcsolva. Alap�rt�ke a=href,area=href,frame=src,input=src,form=fakeentry

Megjegyz�s: A munkamenetek t�mogat�sa a PHP 4.0 verzi�ban jelent meg.

session_cache_expire -- Az aktu�lis cache lej�rat lek�rdez�se
session_cache_limiter -- Az aktu�lis munkamenet cache korl�toz�s lek�rdez�se / be�ll�t�sa
session_decode -- Visszak�dolja a munkamenet adatokat egy karaktersorozatb�l
session_destroy -- Adott munkamenethez tartoz� minden adat t�rl�se
session_encode --  Elk�dolja a munkamenet adatokat egy karaktersorozatba
session_get_cookie_params --  Lek�rdezi a munkamenet s�ti param�tereit
session_id -- Az aktu�lis munkamenet azonos�t� lek�rdez�se / be�ll�t�sa
session_is_registered --  Egy v�ltoz� bejegyzetts�g�t ellen�rzi
session_module_name -- Az aktu�lis munkamenet modul lek�rdez�se / be�ll�t�sa
session_name -- Az aktu�lis munkamenet n�v lek�rdez�se / be�ll�t�sa
session_readonly -- Begin session - reinitializes freezed variables, but no writeback on request end
session_register --  Egy vagy t�bb v�ltoz� bejegyz�se munkamenet v�ltoz�kk�nt
session_save_path -- Az aktu�lis munkamenet ment�si k�nyvt�r lek�rdez�se / be�ll�t�sa
session_set_cookie_params --  A munkamenet s�ti param�tereit �ll�tja be
session_set_save_handler --  Felhaszn�l�i szint� munkamenet t�rol� f�ggv�nyeket �ll�t be
session_start -- Munkamenet megkezd�se / folytat�sa
session_unregister --  Munkamenet v�ltoz� t�rl�se a munkamenetb�l
session_unset --  Minden munkamenet v�ltoz� felszabad�t�sa
session_write_close -- A munkamenet adatok ki�r�sa �s a munkamenet lez�r�sa
User Contributed Notes
Munkamenet kezel� f�ggv�nyek
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[email protected]
19-Feb-2000 12:40

When using Header("Location: url"), you must add a "?".sid to the end or your session will not carry to the next page. i.e. Header("Location: url?".sid) :(
[email protected]
30-Jun-2000 04:29

1) If you're writing your own handler, make sure session.save_handler = user is in your PHP config. 4.0.1 (fixed in 4.0.2) will crap out with an error when it tries to write the data back to the session store at the end of your page's processing.

2) If you want a session handler for mysql:

[email protected]
08-Aug-2000 11:09

The description of the session.referer_check setting is incorrect: it is not a boolean, but a string. If it is not empty and a none empty Referer has been given by the browser, PHP does a substring search of the referer_check value in the Referer. If the check value is present in the Referer, PHP creates a new session instead of using the existing one.

The default value of referer_check is the empty string (meaning no checking should be done).

(Tested with PHP4.0.1pl2)

[email protected]
13-Aug-2000 02:27

One clarification to what [email protected] wrote on 12-Mar-2000:

When putting objects in a session, you need to have declared the class of your session managed objects BEFORE they are restored with a session_register or equivalent call.

That means before the session_start()!

[email protected]
20-Aug-2000 02:11

Session Garbage Collection Observation:

It appears that session file garbage collection occurs AFTER the current session is loaded.

This means that:
even if session.gc_maxlifetime = 1 second,
if someone starts a session A and no one starts a session for an hour, that person can reconnect to session A and all of their previous session values will be available (That is, session A will not be cleaned up even though it is older than gc_maxlifetime).

[email protected]
30-Aug-2000 05:25

> This means that a user can takeover the session of another user if he
> knows (or guesses) the other user's session id. (all web applications are
> vulnerable to this attack).

While it is true that you can take over other users' session ID's, there are
several things you can do to prevent this from happening.
One way is to store the remote user's IP address on the server.

