PHP: COM and .Net (Windows) - Manual
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Last updated: Sat, 22 May 2004

VIII. COM and .Net (Windows)


COM is an acronym for Component Object Model; it is an object orientated layer (and associated services) on top of DCE RPC (an open standard) and defines a common calling convention that enables code written in any language to call and interoperate with code written in any other language (provided those languages are COM aware). Not only can the code be written in any language, but it need not even be part of the same executable; the code can be loadaed from a DLL, be found in another process running on the same machine, or, with DCOM (Distributed COM), be found in another process on a remote machine, all without your code even needing to know where a component resides.

There is a subset of COM known as OLE Automation which comprises a set of COM interfaces that allow loose binding to COM objects, so that they can be introspected and called at run-time without compile-time knowledge of how the object works. The PHP COM extension utilitizes the OLE Automation interfaces to allow you to create and call compatible objects from your scripts. Technically speaking, this should really be called the "OLE Automation Extension for PHP", since not all COM objects are OLE compatible.

Now, why would or should you use COM? COM is one of the main ways to glue applications and components together on the Windows platform; using COM you can launch Microsoft Word, fill in a document template and save the result as a Word document and send it to a visitor of your web site. You can also use COM to perform administrative tasks for your network and to configure your IIS; these are just the most common uses; you can do much more with COM.

Starting with PHP 5, this extension (and this documentation) was rewritten from scratch and much of the old confusing and bogus cruft has be removed. Additionally, we support the instantiation and creation of .Net assemblies using the COM interoperability layer provided by Microsoft.

Please read for an overview of the changes in this extension in PHP 5.


COM functions are only available for the Windows version of PHP.

.Net support requires PHP 5 and the .Net runtime.



Windows ������ PHP �w���ئ��������䴩�M�ҥH�A�𶷦A���J���[�������Өϥγo�ǥ\��C

You are responsible for installing support for the various COM objects that you intend to use (such as MS Word); we don't and can't bundle all of those with PHP.

For Each

Starting with PHP 5, you may use PHP's own the �` called foreach �b µÚ 11 �� statement to iterate over the contents of a standard COM/OLE IEnumVariant. In laymans terms, this means that you can use foreach in places where you would have used For Each in VB/ASP code.

�d�� 1. For Each in ASP

Set domainObject = GetObject("WinNT://Domain")
For Each obj in domainObject
  Response.Write obj.Name & "<br>"

�d�� 2. while() ... Next() in PHP 4

= new COM("WinNT://Domain");
while (
$obj = $domainObject->Next()) {
$obj->Name . "<br>";

�d�� 3. foreach in PHP 5

= new COM("WinNT://Domain");
foreach (
$domainObject as $obj) {
$obj->Name . "<br>";

Arrays and Array-style COM properties

Many COM objects expose their properties as arrays, or using array-style access. In PHP 4, you may use PHP array syntax to read/write such a property, but only a single dimension is allowed. If you want to read a multi-dimensional property, you could instead make the property access into a function call, with each parameter representing each dimension of the array access, but there is no way to write to such a property.

PHP 5 introduces the following new features to make your life easier:

  • Access multi-dimensional arrays, or COM properties that require multiple parameters using PHP array syntax. You can also write or set properties using this technique.

  • Iterate SafeArrays ("true" arrays) using the the �` called foreach �b µÚ 11 �� control structure. This works because SafeArrays include information about their size. If an array-style property implements IEnumVariant then you can also use foreach for that property too; take a look at the �` called For Each for more information on this topic.

Exceptions (PHP 5)

This extension will throw instances of the class com_exception whenever there is a potentially fatal error reported by COM. All COM exceptions have a well-defined code property that corresponds to the HRESULT return value from the various COM operations. You may use this code to make programmatic decisions on how to handle the exception.



��� 1. Com configuration options

For further details and definition of the PHP_INI_* constants see ini_set().



When this is turned on, PHP will be allowed to operate as a D-COM (Distributed COM) client and will allow the PHP script to instantiate COM objects on a remote server.


When this is turned on, PHP will attempt to register constants from the typelibrary of objects that it instantiates, if those objects implement the interfaces required to obtain that information. The case sensitivity of the constants it registers is controlled by the configuration directive.


When this is turned on, any problems with loading a typelibrary during object instantiation will be reported using the PHP error mechanism. The default is off, which does not emit any indication if there was an error finding or loading the type library.


When this is turned on (the default), constants found in auto-loaded type libraries will be registered case sensitively. See com_load_typelib() for more details.


It controls the default character set code-page to use when passing strings to and from COM objects. If set to an empty string, PHP will assume that you want CP_ACP, which is the default system ANSI code page.

If the text in your scripts is encoded using a different encoding/character set by default, setting this directive will save you from having to pass the code page as a parameter to the COM class constructor. Please note that by using this directive (as with any PHP configuration directive), your PHP script becomes less portable; you should use the COM constructor parameter whenever possible.

�`: This configuration directive was introduced with PHP 5.


When set, this should hold the path to a file that contains a list of typelibraries that should be loaded on startup. Each line of the file will be treated as the type library name and loaded as though you had called com_load_typelib(). The constants will be registered persistently, so that the library only needs to be loaded once. If a type library name ends with the string #cis or #case_insensitive, then the constants from that library will be registered case insensitively.








