IX. Klassen- und Objekt-FunktionenEinf�hrungAbout
Diese Funktionen erm�glichen Ihnen den Zugriff auf Informationen �ber
Klassen und Objektinstanzen. Sie k�nnen den Namen der Klasse ermitteln,
zu der ein Objekt geh�rt, sowie ihre Eigenschaften und
-methoden. Mit diesen Funktionen k�nnen Sie nicht nur die
Klassenmitgliedschaft eines Objektes herausfinden, sondern auch
ihre Abstammung (d. h. welche Klasse die des Objektes erweitert).
In diesem Beispiel definieren wir zuerst eine Basisklasse und eine
Erweiterung dieser Klasse. Die Basisklasse beschreibt ein beliebiges
Gem�se, ob es e�bar ist oder nicht, sowie seine Farbe. Die Subklasse
Spinat f�gt eine Methode hinzu, um sie zu kochen
und eine weitere, um herauszufinden, ob sie gekocht ist.
Beispiel 1. classes.inc <?php
// Basisklasse mit Eigenschaften und Methoden
class Gemuese {
var $essbar;
var $farbe;
function Gemuese( $essbar, $farbe="gr�n" ) {
$this->essbar = $essbar;
$this->farbe = $farbe;
function ist_essbar() {
return $this->essbar;
function welche_farbe() {
return $this->farbe;
} // Ende der Klasse Gemuese
// erweitert die Basisklasse
class Spinat extends Gemuese {
var $gekocht = false;
function Spinat() {
$this->Gemuese( true, "gr�n" );
function koche_es() {
$this->gekocht = true;
function ist_gekocht() {
return $this->gekocht;
} // Ende der Klasse Spinat
?> |
Jetzt instantiieren wir zwei Objekte von diesen Klassen und geben
Informationen �ber sie aus, einschlie�lich ihrer Abstammung.
Wir definieren auch einige Hilfsfunktionen, haupts�chlich um eine
h�bsche Ausgabe der Variablen zu erhalten.
Beispiel 2. test_script.php <pre>
include "classes.inc";
// utility functions
function zeige_vars($obj) {
$arr = get_object_vars($obj);
while (list($prop, $val) = each($arr))
echo "\t$prop = $val\n";
function zeige_methoden($obj) {
$arr = get_class_methods(get_class($obj));
foreach ($arr as $method)
echo "\tfunction $method()\n";
function klassen_abstammung($obj, $class) {
global $$obj;
if (is_subclass_of($$obj, $class)) {
echo "Objekt $obj geh�rt zur Klasse ".get_class($$obj);
echo " einer Subklasse von $class\n";
} else {
echo "Object $obj geh�rt nicht zu einer Subklasse von $class\n";
// Instantiiere zwei Objekte
$veggie = new Gemuese(true,"blau");
$leafy = new Spinat();
// Informationen �ber die Objekte ausgeben
echo "veggie: KLASSE ".get_class($veggie)."\n";
echo "leafy: KLASSE ".get_class($leafy);
echo ", ELTERN ".get_parent_class($leafy)."\n";
// Zeige Eigenschaften von veggie
echo "\nveggie: Eigenschaften\n";
// und Methoden von leafy
echo "\nleafy: Methoden\n";
echo "\nAbstammung:\n";
klassen_abstammung("leafy", "Spinat");
klassen_abstammung("leafy", "Gemuese");
</pre> |
Wichtig ist in diesem Beispiel, dass das Objekt $leafy
eine Instanz der Klasse Spinat ist, die eine Subklasse
von Gemuese ist. Darum gibt der letzte Teil des
obigen Skripts folgendes aus:
- Inhaltsverzeichnis
- call_user_method_array --
Call a user method given with an array of parameters [deprecated]
- call_user_method --
Aufruf einer benutzerdefinierten Methode eines bestimmten Objektes
- class_exists -- Pr�ft, ob eine Klasse definiert ist
- get_class_methods --
Liefert die Namen aller Methoden einer Klasse
- get_class_vars --
Liefert die Standard-Elemente einer Klasse
- get_class -- Gibt den Namen der Klasse eines Objektes zur�ck
- get_declared_classes -- Gibt ein Array mit den Namen der definierten Klassen zur�ck
- get_object_vars -- Liefert die Elemente eines Objekts
- get_parent_class -- Gibt den Namen der Elternklasse eines Objektes zur�ck
- is_a --
Returns TRUE if the object is of this class or has this class as
one of its parents
- is_subclass_of --
Bestimmt, ob ein Objekt zu einer Subklasse der angegebenen
Klasse geh�rt
- method_exists -- Pr�ft, ob Methode in einer Klasse definiert ist
User Contributed Notes Klassen- und Objekt-Funktionen |
gateschris at yahoo dot com
08-Mar-2001 08:59 |
[Editor's note: If you are trying to do overriding, then you can just
interrogate (perhaps in the method itself) about what class (get_class())
the object belongs to, or if it is a subclass of a particular root
You can alway refer to the parent overriden method, see
the "Classes and Objects" page of the manual and
comments/editor's notes therein.]