When you start a new session, do this:
$ipaddr = $REMOTE_ADDR;

And when the user requests a document with sensitive data
verify his/her IP address:
if($ipaddr != $REMOTE_ADDR) {
echo "Go away!\n";

[email protected]:

WARNING: this does not work if the user
lives behind a proxy-farm as remote
address will change if different requests
are servered by different hosts in the
proxy pool

andreyhristov at
12-Sep-2000 09:19

In reply to [email protected]:
When you use REMOTE_ADDR for getting the IP of the current user,

sometimes you get the IP of the ISP Cache server.
When this happens, the HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR is also set, it
contains the IP of the user.
So with this script, you always get the right IP:


if (getenv(HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR)){



else {



And also:
Note that the X-Forwarded for header might contain multiple addresses, comma separated, if the request was forwarded through multiple proxies.

Finally, note that any user can add an X-Forwarded-For header themselves. The header is only good for traceback information, never for authentication. If you use it for traceback, just log the entire X-Forwarded-For header, along with the REMOTE_ADDR.
This text is written by :
[email protected] (before "And also:" and [email protected] all other.

Editor's Note: We cannot trust HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR.

[email protected]
16-Oct-2000 12:16

Regarding session.cache_limiter :

For those of you who - like me - had trouble finding the meaning of the possible values (nocache, public and private), here's the explaination taken from the HTTP 1.1 Specification at

"14.9.1 What is Cachable


Indicates that the response is cachable by any cache, even if it would normally be non-cachable or cachable only within a non-shared cache. (See also Authorization, section 14.8, for additional details.)

Indicates that all or part of the response message is intended for a single user and MUST NOT be cached by a shared cache. This allows an origin server to state that the specified parts of the response are intended for only one user and are not a valid response for requests by other users. A private (non-shared) cache may cache the response.

Note: This usage of the word private only controls where the response may be cached, and cannot ensure the privacy of the message content.

Indicates that all or part of the response message MUST NOT be cached anywhere. This allows an origin server to prevent caching even by caches that have been configured to return stale responses to client requests.

Note: Most HTTP/1.0 caches will not recognize or obey this directive."

[email protected]
11-Dec-2000 01:32

This might be useful to those strugling with ini settings like cache_limiter.

To view the ini settings, you can use
And to change

Editor's Note: session_cache_limiter() function does the same.

[email protected]
15-Dec-2000 11:58

Note. Going to and will create two _seperate_ sessions. If you use sessions, you should make sure that the user sticks with one base url, and doesnt switch between them.

I had lot of problems with this, since IE (somehow) handled it, but Netscape didn't.

[email protected]
16-Dec-2000 02:41

A database driven PHP4 session handler that supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, MSSQL, Interbase, Access, FoxPro, Sybase, ODBC and ADO is available at

This uses the ADODB database wrapper library.

[email protected]
28-Dec-2000 03:49

To get more secure session IDs, here is what I use on GNU/linux :

ini_alter("session.cookie_lifetime", "86400");
ini_alter("session.entropy_length", "512");

You can also use /dev/random instead of /dev/urandom but it's a slower.

[email protected]
13-Mar-2001 05:15

How to fallback from COOKIE session to URL:

According to

HTTP session handling, including fallback system management, is built into PHP 4.0, thanks to its new library.

According to other descriptions at PHP4 session can fallback from cookie session to URL. If
- trans-sid is on
- Relative URI is used

[I've not verified this by myself, yet. However, I thought PHP4 Session will not fallback automatically until now. I think it worth describing it explicitly here.]

[email protected]
03-May-2001 05:03

"You then spawn a new browser window (CTRL-N in IE) which keeps the browser session ID the same, and type in the url for the script"

That means you know the session ID in which case of course you will have access to the session data. This is a known issue. If you guess the correct session ID, you can get access to that session's data. Try doing what you say but without spawning a new browser windows that knows the session ID.

[email protected]
10-May-2001 11:14

To [email protected] 03-May-2001 10:03

The anonymous post from 22-Apr-2001 09:53 is not talking about session hijacking but a local exploit. Of course anyone can hijack a session by getting the sessionID from listening to network traffic or just physically sitting at your desktop.

The point is the following (I believe): A machine have users alice and oscar. Alice has an application in that uses sessions. Oscar can set up php scripts in his directory and if he guesses (or just looks at the cookie in he's own browser, or just goes to he's own page since the cookie will be sent there too) the sessionid of an ongoing session he (in he's scripts, not browser) will get access (read and write) to all of the session variables in alices application.

The solution that is missing is that there should be a way of restricting the scope of session variables to only certain directories.