CLSCTX_ALL (integer)

VT_NULL (integer)

VT_EMPTY (integer)

VT_UI1 (integer)

VT_I2 (integer)

VT_I4 (integer)

VT_R4 (integer)

VT_R8 (integer)

VT_BOOL (integer)

VT_ERROR (integer)

VT_CY (integer)

VT_DATE (integer)

VT_BSTR (integer)

VT_DECIMAL (integer)

VT_UNKNOWN (integer)

VT_DISPATCH (integer)

VT_VARIANT (integer)

VT_I1 (integer)

VT_UI2 (integer)

VT_UI4 (integer)

VT_INT (integer)

VT_UINT (integer)

VT_ARRAY (integer)

VT_BYREF (integer)

CP_ACP (integer)

CP_MACCP (integer)

CP_OEMCP (integer)

CP_UTF7 (integer)

CP_UTF8 (integer)

CP_SYMBOL (integer)

CP_THREAD_ACP (integer)

VARCMP_LT (integer)

VARCMP_EQ (integer)

VARCMP_GT (integer)

VARCMP_NULL (integer)











For further information on COM read the or perhaps take a look at Don Box's . You might find some additional useful information in our FAQ for µÚ 52 ��. If you're thinking of using MS Office applications on the server side, you should read the information here: .

COM -- COM class
com_addref --  Increases the components reference counter [deprecated]
com_create_guid --  Generate a globally unique identifier (GUID)
com_event_sink --  Connect events from a COM object to a PHP object
com_get_active_object --  Returns a handle to an already running instance of a COM object
com_get --  Gets the value of a COM Component's property [deprecated]
com_invoke --  Calls a COM component's method [deprecated]
com_isenum -- Indicates if a COM object has an IEnumVariant interface for iteration [deprecated]
com_load_typelib -- Loads a Typelib
com_load --  Creates a new reference to a COM component [deprecated]
com_message_pump --  Process COM messages, sleeping for up to timeoutms milliseconds
com_print_typeinfo --  Print out a PHP class definition for a dispatchable interface
com_propget -- Alias of com_get()
com_propput -- Alias of com_set()
com_propset -- Alias of com_set()
com_release --  Decreases the components reference counter [deprecated]
com_set --  Assigns a value to a COM component's property
variant_abs --  Returns the absolute value of a variant
variant_add --  "Adds" two variant values together and returns the result
variant_and --  performs a bitwise AND operation between two variants and returns the result
variant_cast --  Convert a variant into a new variant object of another type
variant_cat --  concatenates two variant values together and returns the result
variant_cmp --  Compares two variants
variant_date_from_timestamp --  Returns a variant date representation of a unix timestamp
variant_date_to_timestamp --  Converts a variant date/time value to unix timestamp
variant_div --  Returns the result from dividing two variants
variant_eqv --  Performs a bitwise equivalence on two variants
variant_fix --  Returns the integer portion ? of a variant
variant_get_type -- Returns the type of a variant object
variant_idiv --  Converts variants to integers and then returns the result from dividing them
variant_imp --  Performs a bitwise implication on two variants
variant_int --  Returns the integer portion of a variant
variant_mod --  Divides two variants and returns only the remainder
variant_mul --  multiplies the values of the two variants and returns the result
variant_neg --  Performs logical negation on a variant
variant_not --  Performs bitwise not negation on a variant
variant_or --  Performs a logical disjunction on two variants
variant_pow --  Returns the result of performing the power function with two variants
variant_round --  Rounds a variant to the specified number of decimal places
variant_set_type --  Convert a variant into another type. Variant is modified "in-place"
variant_set --  Assigns a new value for a variant object
variant_sub --  subtracts the value of the right variant from the left variant value and returns the result
variant_xor --  Performs a logical exclusion on two variants

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COM and .Net (Windows)
angelo [at] mandato <dot> com
03-Jun-2004 05:37
Useful PHP MSWord class I created to do some simple file conversions.  This class could have a lot more to it but I am not familiar with all the COM MS Word function calls.
   // NOTE: Using COM with windows NT/2000/XP with apache as a service
   // - Run dcomcnfg.exe
   // - Find word application and click properties
   // - Click the Security tab
   // - Use Custom Access Permissions
   //      - Add the user who runs the web server service
   // - Use Custom Launch permissions
   //      - Add the user who runs the web server service
$wdFormatDocument = 0;
$wdFormatTemplate = 1;
$wdFormatText = 2;
$wdFormatTextLineBreaks = 3;
$wdFormatDOSText = 4;
$wdFormatDOSTextLineBreaks = 5;
$wdFormatRTF = 6;
$wdFormatUnicodeText = 7;

// Vars:
var $handle;
// Create COM instance to word
function MSWord($Visible = false)
$this->handle = new COM("word.application") or die("Unable to instanciate Word");
$this->handle->Visible = $Visible;
// Open existing document
function Open($File)
// Create new document
function NewDocument()
// Write text to active document
function WriteText( $Text )
$this->handle->Selection->Typetext( $Text );
// Number of documents open
function DocumentCount()
// Save document as another file and/or format
function SaveAs($File, $Format = 0 )
$this->handle->ActiveDocument->SaveAs($File, $Format);
// Save active document
function Save()
// close active document.
function Close()
// Get word version
function GetVersion()
// get handle to word
function GetHandle()
// Clean up instance with word
function Quit()
$this->handle )
// close word
// free the object
$this->handle = null;


