 |
II. Funkce pro pr�ci s poli
Tyto funkce v�m umo��uj� manipulovat a interagovat r�zn�mi zp�soby s poli.
Pole jsou nezbytn� pro ukl�d�n� a pr�ci se sadami prom�nn�ch.
Podporov�na jsou jednoduch� a v�cerozm�rn� pole; vytv��et se daj� u�ivatelsky
i jako v�stup funkce. Existuj� datab�zov� funkce na pln�n� pol� v�sledky
datab�zov�ch dotaz�, a n�kolik dal��ch funkc� vrac� pole.
Viz tak� ��st manu�lu pole
pro detailn� popis toho, jak jsou pole
v PHP implementov�ny a jak se pou��vaj�.
Tyto funkce jsou k dispozici jako sou��st
standardn�ho modulu, kter� je v�dy dostupn�. K pou��v�n� t�chto funkc� nen� t�eba ��dn�
instalace, jsou sou��st� j�dra PHP. Toto roz���en� nem� definov�no ��dn� konfigura�n�
direktivy. Toto roz���en� nem� definov�n ��dn� typ prost�edku
Konstanty z tohoto seznamu jsou v�dy dostupn� jako sou��st j�dra PHP.
Sorting order flags:
Sorting type flags: used by various sort functions
SORT_REGULAR is used to compare items normally.
SORT_NUMERIC is used to compare items numerically.
SORT_STRING is used to compare items as strings.
- Obsah
- array_change_key_case -- Returns an array with all string keys lowercased or uppercased
- array_chunk -- Split an array into chunks
- array_combine --
Creates an array by using one array for keys and another for its values
- array_count_values -- Spo��tat v�echny hodnoty v poli
- array_diff_assoc -- Computes the difference of arrays with additional index check
- array_diff_uassoc --
Computes the difference of arrays with additional index check
which is performed by a user supplied callback function
- array_diff -- Spo��tat rozd�l pol�
- array_fill -- Fill an array with values
- array_filter --
Filters elements of an array using a callback function
- array_flip -- Prohodit kl��e a hodnoty pole
- array_intersect_assoc -- Computes the intersection of arrays with additional index check
- array_intersect -- Spo��tat pr�nik pol�
- array_key_exists -- Checks if the given key or index exists in the array
- array_keys -- Vr�tit v�echny kl��e pole
- array_map --
Applies the callback to the elements of the given arrays
- array_merge_recursive -- Rekurzivn� slou�it dv� nebo v�ce pol�
- array_merge -- Slou�it dv� nebo v�ce pol�
- array_multisort -- T��dit v�ce pol�, nebo v�cerozm�rn� pole
- array_pad -- Doplnit pole hodnotou na ur�enou d�lku
- array_pop -- Odstranit prvek z konce pole
- array_push -- P�idat jeden nebo v�ce prvk� na konec pole
- array_rand -- Vybrat n�hodn� jeden nebo v�ce prvk� pole
- array_reduce --
Iteratively reduce the array to a single value using a callback
- array_reverse -- Vr�tit pole s prvky v opa�n�m po�ad�
- array_search --
Searches the array for a given value and returns the
corresponding key if successful
- array_shift -- Odstranit prvek ze za��tku pole
- array_slice -- Vyt�hnout ��st pole
- array_splice -- Odstranit ��st pole a nahradit ji n���m jin�m
- array_sum --
Calculate the sum of values in an array.
- array_udiff_assoc -- Computes the difference of arrays with additional index check. The data is compared by using a callback function.
- array_udiff_uassoc -- Computes the difference of arrays with additional index check. The data is compared by using a callback function. The index check is done by a callback function also
- array_udiff -- Computes the difference of arrays by using a callback function for data comparison.