A temporary fix would be to serialize and encrypt your variables and then store that as a sessionvar. But since files have to be readable to the webserver, this usually means oscar can read the source too. Right? So he'll be able to use the same encryption and password anyway.(Hmm... never thought of this, but this generalizes to reading all kinds of interesting stuff from other users php-scripts like business logic, how and with what password to connect to a database... Reading other peoples public_html when it just contained html just wasn't that exciting.)

Was this clear enough? Am I missing something? Didn't bother to test...


[email protected]
03-Jun-2001 07:53

If your using PHP session handling with PostgreSQL as session storage, a efficient method of handling garbage collection would be a rule:

create rule rle_sessions_gc as on insert into sessions where (random() >= 0.7) do delete from sessions where expiry <= current_timestamp;

this rule assumes that the sessions table has an expiry field into which is placed the timestamp at which the session should expire; change the value random is checked against to change the probability of garbage collection.

[email protected]
19-Jul-2001 05:59

As mentioned in the session documentation, when php is compiled with --enable_trans_sid, the session id is automatically appened to URLs in a HTML document (where a session is started).

This presents a problem when there is a link to a downloadable file; the session is is appended such that "download.exe" becomes "download.exe?PHPSESSID=<session id>". The only way I could think of to get around this was to use onClick="window.loctaion='download.exe'" as a href...

[email protected]
21-Jul-2001 05:25

Simple/Effective Session Handling lib for your (part of) website.
Use near top of pages with e.g.
include_once("session.php"); loadMySession();


$SID = ""; // declare global

function constructSession() {
$GLOBALS["SID"] = "PHPSESSID=".session_id();
session_register("var1"); $GLOBALS["var1"] = "var1_Default";

// not session_destroy() if independent sections on website
function destroyMySession() {

function loadMySession() {
$GLOBALS["SID"] = "PHPSESSID=".session_id();
$GLOBALS["var1"] = $HTTP_SESSION_VARS["var1"]; // overwrites params from POST

// I couldn't write to $HTTP_SESSION_VARS[], so using $GLOBALS
function setSessionVar ($var, $val) { $GLOBALS[$var] = $val; }
function sessionVar ($var) { return $GLOBALS[$var]; }


[email protected]
01-Aug-2001 12:12

Small but i think helpfull comment:

Using session_name("xyz"); requires a session_name("xyz"); before EACH session_start();. Otherwise everytime you call the needed session_start(); in your script, a new session is defined and your registered vars are lost.


[email protected]
03-Oct-2001 02:23

This is in response to [email protected] posting of 04-Oct-2000 09:11:

Be extremely careful with this. This allows anyone to overwrite _any_ internal variables which may have been set during script initialization!!! It is far better to do something like this:

foreach($expected_vars as $key)
i.e. populate the array expected_vars with exactly what you expect first.


[email protected]
03-Nov-2001 07:40

Another note about manually including SID.
You also have to manually include the SID in any JavaScript-generated links.
I ran into this with onClick="window.location.href=..." attributes in various tags.

[email protected]
17-Jan-2002 05:30

Here's a simple way to have Embperl like sessions. This consist in a "special" variable (a hash) wich is persistent and holds all the persistent data. In this case the easyest way is to take directly the $HTTP_SESSION_VARS variable, and add a and files to automaticly register and unregister variables like this:
---- ----
# In case you don't use sessions auto start

foreach ( $HTTP_SESSION_VARS as $var => $val )
---- ----
foreach ( $OLD_SESSION_VARS as $var )
if ( !isset( $HTTP_SESSION_VARS[$var] ) )
session_unregister( $var );

foreach ( $HTTP_SESSION_VARS as $var => $val )
session_register( $var );
The add this files to your php.ini as auto_prepend and auto_append, and that's it...
All you have to do to use a persistent variable is to use it in the $HTTP_SESSION_VARS hash. Try this script out with your new prepend and append files:
---- test.php ----
<?= $HTTP_SESSION_VARS["counter"]++ ?>
and refresh it several times.
To unregister a variable, just unset() it, like <? unset( $HTTP_SESSION_VARS["counter"] ); ?>

Hope it helps! :)

[email protected]
11-Feb-2002 09:47

for anyone in the need of a simple login script tutorial featuring sessions, try here:

[email protected]
19-Feb-2002 02:18

If you are running PHP with register_globals = on, and you ain't able to turn it of, either beacuse you are not allowed to change this setting or because of backwards-compatibility reasons, secure session handling is somewhat complicated. I wrote this class as a workaround to deliver secure, realtime sessionhandling under that circumstances:


class mySession
var $s_vars = array();

//start session with name $name
function mySession($name)

//determine session variables
foreach($GLOBALS["HTTP_SESSION_VARS"] as $key => $value)
$this->s_vars[substr($key,10)] = $value;

//register session variable
function setSessionVar($key, $value)
$GLOBALS["mySession_".$key] = $value;
$this->s_vars[$key] = $value;

//return session variable
function getSessionVar($key)
return $this->s_vars[$key];

//initialize session
function initSession($name, $pass)
//if input is complete, check if user exists in database
if($name && $pass)
/*include a database login here if needed*/

//querystring. change it to match your requirements...
$qst = sprintf("SELECT * FROM user WHERE login='%s' AND pw='%s'",
addslashes(strtolower($name)), addslashes($pass));
$res = mysql_query($qst) or die(mysql_error());

//if user is found, register some variables.
if(mysql_num_rows($res) > 0)
$row = mysql_fetch_array($res);

$this->setSessionVar("login", true);

//you can register what ever you want...
$this->setSessionVar("var1", $row["value1"]);
$this->setSessionVar("var2", $row["value2"]);

//kill session
function killSession()
$this->s_vars = array();


To use this class, simply create a new object $login = new mySession("name"); instead of calling session_start(); Now you can register new variables, and change their values at any time using $login->setSessionVar("name"). You can get the value of any variable registered before using $login->getSessionVar("name). E.g. if you want to confirm whether the user is logged in: if($login->getSessionVar("login")) { code }. That should make the usage of sessions under register_globals a little more worry-free :)

Comments? Send a mail!


avbentem at
20-Feb-2002 12:49

There's another good reason to use $HTTP_SESSION_VARS or $_SESSION rather than relying on the global variables: an administrator could change the php.ini directive "variable_order". Although changing it would be strange, it would suddenly change the behavior of your PHP code.


variables_order string

Set the order of the EGPCS (Environment, GET, POST, Cookie, Server) variable parsing. The default setting of this directive is "EGPCS". Setting this to "GP", for example, will cause PHP to completely ignore environment variables, cookies and server variables, and to overwrite any GET method variables with POST-method variables of the same name.

[email protected]
08-Mar-2002 07:48

Here's one useful function to consider (still using the old style HTTP_ arrays). This is useful because the GET-based session fallback mode doesn't append session ids to header calls. However, you might want to maintain your session ids across local redirects.

function localRedirect("url")
header("Location: $url");
header("Location: $url" ."?" . SID);

This allows a much cleaner fallback when the cookie was rejected by the user. The only thing remaining that is non-transparent is that I can't seem to get the "Accept Cookie" dialog to not pop up on every succeeding page if the user declines the first one.

[email protected]
20-Mar-2002 03:24

If u try to save values from a form in session_vars its important that the name of the session_var is different from the name of the formfield. if its the same, u ll get some *** errors and u spend hours for searchin ur mistake ;-)

extremly simplified:

<form .... target="file2.php">
<input .... name="fhugo">

<? session_start();
# save value of formfield in sessionvar
#remove everything from $hugo, only a-z and A-Z is allowed
$hugo = ereg_replace("[^a-zA-Z]","",$fhugo);
# go to next page
header("Location: file3.php");

## file3.php:
<? session_start();
echo "hugo is $hugo";
<a href="file1.php">start again</href>

i use this for savin some options for a database search that uses several forms and scripts

[email protected]
20-Mar-2002 04:10

Carefull when you are working in PHP with WML. The arg separator used to put de PHPSESSID variable in URL is '&' by default, and this cause a Compile Error in browsers:

<anchor><go href="index.php?estate=1&PHPSESSID=12345678abcde"></go>

instead of this:

<anchor><go href="index.php?estate=1&#38;PHPSESSID=12345678abcde"></go>

It�s safety include the line:
ini_set ( "arg_separator", "&#38;");

to change the arg separator, it worked in PHP 4.1.2

Another thing that the onpick tag is not defined in the url_rewriter.tags list by default(if there are others, i don�t now). This is must be added in php.ini file.