Example 1, opens an html file, writes text to it, then saves it as a document:
= "C:\\test.htm";
$output = "C:\\test.doc";

$Word = new MSWord;
$Word->WriteText("This is a test ");

Example 2, opens an html file, then saves it as a rtf file:
= "C:\\test.htm";
$output = "C:\\test.rtf";

$Word = new MSWord;
$Word->SaveAs($output, $wdFormatRTF);
angelo [at] mandato <dot> com
18-May-2004 10:30
Useful PHP functions I created (similar to other standard PHP database functions) for working with an ADO datasource:
$ADO_NUM = 1;
$ADO_BOTH = 3;
ado_connect( $dsn )
$link = new COM("ADODB.Connection");
ado_close( $link )
ado_num_fields( $rs )
ado_fetch_array( $rs, $result_type$row_number = -1 )
$row_number > -1 ) // Defined in adoint.h - adBookmarkFirst    = 1
$rs->Move( $row_number, 1 );
$rs->EOF )
$ToReturn = array();
$x = 0; $x < ado_num_fields($rs); $x++ )
$result_type == $ADO_NUM || $result_type == $ADO_BOTH )
$ToReturn[ $x ] = $rs->Fields[$x]->Value;
$result_type == $ADO_ASSOC || $result_type == $ADO_BOTH )
$ToReturn[ $rs->Fields[$x]->Name ] = $rs->Fields[$x]->Value;
ado_num_rows( $rs )
ado_free_result( $rs )
ado_query( $link, $query )
ado_fetch_assoc( $rs$row_number = -1 )
ado_fetch_array( $rs, $ADO_ASSOC, $row_number);
ado_fetch_row( $rs$row_number = -1 )
ado_fetch_array( $rs, $ADO_NUM, $row_number);
// Extra functions:
function ado_field_len( $rs, $field_number )
ado_field_name( $rs, $field_number )
ado_field_scale( $rs, $field_number )
ado_field_type( $rs, $field_number )

The aod version was a typo.
markshane1 at fuse dot net
10-May-2004 10:41
Here is a COM function that creates an excel spreadsheet with any number of worksheets, containing data from a matching number of SQL queries.  Be ware of the upper limit of excel worksheets.  This function properly shuts down Excel on the server. 
   function WriteExcel($strPath,$astrSheetName,$astrSQL){
/* This function takes a file save path, and array of sheet names and a corresponding array */
/* of SQL queries for each sheet and created a multi-worksheet excel spreadsheet*/
       $dbs=new clsDB;
       $exapp = new COM("Excel.Application") or Die ("Did not connect");
           $exapp->Application->Visible = 1;
       for ($int=0;$int<$intSheetCount;$int++){
               $strOut="";//initialize the output string
               for ($int2=0;$int2<$intCols;$int2++){//we start at 1 because don't want to output the table's index
                         $cell->value = $strOut;
                   }//end of colcount for loop
           }//end while loop
       }//end sheetcount for loop
       if (file_exists($strPath)) {unlink($strPath);}
   }//function WriteExcel
05-Apr-2004 11:31
Simple example for creating your own dll's which can be called as COM objects in PHP:

First create your ActiveX dll (Visual Basic):
Name your project as "foo" and class as "bar".

'---start VB code---
Public Function hello() As String
   hello = "Hello World!"
End Function
'---end VB code---

Then make the dll and register it with regsvr32.exe

Now create your PHP script:

= new COM("");
$output=$obj->hello(); // Call the "hello()" method
echo $output; // Displays Hello World! (so this comes from the dll!)
mark dickens at mindspring dot com
29-Feb-2004 02:03
Just a note to those wanting to use COM to interface to printers under Windows 2000/XP.  If it doesn't work or seems to hang, try changing the logon identity under which the Apache (assuming you're using Apache) service is running from the System account to another account.  By default most services will install to run under the System account and although the System account has total authority on the computer it is running on, it has no authority outside of that realm as I understand it.  Apparently accessing printers is considered "outside the realm".  I used this technique to interface a Dymo thermal label printer to my server and it works now.
Awadhaj at hotmail dot com
28-Feb-2004 11:44
Hi php Society!
Using COM function u can run your own simple dlls !
#if u are an ADMINISTRATOR#

first: use the windows regsver32.exe to register ur dll.

   $myDLL=new COM("myDll");
   // then u can invoke eny method
   //  or get any proerty
platiumstar at canada dot com
12-Feb-2004 09:08
I didn't found any working examples of PHP using the MSMQ COM object, so I made up one, thought I share it with works ok.
You have to create a local Public message queue named "TestQueue" first.

define(MQ_SEND_ACCESS , 2);
define(MQ_DENY_NONE , 0);

$msgQueueInfo =  new COM("MSMQ.MSMQQueueInfo") or die("can not create MSMQ Info object");
$msgQueueInfo->PathName = ".\TestQueue";
$msgQueue =  new COM("MSMQ.MSMQQueue") or die("can not create MSMQ object");
$msgQueue=$msgQueueInfo->Open(MQ_SEND_ACCESS, MQ_DENY_NONE );
$msgOut = new COM("MSMQ.MSMQMessage") or die("can not create MSMQ message object");               
$msgOut->Body = "Hello world!";

kleontiv -at- combellga -dot- ru
15-Dec-2003 05:47
And here is an example of using ADSI via ADODB. This sample is unique because only ADODB can provide recursive Active directory searching and listing. But ADODB can only READ Active directory. So you can find something by ADODB and then modify that directly by ADSI.