- array_unique -- Odstranit z pole duplicitn� hodnoty
- array_unshift -- P�ipojit jeden nebo v�ce prvk� na za��tek pole
- array_values -- Vr�tit v�echny hodnoty v poli
- array_walk_recursive --
Apply a user function recursively to every member of an array
- array_walk -- Pou��t u�ivatelskou funkci na v�echny prvky pole
- array --
Vytvo�it pole
- arsort -- T��dit pole sestupn� se zachov�n�m kl���
- asort -- T��dit pole se zachov�n�m index�
- compact -- Vytvo�it pole obsahuj�c� prom�nn� a jejich hodnoty
- count -- Spo��tat prvky v prom�nn�
- current -- Vr�tit sou�asn� prvek pole
- each --
Vrac� dal�� kl��/hodnota p�r z pole
- end --
Nastavit vnit�n� ukazatel pole na jeho posledn� prvek
- extract -- Importovat prom�nn� z pole do symbolov� tabulky
- in_array -- Ov��it, zda v poli existuje dan� hodnota
- key -- Fetch a key from an associative array
- krsort -- T��dit pole sestupn� podle kl���
- ksort -- T��dit pole podle kl���
- list -- P�i�adit hodnoty p�om�nn�m jako kdyby byly polem
- natcasesort --
T��dit pole s vyu�it�m algoritmu "p�irozen�ho t��d�n�" (case-insensitive)
- natsort --
T��dit pole s vyu�it�m algoritmu "p�irozen�ho t��d�n�"
- next -- Posunout intern� ukazatel pole
- pos -- Z�skat sou�asn� prvek pole
- prev -- Rewind intern� ukazatel pole
- range -- Vytvo�it pole obsahuj�c� rozsah integer�
- reset -- Nastavit intern� ukazatel pole na jeho prvn� prvek
- rsort -- T��dit pole sestupn�
- shuffle -- Zam�chat pole
- sizeof -- Zjistit po�et prvk� v poli
- sort -- T��dit pole
- uasort --
T��dit pole pomoc� u�ivatelsky definovan� porovn�vac� funkce se zachov�n�m
- uksort --
T��dit pole podle kl��� pomoc� u�ivatelsky definovane porovn�vac� funkce
- usort --
T��dit pole podle hodnot pomoc� u�ivatelsky definovan� porovn�vac� funkce
add a note
User Contributed Notes
Funkce pro pr�ci s poli
27-Oct-2004 10:29
/*! \fn array_renamekeys($values, $table)
* \brief Renames the array keys of an array
* $table = array ( "<old_value" => "new_value", ... )
function array_renamekeys($values, $table)
if (is_array($values))
foreach($values as $k => $v)
if (strlen($table["$k"])>0)
if (is_array($v))
$values["$k"]=$this->array_renamekeys($v, $table);
return $values;
skopek at mediatac dot com
13-Oct-2004 10:44
I needed a function, that returns the cartesian product of some input-arrays in an array. Here is the function that can do that:
function array_cartesian_product($arrays) {
$cartesic = array();
foreach($arrays as $array)
$size= $size*sizeof($array);
for($i=0; $i<$size;$i++) {
$cartesic[$i] = array();
$current = current($arrays[$j]);
array_push($cartesic[$i], $current);
if(next($arrays[$j])) {
} else { reset($arrays[$j]);
return $cartesic;
$arrays[0] = array("a", "b");
$arrays[1] = array("x", "y", "z");
The output is:
[0] => Array
[0] => a
[1] => x
[1] => Array
[0] => a
[1] => y
[2] => Array
[0] => a
[1] => z
[3] => Array
[0] => b
[1] => x
[4] => Array
[0] => b
[1] => y
[5] => Array
[0] => b
[1] => z
hadi_rastgou at yahoo dot com
11-Oct-2004 04:57
A recursive function for TRNSFORMING nested arrays to a STRING:
#This recursive function transforms array indexs
#and their vlaues to a string
function array_to_str($array){
$str_of_array_keys_n_vals = "";
foreach($array as $key=>$val){
$str_of_array_keys_n_vals .= "[$key = {". array_to_str($val)."}] , ";
$str_of_array_keys_n_vals .= "[$key=$val] , ";
return substr($str_of_array_keys_n_vals, 0, strlen($str_of_array_keys_n_vals)-3);
Array (
[ou] => My Test
[description] => ee
[objectclass] => Array (
[0] => top
[1] => organizationalunit
Will be
[ou=My Test] , [description=ee] , [objectclass = {[0=top] , [1=organizationalunit]}]
reverse esacdaehasinhoj at oohay dot moc
28-Jun-2004 10:39
I've included a neat function I had to hack out, to handle exploding on multiple strings as tokens without losing which token created the break. There's lots of room for improvement; this function has bad behavior when tokens overlap, for instance, and doesn't provide any way to discover what tokens occurred in what order (though, token order for a given delimiter is preserved.) Should there be a piece of string before any delimiters, or should there be no delimiter, the remainder will be stored in the result's index for null string.