There is no function to
determine if a member belongs to a base class or current class
class foo {
function foo () { }
function a () {
class bar extends foo {
function bar () { }
function a () { }
lala = new
how do we find programmatically if
member a now belongs to class Bar or Foo.
kevin at gambitdesign dot com
04-Jun-2001 09:27 |
i came across an error something to the extent:
Fatal error: The
script tried to execute a method or access a property of an incomplete
This was because I had included the file defining the
class when i created the object but not in the script when i was trying to
access the object as a member variable of a different object
a2zofciv2 at hotmail dot com
29-Sep-2001 05:10 |
I spent 20 minutes or so trying to figure this out, maybe someone else has
the same problem.
To access a class' function from within the
class you would have to say $this->functionname(params), rather than
just functionname(params) like in other programming
Hope this helps
22-Nov-2001 10:18 |
New to OOP? This listing of beginner PHP OOP tutorials may help:
zzz at iz4u dot net
24-Feb-2002 07:34 |
array in class ^^
class CConfig { var $color = array(
'top' => "", 'write' =>
"", 'reply' => "",
'bottom1' => "", 'bottom2' => "",
'bottom3' => "" ); }
don't do var
saryon_no_spam_@unfix dot o r g
05-Mar-2002 04:46 |
Something nice i found out when i was trying to do with classes what i knew
could be done with functions: they can be dynamically
class a { function bla()
{ echo "1\n";
} }
class b { function bla() {
echo "2\n"; } }
$class =
$test = new
$class; $test->bla();
$class2 = "a";
= new
$class2; $test2->bla();
will print:
1 2
For those of
you who were considering doing something with plugins....use this to
your advantage :)
makes life soooo easy, this :)
ma++ at ender dot com
20-Mar-2002 05:39 |
Actually, that example prints "1" and then "1", rather
than "1" and then "2". I'm assuming the typo is that
it should read $class2 = "b" instead of a.
c.bolten AT grafiknews DOT de
22-Apr-2002 01:14 |
another way to dynamically load your classes:
========================== function loadlib($libname) {
$filename = "inc/".$libname.".inc.php"; //
check if file exists... if (file_exists($filename)) {
// load library require($filename); return
TRUE; } else { // print error! die ("Could
not load library $libname.\n"); } }
matthew at fireflydigital dot com
29-Apr-2002 04:48 |
This is a pretty basic data structure, I know, but I come from a C++
background where these things were "da bomb" when I was first
learning to implement them. Below is a class implementation for a queue
(first-in-first-out) data structure that I used in a recent project at my
workplace. I believe it should work for any type of data that's passed to
it, as I used mySQL result objects and was able to pass the object from
one page to another as a form element.
# queue.php
# Define
the queue class class queue { # Initialize class
variables var $queueData = array(); var $currentItem = 0; var
$lastItem = 0; # This function adds an item to the end of the
queue function enqueue($object) { # Increment the last item
counter $this->lastItem = count($this->queueData); #
Add the item to the end of the
queue $this->queueData[$this->lastItem] =
$object; } # This function removes an item from the front of
the queue function dequeue() { # If the queue is not
empty... if(! $this->is_empty()) { # Get the object at
the front of the queue $object =
$this->queueData[$this->currentItem]; # Remove the
object at the front of the
queue unset($this->queueData[$this->currentItem]); #
Increment the current item
counter $this->currentItem++; # Return the
object return $object; } # If the queue is
empty... else { # Return a null value return
null; } } # This function specifies whether or not the
queue is empty function is_empty() { # If the queue is
empty... if($this->currentItem >
$this->lastItem) # Return a value of true return
true; # If the queue is not empty... else #
Return a value of false return
false; } }
# Examples of the use of the
# Make sure to include the file defining the
class include("queue.php");
# Create a new instance of
the queue object $q = new queue;
# Get data from a mySQL
table $query = "SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_NAME; $result =
# For each row in the resulting
recordset... while($row = mysql_fetch_object($result)) { #
Enqueue the row $q->enqueue($row); }
# Convert the queue
object to a byte stream for data transport $queueData =
ereg_replace("\"", """,
# Convert the queue from a byte stream back to an
object $q = unserialize(stripslashes($queueData));
# For each
item in the queue... while(! $q->is_empty()) { # Dequeue an
item from the queue $row = $q->dequeue(); }
justin at quadmyre dot com
19-Aug-2002 04:38 |
If you want to be able to call an instance of a class from within another
class, all you need to do is store a reference to the external class as a
property of the local class (can use the constructor to pass this to the
class), then call the external method like
or if
the double '->' is too freaky for you, how
$ref=&$this->classref; $ref->memberfunction($vars);