With previos example this help build you PHP coded interface to Menaging and browsing Microsoft Active Directory.

Also ADODB on ADSI helps you sort recordset and search on it.


= new COM ("ADODB.Connection") ;
$objConnection->Open("Provider=ADsDSOObject;user id=DOMAIN\\login;password=your_passowrd;") ;

$objCommand = new COM("ADODB.Command") ;
$objCommand->ActiveConnection = $objConnection ;

$Cmd  = "<LDAP://dc=mydomain,dc=com>;" ;
$Cmd .= "(&(objectClass=user)(mail=*)(!cn=SystemMailbox*));" ;
$Cmd .= "name,mail,telephoneNumber;subtree" ;

$objCommand->Properties['Sort On']->Value = "name" ;

$objCommand->CommandText = $Cmd ;
$objRecordSet = $objCommand->Execute() ;

$OrderNumber = 0 ;
$OrderNumber ++ ;
$nn = $objRecordSet->Fields['name']->Value ;
$mm = $objRecordSet->Fields['mail']->Value ;
$ph = $objRecordSet->Fields['telephoneNumber']->Value ;
"$OrderNumber: $nn mail: $mm phone: $ph<br>" ;
$objRecordSet->MoveNext() ;

"===========================<br>" ;
"All MailBoxes: " ;
$objRecordSet->RecordCount() ;
$objRecordSet->Close() ;
$objCommand->Close() ;
$objConnection->Close() ;

$objRecordSet) ;
$objCommand) ;
$objConnection) ;

kleontiv -at- combellga -dot- ru
15-Dec-2003 03:27
I think some one wants to access to Microsoft Active Directory using ADSI with different credential by PHP. You can also do it via pure LDAP but using ADSI it is more simpler.

On VB, VBS or ASP you can do like folowing (so not trivial):

Set dso = GetObject("LDAP:")

Set DsObj = dso.OpenDSObject( _
   "LDAP://DC=mydomain,DC=com", _
   "DOMAIN\login", _
   "password", _

for each Obj in DsObj
   Response.Write & " with class of: " & Obj.class & "<br>"

On PHP you can do like that:

= new COM("LDAP:") ;

$DsObj = $ADSI->OpenDsObject("LDAP://DC=mydomain,DC=com",
515) ;

$Obj = $DsObj->Next())
$Obj->name.' with class of: '.$Obj->class.'<br>' ;

The access type enumeration you can use as ADS_AUTHENTICATION_ENUM.
david at wu-man dot com
06-Dec-2003 08:42
After many hours of trial and error, I have finally discovered how to kill the notorious Word process.  I hope my solution works for everyone else.

#1) $word->Quit() is perfectly fine.  Don't bother feeding in as parameter those empty variants.

#2) Do NOT have com_load_typelib('Word.Application') anywhere in your script.

#3) Make sure you have the following line before $word->Quit() :


#4) Add the following lines after $word->Quit() :

$word = null;

If my solution indeed helped you with your problem, please email me and let me know.  I would like to see if the problem was indeed solved.
aldric dot vaseur at sirom dot fr
04-Dec-2003 02:07
Yes !
Finally i found how to kill MsWord Com process...

The next MSWord function does not work if the optional args are empty :

this doesn't work:

but this is ok :
   $empty = new VARIANT(); //for optional args...

Hope this usefull.

alanraycom at el hogar dot net com
03-Dec-2003 09:50
XSLT transformations using MSXML can be done with this code

function xsltransform1($xslpath,$xmlstring)
  $xml= new COM("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
  // $xmlstring is an xml string
  $xsl = new COM("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
  // $xslpath is path to an xsl file
  return $response;

// enjoy
//Alan Young
chris at hitcatcher dot com
01-Dec-2003 10:19
Many COM objects don't do well when passing long (win32) filenames as function parameters.  You can get the 8.3 name of the folder or file on *most* (some win platforms don't support it, and it can be toggled off in the registry for performance reasons) servers using the following:

//create FSO instance
$exFSO = new COM("Scripting.FileSystemObject") or die ("Could not create Scripting.FileSystemObject");

//set vars
$myDir = "C:\\Program Files\\";
$myFile = "a long file name.txt";

//get folder & file objects
$exDir = $exFSO->GetFolder($myDir);
$exFile = $exFSO->GetFile($myDir . $myFile);
23-Nov-2003 03:57
Here is an example of reading the custom properties like Author, Keywords, etc. which are stored in MS Office and other Windows files. You must install and register dsofile as described at The .frm file in that distribution lists most of the available properties.