Case sensitivity control is dependant on stripos(), which is only available in PHP5 CVS. PHP<5 may only use this function case sensitively unless a replacement is provided.
function mexplode_dangerous($delimiters, $data, $casesensitive = true) {
$points = array();
foreach ($delimiters as $delim) {
$nextpoint = 0;
if ($casesensitive) {
while (!( ($point = strpos($data, $delim, $nextpoint)) === false )) {
$points[$point] = $delim;
$nextpoint = $point + strlen($delim);
} else {
while (!( ($point = stripos($data, $delim, $nextpoint)) === false )) {
$points[$point] = $delim;
$nextpoint = $point + strlen($delim);
if (count($points) == 0) {
return array('' => $data);
} else {
while ($point = current($points)) {
$offset = key($points) + strlen($point);
$result[$point][] = substr($data, $offset, $start-$offset);
while($row = current($result)) {
$output[key($result)] = array_reverse($row);
return $output;
print_r(mexplode_dangerous(array('@','=','::','|'), 'hello@at1=eq1::colon1|pipe1|pipe2|pipe3::colon2::colon3=eq2@at2'));
This should return:
[@] => Array
[0] => at1
[1] => at2
[=] => Array
[0] => eq1
[1] => eq2
[::] => Array
[0] => colon1
[1] => colon2
[2] => colon3
[|] => Array
[0] => pipe1
[1] => pipe2
[2] => pipe3
[] => hello
brooklynphil hotmail com
21-Jun-2004 10:19
was browsing, and saw some array flattening functions... then i remembered i wrote one a while ago, and i wanted to compare code. to my surprise, the code was basically the same, except my code preserves keys:
<?php function array_flatten(&$a,$pref='') {
foreach ($a as $i => $j)
if (is_array($j))
$ret[$pref.$i] = $j;
return $ret;
} ?>
the flattened array will have its numerical keys converted to strings, however, due to a glitch* in php, these string keys might be converted back to integers!
<?php $qqq= array(array(array(12)),array(56),array(14,1));
will render:
as you can see the firsrt array 'tree' is flattened successfully, because "000" does not convert to 0, but the subsequent 'tree's are converted from e.g. "10" to 0... (why 0? i would have thought 10)
seeding the prefix with something that forces a string conversion, alleviates this problem (and shows that its not my code, per se):
* not really sure if this is a glitch. here is what the manual says:
<?php ?>
is there any way to circumvent this behaviour and force string keys? ive tried casting to no avail...
Minots Estich� <minots at d0x dot de>
22-May-2004 05:10
Sometimes it�s usefull to trim all values from a given array.
I wrote this function ( array_trim ) to do it for me:
function array_trim(&$arr)
while (list($key,$val)=each($arr)):
if ( (strtoupper($key) != $key or ''.intval($key) == "$key") && $key != "argc" and $key != "argv"):
if (is_string($val)):
$arr[$key] = trim($val);
if (is_array($val)):
$arr[$key] = array_trim($val);
return $arr;
If there is a better way, feel free to send me a note via
feedback-formular at .
gigi at orsone dot com
25-Apr-2004 05:30
Here is a small function to "convert" php arrays to javascript...
