VII. BC math 高精度数学函数
PHP 为任意精度数学计算提供了二进制计算器(Binary
自 PHP 4.0.4 以来,libbcmath 都绑定在 PHP 内部。本扩展不需要其它外部库的支持。
本类函数仅在 PHP 编译时配置了
时可用。在 PHP 3 中,本类函数仅在 PHP
--disable-bcmath 时可用。
PHP 的 Windows
版本已经内置该扩展模块的支持。无需加载任何附加扩展库即可使用这些函数。 这些函数的行为受 php.ini 的影响。
表格 1. BC 数学库配置选项 名称 | 默认值 | 可修改范围 | 更新记录 |
bcmath.scale | "0" | PHP_INI_ALL | 自 PHP 5.0.0 起可用。 |
有关 PHP_INI_* 常量进一步的细节与定义参见 附录 G。
- 目录
- bcadd -- Add two arbitrary precision numbers
- bccomp -- Compare two arbitrary precision numbers
- bcdiv -- Divide two arbitrary precision numbers
- bcmod --
Get modulus of an arbitrary precision number
- bcmul -- Multiply two arbitrary precision number
- bcpow --
Raise an arbitrary precision number to another
- bcpowmod --
Raise an arbitrary precision number to another, reduced by a specified modulus
- bcscale --
Set default scale parameter for all bc math functions
- bcsqrt --
Get the square root of an arbitrary precision number
- bcsub --
Subtract one arbitrary precision number from another
stonehew ut gm a il det com
25-Nov-2004 06:31
Like any other bc function, you can't trust the last couple of digits, but everything else seems to check out. If you want to use this for anything important, you may want to verify this against other sources of pi before use. This function calculates 100 decimal places of pi in 329 iterations -- not exactly fast (each iteration calls the factorial function, from below, twice), so I try to avoid calling it more than once.
function bcpi() {
while(bccomp($or,$r)) {
$r = bcadd($r,bcdiv(bcmul(bcpow(bcfact($i),2),
return $r;
stonehew et g m a i l dut com
24-Nov-2004 08:20
I hacked these taylor expansions up to make diagrams for some physics homework. I don't think you'll be wanting to do any real science with PHP... but what the hell, why not? I plan to implement either a spigot algorithm or something similar to generate pi in the near future.
function bcfact($n) {
$r = $n--;
while($n>1) $r=bcmul($r,$n--);
return $r;
function bcsin($a) {
$or= $a;
$r = bcsub($a,bcdiv(bcpow($a,3),6));
$i = 2;
while(bccomp($or,$r)) {
switch($i%2) {
case 0: $r = bcadd($r,bcdiv(bcpow($a,$i*2+1),bcfact($i*2+1))); break;
default: $r = bcsub($r,bcdiv(bcpow($a,$i*2+1),bcfact($i*2+1))); break;
return $r;
function bccos($a) {
$or= $a;
$r = bcsub(1,bcdiv(bcpow($a,2),2));
$i = 2;
while(bccomp($or,$r)) {
switch($i%2) {
case 0: $r = bcadd($r,bcdiv(bcpow($a,$i*2),bcfact($i*2))); break;
default: $r = bcsub($r,bcdiv(bcpow($a,$i*2),bcfact($i*2))); break;
return $r;
Diabolos at GMail dot com
28-Oct-2004 08:42
Here's a function to compute the natural exponential function in arbitrary precision using the basic bcMath arithmetic operations.
To compute the exponential function of 1.7 to 36 decimals:
$y = bcExp("1.7", 36);
The result:
would be returned in variable $y
In practice, the last couple of digits may be inaccurate due to small rounding errors. If you require a specific degree of precision, always compute 3-4 decimals beyond the required precision.
The program code for the natural exponential function is:
Function bcExp($xArg, $NumDecimals)
$x = Trim($xArg);
$PrevSum = $x - 1;
$CurrTerm = 1;
$CurrSum = bcAdd("1", $x, $NumDecimals);
$n = 1;
While (bcComp($CurrSum, $PrevSum, $NumDecimals))
$PrevSum = $CurrSum;
$CurrTerm = bcDiv(bcMul($CurrTerm, $x, $NumDecimals), $n + 1, $NumDecimals);
$CurrSum = bcAdd($CurrSum, $CurrTerm, $NumDecimals);
Return $CurrSum;
robert at scabserver dot com
03-Jun-2004 06:58
I spent some time looking for how to generate a large random number, in the end I've settled for reading directly from /dev/urandom
I know this is a *nix only solution, but I figured that it might come in handy to someone else.
