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Last updated: Tue, 21 Dec 2004


PHPとHTMLは深く関係しています:PHPはHTMLを生成し、HTMLにはPHPに送信 される情報が記述されています。 以下のFAQを読む前に、どうやって PHPの外部から来る変数を取得するか、を読んでおくことは重要です。 このマニュアルにはこのトピックに関するよい例があります。 register_globalsの意味するところにも 注意を払ってください。

1. フォームから、もしくはURLから値を渡す場合にはどういったエンコー ド/デコードが必要なのですか?
2. <input type="image">タグを使おうとしているのですが、変数 $foo.xと$foo.yが使えません。どうすればよいのですか?
3. HTMLフォームで配列を使用するにはどうすればよいですか?
4. "select multiple"タグで選択された全ての結果を取得するにはどうす ればよいですか?
5. JavascriptからPHPに変数を渡すには?

1. フォームから、もしくはURLから値を渡す場合にはどういったエンコー ド/デコードが必要なのですか?

エンコードが重要になる場面はいくつかあります。 string $dataというエンコードされ ていない文字列データを渡す場合について考えてみると:

  • HTMLを通じて渡す場合: 文字列にはどのような値が含まれるか分か らないので、データは必ずhtmlspecialcharsを行い、 ダブルクオートで囲まなければなりません。

  • URLを通じて渡す場合: URLはいくつかのパーツから成り立ちます。 このデータをそのパーツのうちの一つであると解釈させたいならば、 urlencode()でエンコードしなけれ ばなりません。

例 70-1. HTMLのhidden要素

echo "<input type=hidden value=\"" . htmlspecialchars($data) . "\">\n";

注意: $dataurlencode()をして はいけません。なぜなら、その作業はブラウザに任されているからで す。一般に普及している全てのブラウザは正しくこの処理を行ってく れます。ただ、この処理はメソッド(GETやPOST)が何であるかにかか わらずに行われる、ということに気をつけてください。この処理に気 づくのはGETリクエストのときだけになるでしょう。なぜならPOSTリ クエストの内容は通常目に触れることは無いからです。

例 70-2. ユーザによって編集するデータ

echo "<textarea name=mydata>\n";

注意: ブラウザはエスケープされたシンボルを解釈するので、dataは意図し たとおりに表示されます。

フォームの内容を送信するとき、GETかPOSTかにかかわらずdataはブ ラウザによってURLエンコードされ、PHPによってURLデコードされま す。要は、URLエンコード/デコードを自分で行う必要はなく、これら の処理は全て自動的に行われる、と言うことです。

例 70-3. URL中の場合

echo "<a href=\"" . htmlspecialchars("/nexpage.php?stage=23&data=" .
urlencode($data)) . "\">\n";

注意: この例では、実はGETリクエストを摸擬しています。このため、data を手動でurlencode()する必要があります。

注意: 全てのURLをhtmlspecialchars()する必要があります。 なぜなら、このURLはHTMLのvalue属性として扱われるからです。この 場合は、ブラウザはまずhtmlspecialchars()されたデー タを元に戻し、それからURLを渡します。URLは urlencode()されているので、PHPはこれを正し く解釈することができます。

URL中の&&amp; に置き換えられていることに気づくでしょう。もしあなたがこれを忘 れても、ほとんどのブラウザは元に戻してくれますが、必ずそうして くれるとは限りませんので、URLが動的に変更されるものでなくても URLはhtmlspecialchars()されるべき です。

2. <input type="image">タグを使おうとしているのですが、変数 $foo.xと$foo.yが使えません。どうすればよいのですか?

以下のようなタグを使えば、標準のボタンの代わりに画像を使用して フォームを送信することができます:
<input type="image" src="image.gif" name="foo">
ユーザが画像のどこかをクリックすると、そのフォームの内容にfoo.x とfoo.yという2つの変数が追加され、サーバに送信されます。

PHPでは$foo.xと$foo.yという名前は変数名として正しくないので、自 動的に$foo_xと$foo_yという名前に変換されます。要は、ピリオドがア ンダースコアに置き換えられる、と言うことです。 So, you'd access these variables like any other described within the section on retrieving variables from outside of PHP. For example, $_GET['foo_x'].