$menuz =
array('Products', 'products.php',
array('Fruit', null,
array('Bananas', 'products.php?cat=bananas'),
array('Apples', 'products.php?cat=apples'),
array('Lemons', 'products.php?cat=lemons')
array('Chocolate', 'products.php?cat=chocolate')
function array_php2js($data) {
foreach($data as $k=>$datum) {
if(is_null($datum)) $data[$k] = 'null';
if(is_string($datum)) $data[$k] = "'" . $datum . "'";
if(is_array($datum)) $data[$k] = php2js($datum);
return "[" . implode(', ', $data) . "]";
And you get:
['Products', 'products.php', ['Fruit', null, ['Bananas', 'products.php?cat=bananas'], ['Apples', 'products.php?cat=apples'], ['Lemons', 'products.php?cat=lemons']], ['Chocolate', 'products.php?cat=chocolate']]
I find it useful in many situation... ;)
22-Apr-2004 12:18
A shorter recursive function to flatten nested arrays could be:
function flattenArray($array)
$flatArray = array();
foreach( $array as $subElement ) {
if( is_array($subElement) )
$flatArray = array_merge($flatArray, flattenArray($subElement));
$flatArray[] = $subElement;
return $flatArray;
davidj at boundlessgallery dot DISLIKESPAM dot com
02-Apr-2004 01:10
A recursive function for flattening nested arrays:
function flatten_array($array) {
for($x = 0; $x < sizeof($array); $x++) {
$element = $array[$x];
if(is_array($element)) {
$results = flatten_array($element);
for($y = 0; $y < sizeof($results); $y++) {
$flat_array[] = $results[$y];
} else {
$flat_array[] = $element;
return $flat_array;
$array = array("0", "1", array("2", "3", array("4", array("5", "6"), "7", "8")), "9", "10", array("11"), array());
[0] => 0
[1] => 1
[2] => Array
[0] => 2
[1] => 3
[2] => Array
[0] => 4
[1] => Array
[0] => 5
[1] => 6
[2] => 7
[3] => 8
[3] => 9
[4] => 10
[5] => Array
[0] => 11
[6] => Array
[0] => 0
[1] => 1
[2] => 2
[3] => 3
[4] => 4
[5] => 5
[6] => 6
[7] => 7
[8] => 8
[9] => 9
[10] => 10
[11] => 11
webmaster at pzfn dot com
16-Mar-2004 03:15
You should be able to do this....
function unset_by_val($needle,&$haystack) {
$haystack = array_flip($haystack);
$haystack = array_flip($haystack);
return $haystack;
31-Jan-2004 10:54
unset($bar['mushroomsoup']) only works it the key
is 'mushroomsoup'.If you want to erase elements
of an array identified by values rather than by keys
you can use this function:
function unset_by_val($needle,&$haystack) {
while(($gotcha = array_search($needle,$haystack)) > -1)
$ring = array('gollum','smeagol','gollum','gandalf',
print_r($ring); echo "<br>";
Will output:
Array ( [0] => gollum [1] => smeagol [2] => gollum
[3] => gandalf [4] => deagol [5] => gandalf )
Array ( [1] => smeagol [3] => gandalf
[4] => deagol [5] => gandalf )
31-Jan-2004 09:29
To remove an element from an array use unset(). Example:
28-Aug-2003 01:09
Remember that if you want to remove an element from an array, you must use "unset" - Do not set the value to null.
szymon at mazurek dot info
24-Aug-2003 12:46
How to count dimensions in multi-array?
This is the way I do this:
function countdim($array) {
static $dimcount = 1;
if (is_array(reset($array))) {
$return = countdim(reset($array));
} else {
$return = $dimcount;
return $return;
This function will return int number of array dimensions.
jeroen at php dot net
29-Aug-2001 08:58
You should really read , there is a lot of info there about how to handle arrays, how to check wether indices are set, how to modify an array, anything.
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