The value $size is the size in bits, it could be simplified greatly if you want the size in bytes, but bits was more helpful to what I needed.
function bcrand($size)
$filename = "/dev/urandom";
$handle = fopen($filename, "r");
$bin_urand = fread($handle, ceil($size/8.0));
$mask = (($size % 8 < 5) ? '0' : '') . dechex(bindec(str_repeat('1', $size % 8))) . str_repeat('FF', floor($size/8));
$binmask = pack("H*", $mask);
$binrand = $binmask & $bin_urand;
$hexnumber = unpack("H*", $binrand);
$hexnumber = $hexnumber[''];
$numlength = strlen($hexnumber);
$decnumber = 0;
for($x = 1; $x <= $numlength; $x++)
$place = $numlength - $x;
$operand = hexdec(substr($hexnumber,$place,1));
$exponent = bcpow(16,$x-1);
$decValue = bcmul($operand, $exponent);
$decnumber = bcadd($decValue, $decnumber);
return $decnumber;
pulstar at mail dot com
16-Apr-2003 02:12
A little comment for the simplified example above: you can do base converting without BCMath functions using only math operators, but you will not able to manage very large values or work with strings to compress or scramble data. If you have BCMath installed in your system it worth use it for this.
oliver at summertime dot net
01-Mar-2003 07:12
A simplier Version of the Script above:
function dec2base($dec, $digits) {
$value = "";
$base = strlen($digits);
while($dec>$base-1) {
$rest = $dec % $base;
$dec = $dec / $base;
$value = $digits[$rest].$value;
$value = $digits[intval($dec)].$value;
return (string) $value;
function base2dec($value, $digits) {
$value = strtoupper($value);
$base = strlen($digits);
$size = strlen($value);
$dec = '0';
for ($loop = 0; $loop<$size; $loop++) {
$element = strpos($digits,$value[$loop]);
$power = pow($base,$size-$loop-1);
$dec += $element * $power;
return (string) $dec;
echo dec2base('1000', $digits);
pulstar at mail dot com
20-Sep-2002 04:23
A found a little fix to do in my base2dec() function:
The line "if($base<37) $value=strtolower($value);" should be removed if you want to specify another digits for your base conversions. Change it this way:
if(!$digits) {
if($base<37) {
Another example using these functions is to generate a key for a session, to name temporary files or something else:
srand((double) microtime()*1000000);
$mykey is a base64 value, which is a good key for passing thru an URL and also is shorter than a MD5 string (it will be allways 11 chars long). If you need something more secure, just scramble the 64 digits in the digits() function.
Well, I hope you enjoy it.
Edemilson Lima
pulstar at mail dot com
20-Sep-2002 05:27
A good use for BCMath functions:
The functions below can convert a number in any base (from 2 to 256) to its decimal value and vice-versa.
// convert a decimal value to any other base value
function dec2base($dec,$base,$digits=FALSE) {
if($base<2 or $base>256) die("Invalid Base: ".$base);
if(!$digits) $digits=digits($base);
while($dec>$base-1) {
return (string) $value;
// convert another base value to its decimal value
function base2dec($value,$base,$digits=FALSE) {
if($base<2 or $base>256) die("Invalid Base: ".$base);
if($base<37) $value=strtolower($value);
if(!$digits) $digits=digits($base);
for($loop=0;$loop<$size;$loop++) {
return (string) $dec;
function digits($base) {
if($base>64) {
for($loop=0;$loop<256;$loop++) {
} else {
$digits ="0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
return (string) $digits;
The purpose of digits() function above is to supply the characters that will be used as digits for the base you want. NOTE: You can use any characters for that when you convert to another base, but when you convert again to the decimal base, you need to use the same characters or you will get another unexpected result.
benjcarson at digitaljunkies dot ca
08-Jul-2002 02:00
In addition to my last note, here are a quick pair of functions to convert exponential notation values into bcmath-style number strings:
// exp2int converts numbers in the
// form "1.5e4" into strings
function exp2int($exp) {
list($mantissa, $exponent) = spliti("e", $exp);
list($int, $dec) = split("\.", $mantissa);
bcscale ($dec);
return bcmul($mantissa, bcpow("10", $exponent));
// float2exp converts floats into exponential notation
function float2exp($num) {
if (0 == $num) { return "0E1";}
list($int, $dec) = split("\.", $num);
// Extract sign
if ($int[0] == "+" || $int[0] == "-") {
$sign = substr($int, 0,1);
$int = substr($int, 1);
if (strlen($int) <= 1) { // abs($num) is less than 1
for ($i=0; $dec[$i]=='0' && $i < strlen($dec); $i++);
$exp = -$i-1;
$mantissa = substr($dec,$i,1).".".substr($dec,$i+1);
} else { // abs($num) is greater than 1
for ($i=0; $int[$i]=='0' && $i < strlen($int); $i++);
$exp = strlen($int)-1 - $i;
$mantissa = substr($int,$i,1).".".substr($int,$i+1).$dec;
return ($sign . $mantissa . "E" . $exp);
benjcarson at digitaljunkies ca
08-Jul-2002 01:17
Note that bcmath doesn't seem to handle numbers in exponential notation (i.e. "1e4"), although PHP considers such a value a number.
$exp1 = "1E5";
$exp2 = "2E4";
$ans1 = bcadd($exp1, $exp2, 3);
$ans2 = $exp1 + exp2;
echo("bcadd: $exp1 + $exp2 = $ans1");
echo("php: $exp1 + $exp2 = $ans2");
// Output:
bcadd: 1E5 + 2E4 = 0.000
php: 1E5 + 2E4 = 120000
Just a gotcha if you're using passing PHP numbers into bcmath functions...
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