// the file you wish to access
$fn = '/docs/MFA.xls';

$oFilePropReader = new COM('DSOleFile.PropertyReader');
$props = $oFilePropReader->GetDocumentProperties($fn);

// one syntax
$au = com_get($props, 'Author');
print "au: $au \n";

//another syntax
$str = 'LastEditedBy';
$lsb = $props->$str;

// set a property if you wish
if (!$props->IsReadOnly()) {
  $props->Subject = 'tlc';
17-Nov-2003 11:17
How to send email via MAPI (works with Windows NT4, apache launched as a service)

#New MAPI session...
$session = new COM("MAPI.Session");

$strProfileInfo = "exchange_server" . chr(10) . "exchange_user";
$session->Logon("", "", 0, 1, 0, 1, $strProfileInfo);
# New message...
$msg = $session->Outbox->Messages->Add();
$msg->Subject = "Subject";
$msg->Text = "body";
#set recipients...
$rcpts = $msg->Recipients;
$rcpts->AddMultiple("[email protected]", 1);  #To...
$rcpts->AddMultiple("[email protected]", 2);  #Cc...
$rcpts->AddMultiple("[email protected]", 3);  #Bcc...

# Resolve senders
#Send message

if($msg!=null) {
   $msg = null;
if($session!=null) {
   $session = null;

ps : NT account launching the service and exchange user must match !
max at netznacht dot de
11-Nov-2003 01:45
Apache 1.3
PHP 4.x

I found the Example from Admin Purplerain usefull but, it wasn't working without this first Line:


// after that the code from Purplerain
$objApp = new COM("Outlook.Application");
$myItem = $objApp->CreateItem(olMailItem);
$a=$myItem->Recipients->Add("your adress here");
$myItem->Body="This is a Body Section now.....!";

Still have to switch of the Outlook Security Warnings.
10-Nov-2003 11:25

I strongly suspect this is due to excel helpfully asking "Do you want to save the changes you made to  'Book1'?" when Quit is called.

This can be avoided by making sure that you set the 'Saved' property to True on ALL workbooks before exiting.

Assuming you only have the one workbook:
$excel->ActiveWorkbook->Saved = 1

Word suffers a similar problem and you must set the saved property to true on each document.

This demonstrates the pitfalls of scripting Word, Excel and similar applications in a non-interactive environment.
dirk_hahn at westlb-systems dot de
06-Nov-2003 02:07
I�ve GOOGLED alot to find out how to use the MS Index Server (which comes with IIS-Webserver) as a search engine. Here is the code that makes a connection via ADO and lists a result for a given searchstring. Hope you'll find it usefull, it will surely prevent you from searching a long time in search engines. If anybody knows how to do it better, feel free to post it here. The following url contains a description for the index server. It also mentions some further features of the index server ( japanese only, sorry).

         $objIndexServer = new COM("ADODB.Connection") or die("Cannot start ADO");
       $objIndexServer->Provider = "msidxs";
       $sql="SELECT DocTitle, VPath, Path, Filename, Access, HitCount, Rank "
           ."FROM SCOPE('DEEP TRAVERSAL OF \"d:\inetpub\intranet \"') "
           ."WHERE ((CONTAINS(' \"$searchstring\" ') >0) "
           ."AND ((Path NOT LIKE '%\_vti%') AND (Path NOT LIKE '%\_private%') "
           ."AND (Filename NOT LIKE 'search.php'))) ORDER BY Rank DESC";
       $objRS = $objIndexServer->Execute("$sql"); # submit the query
       while (!$rs->EOF) //create output
           $objRS->Fields["DOCTITLE"]->value." -- "
           .$objRS->Fields["FILENAME"]->value." -- "
           .date("d.M.y",$objRS->Fields["ACCESS"]->value)." -- "
           .$objRS->Fields["HITCOUNT"]->value." -- "
           .($objRS->Fields["RANK"]->value/10)."% ----> "
feelingflash at hotmail dot com
03-Nov-2003 06:13

I have been trying to solve the problem of terminating the excel process when using the COM functionality. I found a few 'supposed fixes' including not using arrays etc but none of them seemed to work. Example:


None of these variants properly quit the process - ONLY the visible application. Several hours of using your code would leave thousands of excel processes running invisibly in the background and eating all your ram very quickly.

As I was developing on a solution designed to work on clients running windows, my solution was to install microsofts 'kill.exe' into the windows directory and then run it using:

shell_exec("kill excel.exe");

One problem is because kill.exe is an add on utility, some clients running windows will not have it. The solution is then to use file_exists(filename) to detect for the file and then if not present, let the user download it. Example:

$killApp = "C:\WINDOWS\KILL.EXE";

if (file_exists($killApp)) {
   # continue       
} else {
   # show message and link to kill.exe download
superzouz is at hotmail
10-Oct-2003 11:46
-- Catching COM events --
Hello everyone.
Anyone who did VB + COM would know something is missing here: events!
Here's how to catch IE events using some undocumented functions:
class ieSinker {
   var $terminated = false;
   function TitleChange($text) {
         echo("title has changed: $test \n");
   function OnQuit() {
           echo "Quit!\n";
           $this->terminated = true;

$ie = new COM("InternetExplorer.Application");
$ieSink =& new ieSinker();
com_event_sink($ie, $ieSink, "DWebBrowserEvents2");
$ie->navigate(' PATH TO YOUR HTML FILE GOES HERE! ');
$ie->visible = True;
while(!$ieSink->terminated) {
Works perfect for me with php 4.3
You can find more info on the undocumented functions in the YACL documentation.
Note the "DWebBrowserEvents2" interface. You can find more information about these in the microsoft platform SDK documentation, under "web development". Or maybe they have a smaller web development SDK? I wasn't able to use any other interface, so what I do is send messages from IE to the PHP script by changing the title of the html document with JavaScript.
By the way, I cant take credit for the above code, I stole it from some website of which I lost the address.
Thats it... bye...
03-Oct-2003 06:55
Convert Microsoft word document .DOC to adobe acrobat .PS or .PDF files:

Drawback: if any dialog boxes pop up, the conversion will become non-automated.

