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Last updated: Tue, 22 Apr 2003

XLV. Ingres II functions


These functions allow you to access Ingres II database servers.

Opmerking: If you already used PHP extensions to access other database servers, note that Ingres doesn't allow concurrent queries and/or transaction over one connection, thus you won't find any result or transaction handle in this extension. The result of a query must be treated before sending another query, and a transaction must be commited or rolled back before opening another transaction (which is automaticaly done when sending the first query).


Deze module is EXPERIMENTEEL. Dat betekent, dat het gedrag van deze functies, deze functienamen, in concreto ALLES dat hier gedocumenteerd is in een toekomstige uitgave van PHP ZONDER WAARSCHUWING kan veranderen. Wees gewaarschuwd, en gebruik deze module op eigen risico.


To compile PHP with Ingres support, you need the Open API library and header files included with Ingres II.


In order to have these functions available, you must compile PHP with Ingres support by using the --with-ingres[=DIR] option, where DIR is the Ingres base directory, which defaults to /II/ingres. If the II_SYSTEM environment variable isn't correctly set you may have to use --with-ingres=DIR to specify your Ingres installation directory.

When using this extension with Apache, if Apache does not start and complains with "PHP Fatal error: Unable to start ingres_ii module in Unknown on line 0" then make sure the environement variable II_SYSTEM is correctly set. Adding "export II_SYSTEM="/home/ingres/II" in the script that starts Apache, just before launching httpd, should be fine.

Configuratie tijdens scriptuitvoer

Het gedrag van deze functies wordt be�nvloed vanuit php.ini.

Tabel 1. Ingres II configuration options

For further details and definition of the PHP_INI_* constants see ini_set().

Resource types

Deze extensie maakt geen gebruik van resources.

Voorgedefineerde constanten

Deze constanten worden gedefineerd door deze extensie, en zullen alleen beschikbaar zijn als de extensie met PHP is meegecompileerd, of als deze dynamisch is geladen vanuit een script.

INGRES_ASSOC (integer)

INGRES_NUM (integer)

INGRES_BOTH (integer)

ingres_autocommit -- Switch autocommit on or off
ingres_close -- Close an Ingres II database connection
ingres_commit -- Commit a transaction
ingres_connect --  Open a connection to an Ingres II database
ingres_fetch_array -- Fetch a row of result into an array
ingres_fetch_object -- Fetch a row of result into an object.
ingres_fetch_row --  Fetch a row of result into an enumerated array
ingres_field_length -- Get the length of a field
ingres_field_name -- Get the name of a field in a query result.
ingres_field_nullable -- Test if a field is nullable
ingres_field_precision -- Get the precision of a field
ingres_field_scale -- Get the scale of a field
ingres_field_type --  Get the type of a field in a query result
ingres_num_fields --  Get the number of fields returned by the last query
ingres_num_rows --  Get the number of rows affected or returned by the last query
ingres_pconnect --  Open a persistent connection to an Ingres II database
ingres_query -- Send a SQL query to Ingres II
ingres_rollback -- Roll back a transaction

User Contributed Notes
Ingres II functions
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burckhardtNOSPAM at SNIPITOFFgsf dot de
23-Jan-2002 05:07

I am currently migrating from MySQL to Ingres. Generally, almost ALL INGRES-functions that use arrays start with counter=1, NOT counter=0. Also, whereas MySQL-functions use $result as an argument, INGRES-functions use $connection instead.

mail at hannes-reinecke dot de
12-Dec-2002 10:09

If you try to use the 'Embedded Ingres' as it is delivered with certain CA products (e.g. TNG UHD), the referenced library '-lingres' is not available. You need to add '-lq -lframe' instead.
the above burckhardt at see dot posting
14-Jan-2003 03:12

I've had a major headache compiling PHP4 with ingres support. I installed the ingres 2.6 network client on my SUSE 8.1 linux-box (the db is on another computer) and php comlained about a missing "lingres". installing the "embedded sql" component from the install CD solved this. Then configure went fine, but make did a weird "pthread-mutex" error, which was solved after adding "-lpthread" to the Makefile at the extra libs part. This has to be done after running config and before make. Then php did not want to be installed unless II_SYSTEM was set (kinda obvious). Finally, after adding "II_SYSTEM=<youringresinstallation> export II_SYSTEM" to the apachectl script and starting the ingres netserver, I am still getting errors: PHP cannot connect to the Ingres database. I get "unable to authenticate client's user id" instead. This is despite the nodes testing fine in netutil.
I hope you have more luck getting this +*#%! DB running on PHP

burckhardt, see above
28-Feb-2003 03:25

Yiiha, I finally got PHP running with Ingres.
I cannot explain why, but doing the  _SAME_ configure (I added --disable-posix), make, make install on a SUSE 8.0 with KDE worked but did NOT on a SUSE 8.1 with only Xwindows. Maybe some compilerdefaults have changed between 8.0 and 8.1, or KDE has some special magic, I don't know. It is also interesting to note, that on SUSE 8.0 I did not get the above mentioned "pthread mutex" error during make.
My guess is that the Ingres-functions require "--disable-posix" and this somehow gets messed up in SUSE 8.1.
Anyway, I ended up compiling Apache and PHP on the 8.0 machine and copied it to the 8.1 machine. I hope nobody else has to endure configuring this #*!�# database for PHP...

PS: my configure for PHP 4.3.1:
./configure' '--prefix=/usr/local/apache2/php' '--with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs' '--with-config-file=/usr/local/apache2/php' '--with-mysql' '--with-ingres=/ingres/i26/ingres' '--with-gd' '--with-zlib' '--with-iodbc' '--with-openssl' '--enable-session' '--enable-xml' '--disable-posix'

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 Last updated: Tue, 22 Apr 2003
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