User Contributed Notes FAQ: �������� |
24-Jul-2001 09:47 |
For more PHP Q&A also see :
30-Jan-2002 07:21 |
For even more FAQs, goto:
06-Jul-2002 04:02 |
[[[Editor note: Yes, there is a faq on this:
Anyone know how to unpack the docs, packed with bz2, on a winME?
14-Jul-2002 12:49 |
For more PHP faq in russian please see :
18-Jul-2002 10:20 |
Pourriez-vous me dire comment mettre un caract�re de retour de ligne, avec
PHP, dans un fichier texte qui sera reconnu par le Bloc-Notes (NotePad) de
Windows ???
J'ai essay� un traditionnel "\n", un chr(13), un chr(13).chr(10)
et ca ne marche toujours pas dans le bloc notes
Par contre, dans n'importe quel autre logiciel qui se tien un peut mieu
(Wordpad, MS-Word, MS-Excel), les retour de ligne sont reconnu sans
selon moi je crois que ce n'est qu'un probleme de Charset lors de
l'�criture dans le fichier.
pourriez-vous m'aider SVP?
Jacques B�rard
20-Jul-2002 06:46 |
Hi, i made a little guide about how to do layers for
presentations using PHP + Ming... the guide is on
spanish, but i will translate into english too.
The url is:
I hope it could be useful for you.
Have a nice day.
20-Jul-2002 10:46 |
What weans such warning:
Warning: Unknown persistant list entry type in module shutdown (11) in
Unknown on line 0
23-Jul-2002 05:50 |
I want to update my PHP4.2.1 to 4.2.2,how to use the patch?
23-Jul-2002 05:42 |
When I try to use the Include command, I get this error: Warning: Failed
opening '
for inclusion (include_path='.;c:\php4\pear') in c:\webroot\gki\index.php
on line 33
24-Jul-2002 03:58 |
I have a problem when running the php program. The problem occur like this:
Security Alert! PHP CGI cannot be accessed directly.
This PHP CGI binary was compiled with force-cgi-redirect enabled. This
means that a page will only be served up if the REDIRECT_STATUS CGI
variable is set. This variable is set, for example, by Apache's Action
directive redirect.
You may disable this restriction by recompiling the PHP binary with the
--disable-force-cgi-redirect switch. If you do this and you have your PHP
CGI binary accessible somewhere in your web tree, people will be able to
circumvent .htaccess security by loading files through the PHP parser. A
good way around this is to define doc_root in your php.ini file to
something other than your top-level DOCUMENT_ROOT. This way you can
separate the part of your web space which uses PHP from the normal part
using .htaccess security. If you do not have any .htaccess restrictions
anywhere on your site you can leave doc_root undefined. If you are running
IIS, you may safely set cgi.force_redirect=0 in php.ini.