// You must have word and adobe acrobat distiller on
// your system, although theoretically any printer driver
// that makes .PS files would work.

// starting word
$word = new COM("word.application") or die("Unable to instanciate Word");
"Loaded Word, version {$word->Version}\n";

// bring it to front
$word->Visible = 1;

// Select the acrobat distiller as the active printer.
// I presume that you could also use the Acrobat PDF writer // driver that comes with Acrobat full version.
$word->ActivePrinter = "Acrobat Distiller";

// Open a word document, or anything else that word
// can read

// This will create a .PS file called $output
$word->ActiveDocument->PrintOut(0, 0, 0, $output);

// If you need a .pdf instead, use the acrobat
// distiller's watched folder option.

// closing word

// free the object
$word = null;

court shrock
26-Sep-2003 11:24
took me a while until I found out how to loop through COM objects in PHP.... in ASP, you use something like:

set domainObject = GetObject("WinNT://Domain")

for each obj in domainObject
  Response.write obj.Name & "<br>"


I finally found a note in a PHP bogus bug report that said you needed to do something like this (this is using ADSI):

= new COM("WinNT://Domain");

$obj = $adsi->Next()) {
// while

// will list all the names of all objects in the domain 'Domain'

Also, you can access the IIS metabase by doing something like the following:

= new COM("IIS://localhost/w3svc");

$obj = $iis->Next()) {
  if (
$obj->Class == 'IISWebServer') {
$site = new COM("IIS://Localhost/w3svc/".$obj->Name);
'serviceID ('.$obj->Name.'): '.$site->ServerComment.'<br>';
$bindings = $site->ServerBindings;
$bindings as $binding) {
$ip, $port, $hostHeader) = explode(':', $binding);
"<li>$ip:$port -- $hostHeader</li>";
// foreach
echo '</ul>';

// hint: ssl bindings are in $site->SecureBindings


// if
}// while

// will list all the sites and their bindings on 'localhost'
mkcostello at hotmail dot com
22-Sep-2003 03:35
Took me a while to work this out as there is very little help available. Accessing com variables that are multi arrays can prove tricky.

$ex = new COM("application");

is an array A-H [stPrice,stCurrency]

php chucks out an error on this:

so, you have to do this
$tmp = $ex->Stock->stSalesBands(C);
echo $tmp->stPrice;
php at dictim dot com
06-Sep-2003 07:17
This took me days to work out how to do so I gotta share it:

How to get the word count from a MS Word Document:

#Instantiate the Word component.

$word = new COM("word.application") or die("Unable to instantiate Word");

$word->Visible = 1;

$temp = $word->Dialogs->Item(228);
$numwords = $temp->Words();

echo $numwords;


Note that this is the only way to get the word count accurately:
Will see all carriage returns and punctuation as words so is wildy innaccurate.
seidenberg at cf-mail dot net
11-Jul-2003 09:36
open PDF Documents with Internet Explorer

$browser = new COM("InternetExplorer.Application");
$browser->Visible = true;

this works for me with php-gtk
tomas dot pacl at atlas dot cz
16-Jun-2003 12:07
Passing parameters by reference in PHP 4.3.2 (and in a future releases of PHP )

In PHP 4.3.2 allow_call_time_pass_reference option is set to "Off" by default and future versions may not support this option any longer.
Some COM functions has by-reference parameters. VARIANT object must be used to call this functions, but it would be passed without an '&' before variable name.


$myStringVariant = new VARIANT("over-write me", VT_BSTR);

/* works */
$result = $comobj->DoSomethingTo($myStringVariant );

/* works only with allow_call_time_pass_reference option set to "On" and may not work in a future release of PHP */
$result = $comobj->DoSomethingTo(&$myStringVariant );

The value in the variant can be retrieved by:
$theActualValue = $myStringVariant->value;
php at racinghippo dot co dot uk
22-Mar-2003 11:47

Some COM functions not only return values through the return value, but also act upon a variable passed to it as a parameter *By Reference*:

RetVal = DoSomethingTo (myVariable)

Simply sticking an '&' in front of myVariable doesn't work - you need to pass it a variant of the correct type, as follows:

  $myStringVariant = new VARIANT("over-write me", VT_BSTR);
  $result = $comobj->DoSomethingTo( &$myStringVariant );

The value in the variant can then be retrieved by:

  $theActualValue = $myStringVariant->value;

Other types of variant can be created as your needs demand - see the preceding section on the VARIANT type.
alex at domini dot net
05-Mar-2003 08:55
To manage the Windows Register at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ use these functions:


 * @return string
 * @param aplicacio string
 * @param nom string
 * @desc Retorna el valor del registre HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\aplicacio\nom
function rtv_registre($aplicacio, $nom)
$registre "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\\" . $aplicacio . "\\"  . $nom;
$valor = $WshShell->RegRead($registre);

 * @return string
 * @param aplicacio string
 * @param nom string
 * @param valor string
 * @param tipus string
 * @desc Actualitza el valor del registre HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\aplicacio\nom
function put_registre($aplicacio, $nom, $valor, $tipus="REG_SZ")
$registre "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\\" . $aplicacio . "\\"  . $nom;
$retorn = $WshShell->RegWrite($registre, $valor, $tipus);

// Creem una inst�ncia del COM que ens serveix per
// accedir al registre de Windows, i la mantenim.
// D'aquesta manera millorem el rendiment.
$WshShell = new COM("WScript.Shell");
richard dot quadling at carval dot co dot uk
26-Feb-2003 11:51
With thanks to Harald Radi and Wez Furlong.

