PHP supports the direct io functions as described in the Posix
Standard (Section 6) for performing I/O functions at a lower
level than the C-Language stream I/O functions
(fopen(), fread(),..). The use
of the DIO functions should be considered only when direct
control of a device is needed. In all other cases, the standard
filesystem functions are more
than adequate.
Pozn�mka: Toto roz���en� nen� k dispozici
na platform�ch Windows.
Tyto funkce jsou k dispozici jako sou��st
standardn�ho modulu, kter� je v�dy dostupn�.
To get these functions to work, you have to configure PHP with
Konfigurace b�hu
Toto roz���en� nem� definov�no ��dn� konfigura�n�
Typy prost�edk�
One resource type is defined by this extension:
a file descriptor returnded by dio_open().
P�eddefinovan� konstanty
Toto roz���en� nem� definov�ny ��dn