3. HTMLフォームで配列を使用するにはどうすればよいですか?

フォームの内容をPHPスクリプトで配列として受け取るには、 <input>, <select> or <textarea>といった要素のnameを以 下のように指定します:
<input name="MyArray[]">
<input name="MyArray[]">
<input name="MyArray[]">
<input name="MyArray[]">
変数名の最後にあるブラケットに注意してください。これにより、フォー ムの内容が配列として扱われます。異なる要素に同じ名前をつけること で要素を配列にグループ分けすることができます。
<input name="MyArray[]">
<input name="MyArray[]">
<input name="MyOtherArray[]">
<input name="MyOtherArray[]">
上記のHTMLの場合、MyArrayとMyOtherArrayという2つの配列が生成され、 PHPスクリプトに送信されます。また、配列に特定のキーを設定するこ ともできます。
<input name="AnotherArray[]">
<input name="AnotherArray[]">
<input name="AnotherArray[email]">
<input name="AnotherArray[phone]">
この場合、配列AnotherArrayのキーは0, 1, emailそしてphoneとなります。

注意: HTMLに配列のキーを指定するかどうかは自由です。キーを指定しなかっ た場合はフォームに現れる順番に番号がつけられます。最初の例だと、 キーは0, 1, 2, 3となります。

配列関数PHPの外部から来る変数 も参照して下さい。

4. "select multiple"タグで選択された全ての結果を取得するにはどうす ればよいですか?

"select multiple"タグを使うと、ユーザはリストから複数の項目を選 択することができるようになります。選択された項目はフォームの actionで指定されたハンドラに渡されます。問題は、これらの値が全て 同じ名前で渡されることです。つまり、
<select name="var" multiple>
それぞれの項目は前の変数$varの値を上書きして しまいます。この問題を解決するには、PHPの"フォームの値を配列にす る"機能を使います。以下のようにするとよいでしょう。
<select name="var[]" multiple>
こうすればPHPに$varを配列として扱うように知ら せることができ、各項目のvalueの値は配列の要素としてvar[]に追加さ れます。最初の項目は$var[0]になり、次の項目は $var[1]...というようになります。 count()関数を使えば選択された項目の数を知るこ とができます。またもし必要ならsort()関数を使っ てソートを行うこともできます。

JavaScriptを使っている場合、フォーム要素に要素名を使って(訳注: document.myform.myelement.value等の様に)アクセスしようとすると、 要素名に含まれる[]が問題となることがあるので 気をつけてください。この場合は、数字で表されるフォーム要素のIDを 使用するか、シングルクオートで要素名を囲んでフォーム要素の配列の インデックスとしてアクセスして下さい。例えば、以下のようにします:
variable = documents.forms[0].elements['var[]'];

5. JavascriptからPHPに変数を渡すには?

Javascriptは(普通は)クライアントサイド技術であり一方PHPは(普通は) サーバーサイド技術です。またHTTPは"ステートレスな"プロトコルです。 そのため、この二つの言語はダイレクトに変数を共有することができません。

しかしながら、この二つの言語の間で変数を渡すことは可能です。 一つの方法はPHPと一緒にJavascriptのコードを生成し、 ブラウザに自動的にリフレッシュ(再ロード)させることです。 以下の例はまさにそれで、PHPに画面の高さと幅を認識させています。 これは通常はクライアントサイドでしかできないことです。

if (isset($_GET['width']) AND isset($_GET['height'])) {
  // output the geometry variables
  echo "Screen width is: ". $_GET['width'] ."<br />\n";
  echo "Screen height is: ". $_GET['height'] ."<br />\n";
} else {
  // pass the geometry variables
  // (preserve the original query string
  //   -- post variables will need to handled differently)

