CIII. Variablen-Funktionen- Inhaltsverzeichnis
- doubleval -- Konvertiert einen Wert nach double
- empty -- Pr�ft, ob eine Variable einen Wert enth�lt
- floatval -- Get float value of a variable
- get_defined_vars --
Returns an array of all defined variables
- get_resource_type --
Returns the resource type
- gettype -- Liefert den Datentyp einer Variablen
- import_request_variables -- Import GET/POST/Cookie variables into the global scope
- intval -- Konvertiert einen Wert nach integer
- is_array -- Pr�ft, ob Variable ein Array ist
- is_bool --
Pr�ft, ob eine Variable vom Typ bool ist
- is_callable --
Find out whether the argument is a valid callable construct
- is_double -- Pr�ft, ob eine Variable vom Typ double ist
- is_float -- Pr�ft, ob eine Variable vom Typ float ist
- is_int -- Pr�ft, ob eine Variable vom Typ int ist
- is_integer -- Pr�ft, ob eine Variable vom Typ integer ist
- is_long -- Pr�ft, ob eine Variable vom Typ long ist
- is_null --
Finds whether a variable is NULL
- is_numeric --
Finds whether a variable is a number or a numeric string
- is_object -- Pr�ft, ob eine Variable vom Typ object ist
- is_real -- Pr�ft, ob Variable vom Typ real ist
- is_resource --
Pr�ft, ob eine Variable vom Typ resource ist
- is_scalar --
Finds whether a variable is a scalar
- is_string -- Pr�ft, ob Variable vom Typ string ist
- isset -- Pr�ft die Existenz einer Variablen
- print_r --
Gibt Variablen-Informationen in lesbarer Form aus
- serialize --
Erzeugt ein speicherbares Datenformat
- settype -- Legt den Typ einer Variablen fest
- strval -- Konvertierung zum String
- unserialize --
Erzeugt aus einem gespeicherten Datenformat einen Wert in PHP
- unset -- L�schen einer Variablen
- var_dump -- Gibt alle Informationen zu einer Variablen aus
- var_export -- Outputs or returns a string representation of a variable
User Contributed Notes Variablen-Funktionen |
maxim at maxim dot cx
11-Mar-2002 04:22 |
Whoever is writing an application for a world-wide-use and wants to use
$_GET etc... but cannot because of the compatibility problems, look at
this peace of code.
It will help you to avoid the trouble by
rewriting the variables yourself in some silly config file prepended to
each script.
/// by Maxim Maletsky
<[email protected]>
$evil_vars = Array('GET', 'POST', 'COOKIE',
'SERVER', 'ENV', 'REQUEST', 'SESSION'); $php_version =
preg_replace("/[^\d]/", '', phpversion());
$i<sizeof($evil_vars); $i++) {
if(is_array(${"HTTP_{$evil_vars[$i]}_VARS"})) {
foreach(${"HTTP_{$evil_vars[$i]}_VARS"} as $var=>$val) {
if($php_version<410) {
$GLOBALS["_{$evil_vars[$i]}"][$var] = $val; }
unset($$key); } }
unset(${"HTTP_{$evil_vars[$i]}_VARS"}); }
does it do? It loops every $HTTP_*_VARS variable, if you run a version
below 4.1.0 then it will create you a GLOBAL $_* var and will unset you
the old ones.
This means that anyone on any version sending you a
variable will not get it processed in the script unless it was referenced
that piece of code here
echo $some; // will not come up echo
$_GET['some'] // will show up just as it would in versions above
function test() { echo $_GET['some']; // will also
work because a fake $_GET is GLOBAL }
Cheers, Maxim Maletsky
dekiland at rilasoft dot com
22-Mar-2002 01:55 |
Excellent and useful code Maxim Maletsky, but there is a small bug fix for
/// by Maxim Maletsky
<[email protected]>
$evil_vars = Array('GET', 'POST', 'COOKIE',
'SERVER', 'ENV', 'REQUEST', 'SESSION'); $php_version =
preg_replace("/[^\d]/", '', phpversion());
$i<sizeof($evil_vars); $i++) {
if(is_array(${"HTTP_{$evil_vars[$i]}_VARS"})) {
foreach(${"HTTP_{$evil_vars[$i]}_VARS"} as
$var=>$val) { if($php_version<410) {
$GLOBALS["_{$evil_vars[$i]}"][$var] = $val; }
unset($$var); //changed from unset($$key); by dekiland }
unset(${"HTTP_{$evil_vars[$i]}_VARS"}); }
cheers, dekiland
Darryl dot Friesen @ usask dot ca
11-Dec-2002 06:32 |
The above code posted by maxim and dekiland doesn't seem to create
$_REQUEST in the same manner as described in the PHP
"An associative array consisting of the
contents of $_GET, $_POST, and $_COOKIE".
I modified the code
slightly. I haven't tested this much, but it seems to work as
$evil_vars = Array('GET', 'POST', 'COOKIE', 'SERVER',
'ENV', 'REQUEST', 'SESSION'); $php_version =
preg_replace("/[^\d]/", '', phpversion());
for ($i = 0;
$i < sizeof($evil_vars); $i++) { if
(is_array(${"HTTP_{$evil_vars[$i]}_VARS"})) {
foreach (${"HTTP_{$evil_vars[$i]}_VARS"} as $var=>$val)
{ if($php_version<410) {
$GLOBALS["_{$evil_vars[$i]}"][$var] = $val; //
following if condition added by D. Friesen if (($evil_vars[$i]
== 'GET') || ($evil_vars[$i] == 'POST') || ($evil_vars[$i] ==
'COOKIE')) $GLOBALS["_REQUEST"][$var] = $val;
} unset($$var); //changed from unset($$key); by dekiland
} } unset(${"HTTP_{$evil_vars[$i]}_VARS"}); }
bbalint at netposta dot net
17-Feb-2003 04:20 |
i think there's a stupidity in code: each loop you look after the php
version variable...
and i also think that $_GET won't be an
autoglobal variable... in older phpversions, the GLOBALS is the only
aut-global variable. won't work: function a(){echo
$_GET['data'];} might work: function a(){global $_GET; echo
| |