PHP: リファレンスの説明 - Manual
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Last updated: Tue, 21 Dec 2004

第 20章リファレンスの説明


PHPにおいてリファレンスは、同じ変数の内容を異なった名前でコールす ることを意味します。これはCポインタのようなものではなく、シンボル テーブルのエイリアスです。PHPでは、変数名と変数の内容は異なってお り、このため、同じ内容は異なった複数の名前を有する事が可能である ことに注意して下さい。最も良く似ているのは、UNIXのファイル名とファ イルの関係です。この場合、変数名はディレクトリエントリ、変数の内 容はファイル自体に対応します。リファレンスは、UNIXファイルシステ ムのハードリンクのようなものであると考えられます。

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Francis dot a at gmx dot net
09-Feb-2005 06:53
I don't know if this is a bug (I'm using PHP 5.01) but you should be careful when using  references on arrays.
I had a for-loop that was incredibly slow and it took me some time to find out that most of the time was wasted with the  function sizeof() at every loop, and even more time I spent  finding out that this problem it must be somehow related to the fact, that I used a reference of the array. Take a look at the following example:

function test_ref(&$arr) {
   $time = time();
   for($n=0; $n<sizeof($arr); $n++) {
       $x = 1;
   echo "<br />The function using a reference took ".(time() - $time)." s";

function test_val($arr) {
   $time = time();
   for($n=0; $n<sizeof($arr); $n++) {
       $x = 1;
   echo "<br />The funktion using a value took: ".(time() - $time)." s";

// fill array
for($n=0; $n<2000; $n++) {
   $ar[] = "test".$n;

echo "<br />Done";

When I tested it, the first function was done after 9 seconds, while the second (although the array must be copied) was done in not even one.

The difference is inproportional smaller when the array size is reduced:
When using 1000 loops the first function was running for 1 second, when using 4000 it wasn't even done after 30 Seconds.
jw at jwscripts dot com
16-Oct-2004 12:18
Re-using variables which where references before, without unsetting them first, leads to unexpected behaviour.

The following code:


= array();

for (
$i = 1; $i < 4; $i++) {
$numbers[] = null;
$num = count($numbers);
$index =& $numbers[$num ? $num - 1 : $num];
$index = $i;

foreach (
$numbers as $index) {


Does not produce:

But instead:

Applying unset($index) before re-using the variable fixes this and the expected list will be produced:
hkmaly at bigfoot dot com
15-Sep-2004 03:11
It seems like PHP has problems with references, like that it can't work properly with circular references or free properly structure with more references. See

I have big problem with this and I hope someone from PHP add proper warning with explanation IN manual, if they can't fix it.
jlaing at gmail dot com
18-Jul-2004 03:28
While trying to do object references with the special $this variable I found that this will not work:
class foo {
  function bar() {
   $this =& $some_other_foo_obj;

If you want to emulate this functionality you must iterate through the vars of the class and assign references like this:

$vars = get_class_vars('foo');
foreach (array_keys($vars) as $field) {
  $this->$field =& $some_other_foo_obj->$field;

Now if you modify values within $this they will be modified within $some_other_foo_obj and vice versa.

Hope that helps some people!

developer at sirspot dot com's note about object references doesn't seem correct to me.

  $temp =& $object;
  $object =& $temp->getNext();

Does the same exact thing as:

  $object =& $object->getNext();

when you refernce $temp to $object all it does is make $temp an alias to the same memory as $object, so doing $temp->getNext(); and $object->getNext(); are calling the same function on the same object.  Try it out if you don't believe me.
thenewparadigm at hotmail dot com
07-May-2004 07:33
one very useful aspect for reference that i don't think i saw documented was the ability to skip a few steps with objects stored in objects.

for example:

assuming the object structure is correctly constructed (and mind you i haven't tried this in php, but it does work in most other high-end programming languages), instead of using this structure to get a variable/function


$obj1 -> obj2 -> obj3 -> varX = 0;
$obj1 -> obj2 -> obj3 -> varY = 0;
$obj1 -> obj2 -> obj3 -> functionX();
$obj1 -> obj2 -> obj3 -> functionY();


you can use this method:


$tempObj = & $obj1 -> obj2 -> obj3;

$tempObj -> varX = 0;
$tempObj -> varY = 0;
$tempObj -> functionX();
$tempObj -> functionY();


note, if you want to use a shortcut variable to modify the original object you must include the ampersand (&) to reference the variable, otherwise if you used this line of code


$tempObj = $obj1 -> obj2 -> obj3;


any changes you make to $tempObj will not change the original object and may compromise the object structure, not to mention that it takes up extra memory.  however, if you are just using the shortcut variable for read-only purposes, not using a reference wont cause any problems.

another alternative in programming languages is the 'with' structure as seen below


with($obj1 -> obj2 -> obj3) {
   varX = 0;
   varY = 0;


however, i don't expect this will work because as far as i've seen the 'with' structure is not supported in php.
06-Apr-2004 05:53
On the post that says php4 automagically makes references, this appears to *not* apply to objects:

"Note:  Not using the & operator causes a copy of the object to be made. If you use $this in the class it will operate on the current instance of the class. The assignment without & will copy the instance (i.e. the object) and $this will operate on the copy, which is not always what is desired. Usually you want to have a single instance to work with, due to performance and memory consumption issues."
iryoku at terra dot es
30-Mar-2004 06:22
You should have in mind that php4 keep assigned variables "automagically" referenced until they are overwritten. So the variable copy is not executed on assignment, but on modification. Say you have this:

$var1 = 5;
$var2 = $var1; // In this point these two variables share the same memory location
$var1 = 3; // Here $var1 and $var2 have they own memory locations with values 3 and 5 respectively

Don't use references in function parameters to speed up aplications, because this is automatically done. I think that this should be in the manual, because it can lead to confusion.

More about this here:
developer at sirspot dot com
03-Feb-2004 06:30
Since references are more like hardlinks than pointers, it is not possible to change a reference to an object by using that same reference.  For example:

The following WILL NOT WORK as expected and may even crash the PHP interpreter:

$object =& $object->getNext();

However, by changing the previous statement to use a temporary reference, this WILL WORK:

$temp =& $object;
$object =& $temp->getNext();

<Type Hintingリファレンスが行うことは何ですか?>
 Last updated: Tue, 21 Dec 2004
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