is handy if you write something like a general SQL class that you want
member functions in other classes to be able to use, but want to keep
namespaces separate. Hope that helps
class class1
{ function test($var) { $result = $var + 2;
return $result; } }
class class2{ var
$ref_to_class=''; # to be pointer to other class
class1(&$ref){ #constructor $this->ref_to_class=$ref;
#save ref to other class as property of this class }
function test2($var){ $val =
$this->ref_to_class->test($var); #call other class using ref
return $val; } }
$obj1=new class1; # obj1 is
instantiated. $obj2=new class2($obj1); # pass ref to obj1 when
instantiating obj2
$var=5; $result=obj2->test2($var); #
call method in obj2, which calls method in obj1 echo
einhverfr at not-this-host dot hotmail dot com
14-Sep-2002 07:35 |
You may find it helpful in complex projects to have namespaces for your
classes, and arrange these in a hierarchical manner. A simple way to do
this is to use the filesystem to order your hierarchies and then define a
function like this:
of indentation due to HTML UI for this page) This requires that all
your object libraries end in .obj.php (which I use) but you can modfy it
to suit your needs. To call it you could, for exmaple
use_namespace("example"); or if foo is part of
example you can call: use_namespace("example/foo");
20-Sep-2002 09:52 |
Something I found out just now that comes in very handy for my current
it is possible to have a class override itself in any
method ( including the constructor ) like this:
class a
..function ha ( ) { ....if ( $some_expr ) { ......$this =
new b; ......return $this->ha ( ); ....} ....return
$something; ..}
in this case assuming that class b is
already defined and also has the method ha ( )
note that the code
after the statement to override itself is still executed but now applies
to the new class
i did not find any information about this
behaviour anywhere, so i have no clue wether this is supposed to be like
this and if it might change... but it opens a few possibilities in
flexible scripting!!
ernest at vogelsinger dot at
24-Oct-2002 02:18 |
It appears as if "include()" and "require()" cannot
appear inside a class definition, but outside a class method.
example, the construct class A { include
('class_a_methods.php'); } returns an error (unexpected T_INCLUDE),
but class A { function foo() { include
('class_a_foo_method.php'); } } works as expected.
is a slight annoyance if one wants to keep class code in manageable
alex at liniumNOSPAM dot net
13-Dec-2002 08:39 |
Using the good old eval() function, it is possible to dynamically create
classes. I found this very useful because I could generate a class
dynamically based on the structure of an XML document. For
$classString = 'class someClass { var $someVar =
"someValue"; }'; eval($classString); $someObject = new
someClass; echo $someObject->someVar;
This will print
"someValue" as expected. This very simple example is pointless,
as it would be easier to just create the class in the normal way, but here
is where it gets interesting:
$varString = ""; for ($i
= 1; $i <= 3; $i++) { $varString .= "var \$var$i = $i;
"; }
$classString = "class someClass { $varString
}"; eval($classString);
$someObject = new
someClass; echo $someObject->var1; echo
$someObject->var2; echo $someObject->var3;
This prints 1 2
3. Cool huh?
Now it just so happens that its possible to declare
classes within functions, so its actually possible to make a function that
will create a class on the parameters you supply to it. Now try doing THAT
in ASP!!!
info at free-dev dot com
15-Feb-2003 09:03 |
A constructor (a code with runs in the initialization of the class) can be
used, like in the C language. Here's an example :
<? class
int { function int() { echo "constructor"; } } $myint
= new int; // creates a new instance and call the
constructor ?>
The constructor's function name MUST be the
same as the class name. If you want to pass arguments in the constructor,
use this :
<? class int { function int($str) { echo $str;
} } $myint = new int("hello"); ?>
Now you can
show hello at the initialization of the class. I tried to see if I could
use the destructor (~classname) but it doesn't seems do work :-( it you
want to use a variable in a class, you must create a new instance of it.
Example :
<? class i { var $m=array("a",
"b", "c"); function s() { echo $m[0];
} } i::s(); // it doesn't work because $m is set to
$int = new i; // create instance and sets
m $int->s(); // now it shows the right value ?>
05-Apr-2003 12:32 |
Commenting the above example:
We read: "$int->s(); // now it
shows the right value". But no, it it won't, even if expected ;) The
s() is buggy and should be:
function s() { echo $this->m[0];
then it will work. ;)
ninja (a : t) thinkninja (d : o : t) com
10-May-2003 06:37 |
the best way i found to call an instance of a class from within another
class is like so:
class foo { var $meta =
class bar {
var $foo;
bar(&$objref) //constructor { $this->foo =&
$objref; }
function doohickey() { return
$this->foo->meta; }
$fooclass = new
foo(); $barclass = new bar($fooclass);
| |