  echo "<script language=\"javascript\">\n";
  echo "  location.href=\"${_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}?${_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']}"
            . "&width=\" + screen.width + \"&height=\" + screen.height;\n";
  echo "</script>\n";

add a note add a note User Contributed Notes
richard dot prangnell at ntlworld dot com
27-Feb-2005 05:09
Further to my note posted on  26-Feb-2005 at 04:44, I have refined the JavaScript function "send_picks()" to make it more robust and universal. The original version was designed to handle string keys and +ve integer key values only; fine for the original purpose of handling random picks for a shopping cart application but it produced a mal-formed array if any -ve or non-integer key values were submitted. The new version treats both keys and key values as strings, irrespective of the data type; and we all know just how easy it is to manipulate numeric strings as numbers in PHP:-). Key values can now be anything you like; including:
"2 dozen"
"A gross"
and so forth. Here's the updated code:

   <script type="text/javascript">
     function send_picks()
       var e, picked = 0;
       for (var i = 0 ; i < form1.elements.length - 2; i++)
         e = form1.elements[i];
         if(e.value != "0" && e.value.length > 0)
           e = form1.elements[i]
               form1.picks.value = form1.picks.value + "s:"
             + + ":\"" + + "\";s:"
             + e.value.length + ":\"" + e.value + "\";";
       form1.picks.value = "a:" + picked + ":{" + form1.picks.value + "}";

Note the line:
       for (var i = 0 ; i < form1.elements.length - 2; i++)
The  "-2" term is to let the function skip the last 2 elements in the form, a "hidden" input and the "submit" button. No doubt different form layouts will need a different value here.
An incidental bonus is that getting JavaScript to process a floating point input as a string rather than a number avoids the usual rounding errors that tend to turn an input such as "1.2" into a number beginning 1.199999... with about 30 places of decimals - yes, its JavaScript rather than PHP that is responsible for this kind of behaviour.
richard dot prangnell at ntlworld dot com
26-Feb-2005 04:44
The following HTML form page and PHP action page illustrate an elegant and powerful client side JavaScript to server side PHP data transfer technique perfectly matched to PHP's associative array feature. Browse to the form page and select some items by entering an INTEGER > 1 then click on Submit (Don't put strings or reals in the input fields - error trapping has been stripped out for brevity). Try selecting one, some, all or none of the items, changing the names of the form input variables (and the associated labels, for clarity!) or adding to the number of items "on offer". At no point do you need to alter either the JavaScript function or the action page in any way - just be aware that extra coding and error trapping is required - especially where the key values in the application could be something other than integers:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
   <title>How to Pass an Array from Javascript to PHP: Form Page</title>
  <!-- File: random_picker.php -->
   <script type="text/javascript">
     function send_picks()
       var picked = 0;
       for (var i = 0 ; i < form1.elements.length; i++)
         if(form1.elements[i].value > 0)
           e = form1.elements[i]
               form1.picks.value = form1.picks.value + "s:" + + ":\""
           + + "\";i:" + e.value + ";";

       form1.picks.value = "a:" + picked + ":{" + form1.picks.value + "}";
<h3 align="center">How to Pass an Array from Javascript to PHP: Form Page</h3>
<form name="form1" action="random_picker_action.php" method="post"
<table align="center" border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0">
  <tr><td>Item 13</td>
  <td><input type="text" name="item_13" value="0" size="4"></td>
  <tr><td>Part number 2</td>
  <td><input type="text" name="Part_number_2" value="0" size="4"></td>
  <tr><td>Drawing ref 327</td>
  <td><input type="text" name="Drawing_ref_327" value="0" size="4"></td>
  <tr><td>Organic Carrots</td>
  <td><input type="text" name="Organic_carrots" value="0" size="4"></td>
  <tr><td colspan="2" align="center">
     <input type="submit" value="Submit Picks">
     <input type="hidden" name="picks" value=""></td>