Some VBA functions have optional parameters. Sometimes the parameters you want to pass are not consecutive.


GoTo What:=wdGoToBookmark, Name="BookMarkName"

In PHP, the "blank" parameters need to be empty.

Which is ...

// Some servers may have an auto timeout, so take as long as you want.

// Show all errors, warnings and notices whilst developing.

// Used as a placeholder in certain COM functions where no parameter is required.
$empty = new VARIANT();

// Load the appropriate type library.

// Create an object to use.
$word = new COM('word.application') or die('Unable to load Word');
"Loaded Word, version {$word->Version}\n";

// Open a new document with bookmarks of YourName and YourAge.

// Fill in the information from the form.
$word->Selection->GoTo(wdGoToBookmark,$empty,$empty,'YourName'); // Note use of wdGoToBookmark, from the typelibrary and the use of $empty.


// Save it, close word and finish.
$word = null;
"Word closed.\n";

The example document is ...

Hello [Bookmark of YourName], you are [Bookmark of YourAge] years old.

and it would be called ...



pchason at juno dot com
11-Dec-2002 05:23
Searched for days on how to set up a multi-column html output grid that didn't use an array when creating an ADODB connection. Couldn't find one so I figured it out myself. Pretty simple. Wish I would have tried it myself sooner. Commented code with database connection is below...

//create the database connection
$conn = new COM("ADODB.Connection");
$dsn = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" . realpath("mydb.mdb");
//pull the data through SQL string
$rs = $conn->Execute("select clients from web");
$clients = $rs->Fields(1);
//start the multicolumn data output
$i = 0;
$columns = 5;
while (!
//if $i equals 0, start a row
if($i == 0){
//then start writing the cells in the row, increase $i by one, and move to the next record
echo "<td>" . $clients->value . "</td>";
//once $i increments to equal $columns, end the row,
//and start the process over by setting $i to 0
if($i == $columns || $rs->EOF) {
$i = 0;
//end multicolumn data output

//close the ADO connections and release resources
$rs = null;
$conn = null; ?>
daveNO at SPAMovumdesign dot com
27-Sep-2002 03:52
The documentation for this feature is a bit redundant. It mentions that COM performs and encourages information hiding (a.k.a. encapsulation) three times. Perhaps instead it could expand a bit on what COM is useful for, and particularly why combining it with PHP can be beneficial.

The contributed examples above do a nice job of illustrating the benefits of PHP+COM. In a nutshell, many Windows applications (especially office suites and databases) expose useful functionality through the COM interface.

For example, Microsoft Word can read RTF files and (of course) write Word Documents. You could use PHP to generate RTF and then use Microsoft Word via PHP's COM interface to convert the RTF to a DOC. The amazing thing about this is that you can actually insert PHP (or template) code into Word itself, because RTF files are text-based like HTML. Throw Distiller into the mix and you've got a web-based, template-driven, maybe even database-driven PDF generator!

Have fun,
tedknightusa at hotmail dot com
26-Sep-2002 03:29
A Notes example:

$session = new COM "Lotus.NotesSession" );
$someDB = "C:\Lotus\Notes\Data\somedb.nsf";
$db = $session->GetDatabase("", $someDB) or die("Cannot get someDB.nsf");
$view = $db->GetView("some_view") or die("Some View not found");

$doc = $view->GetFirstDocument() or die("Unable to get Initial Some Document");

// loop through
  $col_vals = $doc->ColumnValues();
  echo $col_vals[0];
  $doc = $view->GetNextDocument($doc);
dwt at myrealbox dot com
27-Aug-2002 09:31
When first writing applications instancing COM objects I always faced the problem of the instanced program not terminating correctly although everything else worked fine. In fact the process had to be killed manually by using the task manager. When experimenting a bit I was able to isolate the cause for this peculiar behaviour to be illustrated by the sample code below:


//Accessing arrays by retrieving elements via function ArrayName(Index) works, but certainly is neither efficient nor good style
$excel=new COM("Excel.Application");




//Accessing arrays as usual (using the [] operator) works, buts leads to the application not being able to terminate by itself
$excel=new COM("Excel.Application");




The sample code performs the same action twice and each time the file is properly created. Yet for some mysterious reason the instanced excel process won't terminate once you've accessed an array the way most programmers (especially those who do a lot of oop in c++) do! Therefore until the PHP developers become aware of this problem we'll have to use the inefficient coding style illustrated in the first example.
nospam at bol dot com dot br
21-Aug-2002 09:30
This is a sample to make a parametrized query using ADO via COM, this sample was used with Foxpro but will work's with most ADO complient databases. This was tested on IIS with WIN XP pro.

