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Last updated: Tue, 22 Apr 2003

XXI. dbx functions


The dbx module is a database abstraction layer (db 'X', where 'X' is a supported database). The dbx functions allow you to access all supported databases using a single calling convention. The dbx-functions themselves do not interface directly to the databases, but interface to the modules that are used to support these databases.


To be able to use a database with the dbx-module, the module must be either linked or loaded into PHP, and the database module must be supported by the dbx-module. Currently, following databases are supported, but others will follow:

Documentation for adding additional database support to dbx can be found at .


In order to have these functions available, you must compile PHP with dbx support by using the --enable-dbx option and all options for the databases that will be used, e.g. for MySQL you must also specify --with-mysql=[DIR]. To get other supported databases to work with the dbx-module refer to their specific documentation.

Configuratie tijdens scriptuitvoer

Het gedrag van deze functies wordt be�nvloed vanuit php.ini.

Tabel 1. DBX Configuration Options

For further details and definition of the PHP_INI_* constants see ini_set().

Opmerking: This ini-option is available available from PHP 4.3.0.

Here is a short explanation of the configuration directives.

dbx.colnames_case string

Columns names can be returned "unchanged" or converted to "uppercase" or "lowercase". This directive can be overridden with a flag to dbx_query().

Resource types

There are two resource types used in the dbx module. The first one is the link-object for a database connection, the second a result-object which helds the result of a query.

Voorgedefineerde constanten

Deze constanten worden gedefineerd door deze extensie, en zullen alleen beschikbaar zijn als de extensie met PHP is meegecompileerd, of als deze dynamisch is geladen vanuit een script.

DBX_MYSQL (integer)

DBX_ODBC (integer)

DBX_PGSQL (integer)

DBX_MSSQL (integer)

DBX_FBSQL (integer)

DBX_OCI8 (integer) (available from PHP 4.3.0)

DBX_SYBASECT (integer)





DBX_COLNAMES_UNCHANGED (integer) (available from PHP 4.3.0)

DBX_COLNAMES_UPPERCASE (integer) (available from PHP 4.3.0)

DBX_COLNAMES_LOWERCASE (integer) (available from PHP 4.3.0)

DBX_CMP_NATIVE (integer)

DBX_CMP_TEXT (integer)

DBX_CMP_NUMBER (integer)

DBX_CMP_ASC (integer)

DBX_CMP_DESC (integer)

dbx_close -- Close an open connection/database
dbx_compare -- Compare two rows for sorting purposes
dbx_connect -- Open a connection/database
dbx_error --  Report the error message of the latest function call in the module (not just in the connection)
dbx_escape_string --  Escape a string so it can safely be used in an sql-statement.
dbx_query -- Send a query and fetch all results (if any)
dbx_sort --  Sort a result from a dbx_query by a custom sort function

User Contributed Notes
dbx functions
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jlim at natsoft dot com dot my
06-Feb-2003 02:35

For some benchmarks of dbx connecting to mysql compared to native mysql api, adodb, and others, see:

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 Last updated: Tue, 22 Apr 2003
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