The action page for the above form page is listed below. Notice the really ingenious feature; the form variable is simply unserialized  to turn it into a fully functional PHP array! The action page doesn't need to know anything about "expected" variable names because everything PHP needs to know is right inside the array. Note also that for maximum efficiency only "picked" item data is sent. If no items at all are picked, a perfectly formed empty array is sent:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
   <title>How to Pass an Array from Javascript to PHP: Action Page</title>
  <!-- File: random_picker_action.php -->
<h3>How to Pass an Array from Javascript to PHP: Action Page</h3>
= urldecode(stripslashes($picks));
"<b>JavaScript said: " . $picks . "</b><p>";
$picks = unserialize($picks);
sizeof($picks) > 0)
"You picked the following items:<p>";
$item = each($picks))
$item['value'] . " off, " . str_replace("_", " ", $item['key']) . "<br>";
"You did not pick any items<p>";

I hope you find this technique useful - let me know what you think - I can already hear the jaws of Java Jocks dropping!
23-Feb-2005 09:58
In reply of Davide:
Luckly XHTML is not so limited as HTML4 :-)

"Note that the collection of legal values in XML 1.0 Section 2.3, production 5 is much larger than that permitted to be used in the ID and NAME types defined in HTML 4."
20-Jan-2005 12:03

"ID and NAME tokens must begin with a letter ([A-Za-z]) and may be followed by any number of letters, digits ([0-9]), hyphens ("-"), underscores ("_"), colons (":"), and periods (".")."

So name="value[]" is invalid in HTML 4.01.
alberto dot delatorre at gmail dot com
15-Jan-2005 07:41
Other way to make a form with array fields, and use JavaScript features on them, is use both name and id attributes on the field as:

<input type="text" name="myfield[]" id="myfield1"/>
<input type="text" name="myfield[]" id="myfield2"/>
<script language="JavaScript">

This is an easy way to do it. To number the fields, do a simple for structure and you have done.
dreptack at op dot pl
02-Jan-2005 08:37
I needed to post html form through image input element. But my problem was I had to use multiple image-buttons, each one for a single row of form table. Pressing the button was mention to tell script to delete this row from table and also (in the same request) save other data from the form table.
I wrote simple test-script to see what variable I should check for in a script:

I have a html document:

<form action="test.php" method="post">
<input type="image" name="varscalar" src="/images/no.gif" />
<input type="image" name="vararray[12]" src="/images/no.gif" />

And a php script:
if ($_POST) {
"post: <pre>"; print_r($_POST); echo '</pre>';

What I've discovered suprised me a lot!

After hitting on varscalar:

   [varscalar_x] => 6
   [varscalar_y] => 7

After hitting on upper right corner of vararray:

   [vararray] => Array
           [12] => 2


This mean when clicking on image-type input element, which name is an array, only y-part of a value is remembered.

The result is the same on: php 4.1.2 on Win98se, php 4.3.9-1 on linux
seec77 at zahav dot net dot il
22-Dec-2004 11:35
Another unfortunate result of appending "[]" to input field names to pass form data in arrays to PHP, is that people will be able to detect you are running PHP. You can tell by the whole documentation section on hiding PHP, that some people might not want the public to know their site is generated with PHP (usually for security reasons), but the "[]" will blow your cover.
So beware! If you are trying to hide PHP, you will have to stay away from passing form data as arrays!
05-Aug-2004 12:38
I am using code I got from SitePoint that uses stripslashes because of magic quotes...I finally figured out that it kept my html form select multiple field from working correctly even though I was using name="arrName[]" as the field name -- I was only getting the word array as the value, and all the things I tried there was nothing else there. The stripslashes was part of an included include file, so it took me hours to debug.  Hopefully this will help keep others from wasting time.
Jim Granger
19-Jun-2004 05:11
Kenn White wrote:

So for XHTML strict, the bottom line:
 1. form, use id, not name
 2. input, use id if you can, but if you need to use bracketed notation (for example, passing PHP arrays), i.e., foo[], you *MUST* use name for XHTML strict validation.