* In most case the WAP GateWay accepts cookies an the auto-transpass-SID is not necessary, it�s hard to find problems with this.

[email protected]
16-Apr-2002 07:19

If you use session_trans_sid, the sessionid will not be transmitted if you use a meta refres
(echo "<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Refresh\" CONTENT=\"3;URL=index.php\">";)

this will forward you to index.php after 3 seconds, but it will not transmit your session id

use this:
echo "<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Refresh\" CONTENT=\"3;URL=index.php?PHPSESSID=" .session_id() ."\">";

replace PHPSESSID with your php session name (session_name)
26-Apr-2002 07:10

The time it takes for a session to expire is 1440 seconds = 24 minutes by default.
To change this to, say 15 minutes:
ini_set("session.gc_maxlifetime", "900");

[email protected]
05-May-2002 10:21

Here is the output of 2 hours of stress.

If you use the sessions_mysql function library or the real path style of sessions (default on php installation)... whenever you want to manually delete a session -- be SURE your session has not started yet.

Meaning, session_start() has not ran, or in the php.ini you dont have a auto start; otherwise you will have to stop it, delete your session and then start it again.


Joerg Aldinger
10-May-2002 11:26

After having had a hard time with a provider who has --enable-trans-sid disabled, i've created this little piece of code to automatically add the session id to internal links and forms. It assumes you have the whole page loaded into $page. (Remove whitespaces from $search when copying!)

$mySID = session_name().'='.session_id();
$search = array(
$replace = array(
$page = preg_replace($search, $replace, $page);

[email protected]
12-May-2002 05:58

Just FYI: If you have multiple php scripts running simultaneously (for example, in different frames or browser windows) and they use sessions, they won't execute concurrently. The various scripts will block until they have exclusive access to the session variables. If all your scripts finish quickly (as most do) you probably won't notice. But if you have any long-running scripts (e.g. system() or passthru() calls that take a while to finish) you may see some pauses in page rendering. This is well documented in session_write_close(), but might warrant mentioning more prominently here.

14-May-2002 06:34

Storing class instances in session.

As long as a class MUST be declared BEFORE the session starts and unserializes the session info, i'm using this approach.

0: Set in php.ini session.auto_start = 0
1: create where the class is declared.
2: put in another file, say, this lines of code:
include_once( "" );
3: set in php.ini the auto_prepend_file= "path_to_my_file/"

Following this steps, the session is started at every page and myclass is always available, avoiding to write the session_start() function at every page.

php 4.2.0 and 4.2.1, Apache 1.3 and W2K Pro.

17-May-2002 08:07
The description states "As of PHP 4.1.0, $_SESSION is available as global variable just like $_POST, $_GET, $_REQUEST and so on. Not like $HTTP_SESSION_VARS, $_SESSION is always global. Therefore, global should not be used for $_SESSION. "

However, this is not the case. Try as I might, I could not get my registered session variables. I was using verion 4.1.2. I just downloaded 4.2.1 and the same code works perfectly. If you're having the same problem, try upgrading.

[email protected]
25-May-2002 09:01

I wrote a tiny "shopping-cart" code when I was learning PHP sessions. (Use ++ instead of =1 to allow more than one product of a kind in the cart).

// - Add
if( isset( $_GET['ADD'] ) ) {
$_SESSION['aBasket'][$_GET['ID']] = 1;
// - Remove
if( isset( $_GET['DEL'] ) ) {
// - Remove All
if( isset( $_GET['EMP'] ) ) {
// - Show
if( isset( $_SESSION['aBasket'] ) ) {
foreach ( $_SESSION['aBasket'] as $key=>$val ) {
echo "$key ";
<input type="text" name="ID">
<input type="submit" name="ADD" value="Add">
<input type="submit" name="DEL" value="Del">
<input type="submit" name="EMP" value="Empty">

26-May-2002 07:50


" The <?=SID?> is not necessary, if --enable-trans-sid was used to compile PHP.

Huomaa: Non-relative URLs are assumed to point to external sites and hence don't append the SID, as it would be a security risk to leak the SID to a different server."

This is a crock of shit.

So its a security risk to leak the SID?

Then how come the APACHE logs on other servers are showing up the session ID for my users? WHEN I HAVE NO SESSION ID IN THE LINK!!!

Because the Session ID is still forwarded in the REFERRER!!!!!