// Create the main connection
$dbc = new COM("ADODB.Connection")  or die ("connection create fail");
$dbc->Provider = "MSDASQL";
// Creates a temporary record set
$RSet = new COM("ADODB.Recordset");
// Create one ADO command
$cm  = new COM("ADODB.Command");
$cm->Activeconnection = $dbc;
// the ? inside values will be the parameters $par01 and $par02
$cm->CommandText "Insert Into testtable ( mycharfield,mymemofield) VALUES (?,?)" ;
$cm->Prepared = TRUE;
// Creates and append 2 parameters
$par01 = $cm->CreateParameter('ppar01',129,1,50,'ABCDEFGHIKL');
$par02 = $cm->CreateParameter('ppar01',129,1,50,'123456789012346789');
// Call 10 times the exec comand to show 10 different queries
for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++) {
$par01->Value = 'Count '.$i;
$par02->Value = 'Passing here'.$i.' times';
$RSet = $cm->Execute;
$RSet = $dbc->Execute("select * from testtable");
while (!
$RSet->fields["mycharfield"]->value.' ' ;
$RSet->fields["mymemofield"]->value ;
$RSet = null;
$dbc = null;
$cm = null;
paulo at Ihatespam dot com
28-Jun-2002 04:48
Complementing Alex's Excell Example, let's print the SpreadSheet to a PDF file using Acrobat Distiller:

$wkb->PrintOut(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "Acrobat Distiller");

There you go!!!
admin at purplerain dot org
19-Apr-2002 10:34
an easy way to convert your file from .doc to .html

// starting word
$word = new COM("word.application") or die("Unable to instanciate Word");

// if you want see thw World interface the value must be '1' else '0'
$word->Visible = 1;

//doc file location

//html file location  '8' mean HTML format

//closing word

//free the object from the memory
$word = null;
admin at purplerain dot org
02-Apr-2002 10:01
An easy way to send e-mail using your default Outlook account:
= new COM("Outlook.Application");
$myItem = $objApp->CreateItem(olMailItem);
$a=$myItem->Recipients->Add("[email protected]");
$myItem->Body="This is a Body Section now.....!";
madon at cma-it dot com
07-Mar-2002 06:59
I thought this excel chart example could be useful.

Note the use of Excel.application vs Excel.sheet.

print "Hi";
#Instantiate the spreadsheet component.
#    $ex = new COM("Excel.sheet") or Die ("Did not connect");
$exapp = new COM("Excel.application") or Die ("Did not connect");

#Get the application name and version   
print "Application name:{$ex->Application->value}<BR>" ;
"Loaded version: {$ex->Application->version}<BR>";

#$wkb = $ex->Application->ActiveWorkbook or Die ("Did not open workbook");
print "we opened workbook<BR>";

$ex->Application->Visible = 1; #Make Excel visible.
print "we made excell visible<BR>";

$sheets = $wkb->Worksheets(1); #Select the sheet
print "selected a sheet<BR>";
$sheets->activate; #Activate it
print "activated sheet<BR>";

#This is a new sheet
$sheets2 = $wkb->Worksheets->add(); #Add a sheet
print "added a new sheet<BR>";
$sheets2->activate; #Activate it
print "activated sheet<BR>";

$sheets2->name="Report Second page";

$sheets->name="Report First page";
"We set a name to the sheet: $sheets->name<BR>";

# fills a columns
for (
$i=1;$i<$maxi;$i++) {
$cell = $sheets->Cells($i,5) ; #Select the cell (Row Column number)
$cell->activate; #Activate the cell
$cell->value = $i*$i; #Change it to 15000

$ch = $sheets->chartobjects->add(50, 40, 400, 100); # make a chartobject

$chartje = $ch->chart; # place a chart in the chart object
$chartje->activate; #activate chartobject
$selected = $sheets->range("E1:E$maxi"); # set the data the chart uses
$chartje->setsourcedata($selected); # set the data the chart uses
print "set the data the chart uses <BR>";

if (
file_exists($file_name)) {unlink($file_name);}
#$ex->Application->ActiveWorkbook->SaveAs($file_name); # saves sheet as final.xls
$wkb->SaveAs($file_name); # saves sheet as final.xls
print "saved<BR>";



Alex Madon
darkwings at 263 dot net
28-Feb-2002 03:11
now in PHP >=4.0.6
programming in window can use the
ADO through the COM like this:
$dbconn=new COM ("ADODB.Connection") or die ("connection create fail");
 $dbconn->Open("Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=ndht;Initial Catalog=printers;User Id=printers;Password=printers;");
 $rec=new COM("ADODB.Recordset") or die ("create Recordset error");
 while (!$rec->EOF)
echo $rec->fields["fieldname"]->value."<br>";

but there's still a little question of working with the image field of mssql server.
kevin at vcconcepts dot com
31-Mar-2001 11:37
I thought i'd share with those of you unfamiliar with one of the cool things
about developing php on win32 systems..

This is a good article, but i don't think the author hit the nail on the
head showing how useful this can be.

Now, checkout this article:

Notice how he describes 1) how to build a com object & 2) how to call and
use the com object from ASP.

In php, this is how you would call the same object:

= new COM("Checkyear.LeapYear");
$isleapyear = $instance->IsLeapYear($year);
$isleapyear) {
"The <b>$year</b> is a leap year";
else {
"The <b>$year</b> is not a leap year";

I hope this helps someone.. you can contact me at [email protected] if
you would like to discuss this further.

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