I don't think they are going to deprecate name entirely. For one thing, to be of any use, radio boxes and occasionally checkboxes must have the same identifying mark, in this case a name. By the rules of the DTD, id's MUST be unique. In that respect, it is probably better to not use id in input elements at all.

Of course, it's a good idea to use ids as sparingly as possible.
ppmm at wuxinan dot net
13-Jun-2004 11:11
3. How do I create arrays in a HTML <form>?

The feature is nice in the sense of simplifying programming. However, this does have side-effect. Look at this URL below:

As a common viewpoint, exposing the absolute filesystem path in the webpage is always a bad thing. I reported this problem at a few days before and I get a response saying "it's up to programmers". I think it's fair, however, webmaster should really learn to check the variables at the beginning of the script. In the above case, the PHP script should at least check like this:

if (!is_string(url)) die("with some error message");

As what I experienced, many PHP-based websites have this problem. I would think a perfect solution is that PHP does not do this automatic parsing, and when a PHP script expects an array to be posted, they would do something like

parse_http_array($_GET, "url");

only after this point, $_GET['url']) exists. Before this statement, only $_GET['url[]'] is available. Well, I am kind of too demanding I guess, but what I really intended to say is that webmaster should know this problem.
vlad at vkelman dot com
05-Jun-2004 02:04
"4.  How do I get all the results from a select multiple HTML tag?"

I think that behavior of PHP which forces to use [] after a name of 'select' control with multiple attribute specified is very unfortunate. I understand it comes from old times when registerglobals = on was commonly used. But it creates incompatibility between PHP and ASP or other server-side scripting languages. The same HTML page with 'select' control cannot post to PHP and ASP server pages, because ASP does not require [] and automatically recognize when arrays are posted.
Kenn White kennwhite dot nospam at hotmail dot com
13-Mar-2004 04:18
Concerning XHTML Strict and array notation in forms, hopefully the information below will be useful:

If I have a form, name="f", and, say, an input text box, name="user_data[Password]", then in Javascript, to reference it I would do something like:
var foo = f['user_data[Password]'].value;

Now, say that in making the switch to XHTML strict, I decide to fully embrace standards compliance, and change my form to id="f", and the input text box to id="user_data[Password]"

Because these have id instead of name, I discover, that all my javascript validation routines just broke.  It seems that I have to now change all my js code to something like:

document.getElementById( 'user_data[Password]' ).focus();

I test this on all the major modern browsers, and it works well.  I'm thinking, Great!  Until I try to validate said page.  It turns out that the bracket characters are invalid in id attributes.  Ack!  So I read this thread:

(link needs to be spliced, sorry)

What does this mean, I start asking myself?  Do I have to abandon my goal to migrate to XHTML strict?  Transitional seems so unsatisfying.  And why bother with a technique that seems to work on most browsers, if it's broken.  Alas, there is hope.

But then I read carefully.  It says "name" is deprecated as a form attribute, but *NOT* specifically as an attribute in form *elements*.  It seems my solution is to use "id" for the form itself, but I can legally use "name" for the individual form components, such as select and text input boxes.  I get the impression that "name" as an attribute is eventually going away completely, but in extensive testing using the W3C validator, it passes "name" on form components, as long as "id" (or, strangely, nothing) is used to denote the form itself.

So for XHTML strict, the bottom line:
 1. form, use id, not name
 2. input, use id if you can, but if you need to use bracketed notation (for example, passing PHP arrays), i.e., foo[], you *MUST* use name for XHTML strict validation.

[email protected]
davis at risingtiger dot net
09-Jan-2004 08:14
I thought this might be useful to fellow PHP heads like myself out there.