This is HUGE SECURITY HOLE and there is no excuse that this has been known and is not thrown in peoples face on this page.

Mr. My Site Got Hacked.


The HTTP_REFERER problem

If your site uses the wonderful URL rewriting feature then you have one more thing to worry about. Every click to an external site will reveal the session id to it. It is not that the problem is in the PHP code, the URL rewriting code does not append session ids to absolute URLs. But, the browser will send the URL of the page to the external site in the HTTP_REFERER header.

Solving this problem requires some discipline. Instead of sending people to external sites directly, send them through a simple script. You also need to reference this script through an absolute URL to a

My first version of the script looked like this:

<? header('Location: ' . $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['QUERY_STRING']) ?>

But I found out that Netscape uses the URI of the original page (the one containing the SID) when you use redirection. Oh well, another way is to use the META refresh technique:

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=<? echo $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['QUERY_STRING']?>">

Be warned that this will completely hide the referrer information. If you want other sites to know that you are sending people their way, use the Javascript redirection technique instead. "

[email protected]
31-May-2002 02:32

somebody might need this (like me)

It automagically registers the request's $_POST vars as a $_SESSION var if they do not already exist and fills them :)

if (!empty($_POST))
foreach($_POST as $key=>$value)
if (!session_is_registered("$key"))
$_SESSION["$key"] = $value;

[email protected]
10-Jun-2002 06:48

The method of passing the session id as a URL (GET) argument lends it self more to session hijacking, since the session id will appear in proxy server logs.
[email protected]
12-Jun-2002 03:31

If you only want to use cookies to preserve the session and don't want to send a header(location:URL) with the sessiond id, make sure that the session_start() is called on any page before the header(location: ) is sent. That's because if the session_start() is called for the first time at the same time as the header(location: ) the cookie is not set by the browser. After the cookie is already set on a page without the redirect, you can use header(location:)'s all you want.
[email protected]
20-Jun-2002 07:15

Try using the PHP constant SID if you are using the sessions functions.
This should work.

Tyler Larson
02-Aug-2002 08:02

Some of the examples listed in the text of this page are a bit misleading. The code as it is will not behave as expected.

if (!session_is_registered('count')) {
$count = 0;
else {

print $count;

The code should instead read as follows:

## this code WILL work
if (!session_is_registered('count')) {
$count = 0;
else {
print $count;

Remember that if you don't call session_start(), you never resume the session that you had started before. In such a case, no session variables are registered, and the session_is_registered() call will always return false, no matter what you pass to it.

It's easy to forget the importance of the session_start() function when you're used to using session_register() because: "If session_start() was not called before this function is called, an implicit call to session_start() with no parameters will be made." (quoted from the session_register() documentation on this site).

session_is_registered(), on the other hand, does not make any implicit calls to session_start(). You have to do it yourself.

16-Aug-2002 04:16

my mistake:

$love = "mary";
//love = mary
if... else... bla bla
$love = "ana";
//love is not = ana, as i expected. love = mary

to change $love from mary to ana:

[email protected]
28-Aug-2002 10:44

I'm writing my first PHP application and I?ve tested the saving of the session variables (I use PHP 4.0.6 on SuSE Linux). I've noticed the following:

If register_globals is ON, the variables cannot be seen in another page if you don't issue a session_register() after you set the variables. For example the following code:

session_start ();
$HTTP_SESSION_VARS[ 'testvar'] = "variable transmission test";
$testvar = 'modified';

echo "<a href= \"./secpage.php\">Link</a>";

won't display anything in a second page generated by the code:

session_start ();
echo "Second Page!";
echo "
</br> ";
if (isset($HTTP_SESSION_VARS[ 'testvar']))
echo "HTTP_SESSION_VARS: " . $HTTP_SESSION_VARS[ 'testvar'];
echo "
</br> ";
if (isset($testvar))
echo "testvar: ". $testvar;

After I've added the session_register('testvar') line after setting the variables, the following is displayed in the second page:

testvar: modified

These is strange because the manual specify not to use session_register if we use $HTTP_SESSION_VARS.

If register_globals is off, you don't need to use session_register('testvar') but in the second page displays:

HTTP_SESSION_VARS: variable transmission test

The conclusion is that if you want your code to work with register_globals set either to On or OFF you must use session_register(). You must also use only $HTTP_SESSION_VARS to set the variable.

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