I recently came across a need to transfer full fledged mutli-dimensional arrays from PHP to JAVASCRIPT.

So here it is and hopefuly good things come from it.

function phparray_jscript($array, $jsarray)
$array as $key => $value)
               echo (
$localarray.$dimen."[\"$key\"] = new Array();\n");
               echo (
$localarray.$dimen."[\"$key\"] = \"$value\";\n");

"<script language=\"Javascript1.1\">\n";
"var $jsarray = new Array();\n";
email at njschedules dot com
19-Oct-2003 04:13
If you try to include an XHTML document in a PHP document, you may be including this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>

which would, of course, be read as PHP code. To avoid this problem, use:

<?php echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"iso-8859-1\"?>"; ?>

Hope I can save you from those nasty warning messages :)
03-Oct-2003 10:25
Responding to the suggestion for using this line:

<form onSubmit=" + '[]'">

This did not work for me.  I had to make a function makeArray:

function makeArray(selectBox)
{ + "[]";

Then, in the submit button, add this:


I couldn't get anything else to work.

jasonpb at bellsouth dot net
30-Sep-2003 06:29
Another good way for passing javascript to php without having to have a page reload is to use an img tag.

Add this where you want to collect the vars from
This can also be a .html page
<script language="javascript">
// Define variables
if (navigator.appname != 'Netscape') {color= "color="+screen.colorDepth+"&";}
else {color = "color="+screen.pixelDepth+"&";}
avail = "avail="+screen.availwidth+"x"+screen.availheight+"&";
res = "res="+screen.width+"x"+screen.height;
isize = '" width="1" height="1" border="0"';
// Generate img tag
img = '<img name="img"
//Print it to browser

Now you have the javascript vars passed along to the javascript.php page, all thats left is to add a couple lines of php code to gather the info up.

// Get the vars from the javascript
$res = $_GET['res'];
$avail_res = $_GET['avail'];
$color_depth = $_GET['color'];
// Do something with the info
echo "You Screen's Resolution is $res, Your Available Screen Resolution is $avail_res, and the Color Depth on your screen is $color_depth.";
Thats it!!
Hope it may help someone!
martellare at hotmail dot com
15-Mar-2003 08:28
I do not think you are right about not being able to specify something for the value attribute, but I can see where you would have thought it would fail:

A fair warning about testing to see if a variable exists...
when it comes to strings, the values '' and '0' are interpreted as false when tested this way...

if ($string) { ... }  //false for $string == �� || $string == �0�

The best practice for testing to see if you received a variable from the form (which in the case of a checkbox, only happens when it is checked) is to test using this...

if ( isSet($string) ) { ... } //true if and only if the variable is set

The function tests to see if the variable has been set, regardless of its contents.

By the way, if anyone's curious, when you do make a checkbox without specifying the value attribute, the value sent from the form for that checkbox becomes �on�.  (That's for HTML in general, not PHP-specific).
josh at NO chatgris SPAM dot com
15-Jan-2003 10:18
For those of you familiar with ASP or apache aprea_request_params_as_string, this function should be very welcome to you to turn things like

<input type="hidden" name="selected_category_ids[]" value="1">
<input type="hidden" name="selected_category_ids[]" value="4">
<input type="hidden" name="selected_category_ids[]" value="5">
<input type="hidden" name="selected_category_ids[]" value="6">
<input type="hidden" name="selected_category_ids[]" value="7">


1, 4, 5, 6, 7

To use it, pass the name from html into this function, WITH the []'s (you can remove the log_func from this function if you want).

Basically, this functgion checks for a [] at the end of the string.  If it's there, it converts it to a comma delimited string, if not, it returns the value as normal.

function getBlindFormData( $form_name ) {
     if ( !
is_string( $form_name ) ) {
$this->{$this->log_func} ( "File: %s. Line: %d. \$form_name is NOT a string.", __FILE__, __LINE__ );

$offs = strlen( $form_name ) - 2;
   if (
strpos ( $form_name, "[]", $offs ) === $offs ) {
$form_name = substr( $form_name, 0, $offs );
$isarray = 1;
   } else {
$isarray = 0;

   if ( isset(
$_GET[$form_name] ) ) {
$request = $_GET[$form_name];

   if ( isset(
$_POST[$form_name] ) ) {
$request = $_POST[$form_name];

$ret = NULL;
   if ( isset(
$request ) ) {
       if (
$isarray ) {
$ret = $request[0];
       for (
$i = 1; $i < count( $request ); $i++ ) {
$ret .= ", ".$request[$i];
     } else {
$ret = $request;


Usage could be as follows

To select a comma delimited list of values.

= sprintf( "DELETE FROM categories\n"
.    "  WHERE category_id IN ( %s );\n"

, $wrapper->getRequiredFormData( "selected_category_ids[]" ) );

or just $wrapper->getOptionalFormData( "category_id" ); for retrieval of a normal http variable.

Any questions, problems, bugs you find in this email me at the abvoe email address. (remove the NO before chatgris and the SPAM after chatgris etc.)
martellare at hotmail dot com
26-Nov-2002 07:25
A JavaScript Note: Using element indexes to reference form elements can cause problems when you want to add new elements to your form; it can shift the indexes of the elements that are already there.

For example, You've got an array of checkboxes that exist at the beginning of a form:

   <INPUT type="checkbox" name="fruits[]" value="apple">apple
   <INPUT type="checkbox" name="fruits[]" value="orange">orange
   <INPUT type="checkbox" name="fruits[]" value="banana">banana

... These elements could be referenced in JavaScript like so:

<SCRIPT language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
   var index = 0; //could be 1 or 2 as well

However, if you added a new textbox before these elements, the checkboxes indexes become 1 - 3 instead of 0 - 2;  That can mess up what ever code you create depending on those indexes.

Instead, try referencing your html arrays in JavaScript this way.  I know it works in Netscape 4 & IE 6, I hope it to some extent is universal...

<SCRIPT language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
   var message = "";
   for (var i = 0; i < document.forms[0].elements['fruits[]'].length; i++)
       message += "events[" + i + "]: " + document.forms[0].elements['fruits[]'][i].value + "\n";

karatidt at web dot de
17-Nov-2002 08:57
this code selects all elements with javascript
and hands them over to an array in php *sorry my english is not good*


<script language="JavaScript">
function SelectAll(combo)
   for (var i=0;i<combo.options.length;i++)

html code:
<form name="form" action="<?php echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; ?>" method="post">
<select name="auswahl[]" size="10" multiple>
<option value="[email protected]">Bill Gates</option>
<option value="[email protected]">Bill Clinton</option>
<option value="[email protected]">Bart Simpson</option>
<option value="[email protected]">OJ Simpson</option>
<option value="[email protected]">Jay Leno</option>

<input type="submit" name="submit1"  value="OK" onclick="SelectAll(document.form.elements['auswahl[]'])">

php code:

$auswahl = $_POST["auswahl"];
foreach ($auswahl as $value)
       echo $value."<br>";
bas at cipherware dot nospam dot com
17-Oct-2002 04:52
Ad 3. "How do I create arrays in a HTML <form>?":

You may have problems to access form elements, which have [] in their name, from JavaScript. The following syntax works in IE and Mozilla (Netscape).

index = 0;
theForm = document.forms[0];
theTextField = theForm['elementName[]'][index];
hjncom at hjncom dot net
25-May-2002 10:30
I think '[' and ']' are valid characters for name attributes.

-> InputType of 'name' attribute is 'CDATA'(not 'NAME' type)

-> about CDATA('name' attribute is not 'NAME' type!)
...CDATA is a sequence of characters from the document character set and may include character entities...

--> about character entity references in HTML 4
([ - &#91, ] - &#93)

 Last updated: Tue, 21 Dec 2004
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