XXXI. Error Handling and Logging Functions
These are functions dealing with error handling and logging. They
allow you to define your own error handling rules, as well as modify
the way the errors can be logged. This allows you to change and
enhance error reporting to suit your needs.
With the logging functions, you can send messages directly to other
machines, to an email (or email to pager gateway!), to system logs,
etc., so you can selectively log and monitor the most important parts
of your applications and websites.
The error reporting functions allow you to customize what level and
kind of error feedback is given, ranging from simple notices to customized
functions returned during errors.
本函数库作为 PHP 内核的一部分,不用安装就能使用。 这些函数的行为受 php.ini 的影响。
表格 1. Errors and Logging Configuration Options Name | Default | Changeable | Changelog |
error_reporting | NULL | PHP_INI_ALL | | display_errors | "1" | PHP_INI_ALL | | display_startup_errors | "0" | PHP_INI_ALL | Available since PHP 4.0.3. | log_errors | "0" | PHP_INI_ALL | | log_errors_max_len | "1024" | PHP_INI_ALL | Available since PHP 4.3.0. | ignore_repeated_errors | "0" | PHP_INI_ALL | Available since PHP 4.3.0. | ignore_repeated_source | "0" | PHP_INI_ALL | Available since PHP 4.3.0. | report_memleaks | "1" | PHP_INI_ALL | Available since PHP 4.3.0. | track_errors | "0" | PHP_INI_ALL | | html_errors | "1" | PHP_INI_ALL | PHP_INI_SYSTEM in PHP <= 4.2.3. Available since PHP 4.0.2. | docref_root | "" | PHP_INI_ALL | Available since PHP 4.3.0. | docref_ext | "" | PHP_INI_ALL | Available since PHP 4.3.2. | error_prepend_string | NULL | PHP_INI_ALL | | error_append_string | NULL | PHP_INI_ALL | | error_log | NULL | PHP_INI_ALL | | warn_plus_overloading | NULL | PHP_INI?? | |
有关 PHP_INI_* 常量进一步的细节与定义参见 附录 G。
- error_reporting
Set the error reporting level. The parameter is either an integer
representing a bit field, or named constants. The error_reporting
levels and constants are described in
Predefined Constants,
and in php.ini. To set at runtime, use the
error_reporting() function. See also the
display_errors directive.
In PHP 4 and PHP 5 the default value is E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE. This
setting does not show E_NOTICE level errors. You
may want to show them during development.
注: Enabling E_NOTICE during development has
some benefits. For debugging purposes: NOTICE messages will warn you
about possible bugs in your code. For example, use of unassigned values
is warned. It is extremely useful to find typos and
to save time for debugging. NOTICE messages will warn you about bad style.
For example, $arr[item] is better to be written as $arr['item'] since
PHP tries to treat "item" as constant. If it is not a constant, PHP assumes
it is a string index for the array.
In PHP 5 a new error level E_STRICT is available.
As E_STRICT is not included within
E_ALL you have to explicitly enable this kind of
error level. Enabling E_STRICT during development
has some benefits. STRICT messages will help you to use the latest and
greatest suggested method of coding, for example warn you about using
deprecated functions.
In PHP 3, the default setting is
meaning the same thing. Note, however, that since constants are not
supported in PHP 3's php3.ini, the error_reporting
setting there must be numeric; hence, it is 7.
- display_errors
This determines whether errors should be printed to the screen
as part of the output or if they should be hidden from the user.
This is a feature to support your development and should never be used
on production systems (e.g. systems connected to the internet).
Although display_errors may be set at runtime (with ini_set
()), it won't have any affect if the script has fatal errors.
This is because the desired runtime action does not get executed.
- display_startup_errors
Even when display_errors is on, errors that occur during PHP's startup
sequence are not displayed. It's strongly recommended to keep
display_startup_errors off, except for debugging.
- log_errors
Tells whether script error messages should be logged to the
server's error log or error_log.
This option is thus server-specific.
You're strongly advised to use error logging in place of
error displaying on production web sites.
- log_errors_max_len
Set the maximum length of log_errors in bytes. In
error_log information about
the source is added. The default is 1024 and 0 allows to not apply
any maximum length at all.
This length is applied to logged errors, displayed errors and also to
当使用 integer
FAQ。 - ignore_repeated_errors
Do not log repeated messages. Repeated errors must occur in the same
file on the same line until
is set true.
- ignore_repeated_source
Ignore source of message when ignoring repeated messages. When this setting
is On you will not log errors with repeated messages from different files or
- report_memleaks
If this parameter is set to Off, then memory leaks will not be shown (on
stdout or in the log). This has only effect in a debug compile, and if
error_reporting includes
E_WARNING in the allowed list
- track_errors
If enabled, the last error message will always be present in the
variable $php_errormsg.
- html_errors
Turn off HTML tags in error messages. The new format for HTML errors
produces clickable messages that direct the user to a page describing
the error or function in causing the error. These references are
affected by
docref_root and
- docref_root
The new error format contains a reference to a page describing the error or
function causing the error. In case of manual pages you can download the
manual in your language and set this ini directive to the URL of your local
copy. If your local copy of the manual can be reached by '/manual/' you can
simply use docref_root=/manual/. Additional you have
to set docref_ext to match the fileextensions of your copy
docref_ext=.html. It is possible to use external
references. For example you can use
docref_root=http://manual/en/ or
Most of the time you want the docref_root value to end with a slash '/'.
But see the second example above which does not have nor need it.
This is a feature to support your development since it makes it easy to
lookup a function description. However it should never be used on
production systems (e.g. systems connected to the internet).
- docref_ext
See docref_root.
The value of docref_ext must begin with a dot '.'.
- error_prepend_string
String to output before an error message.
- error_append_string
String to output after an error message.
- error_log
Name of the file where script errors should be logged. The file should
be writable by the web server's user. If the
special value syslog is used, the errors
are sent to the system logger instead. On Unix, this means
syslog(3) and on Windows NT it means the event log. The
system logger is not supported on Windows 95. See also:
- warn_plus_overloading
If enabled, this option makes PHP output a warning when the
plus (+) operator is used on strings.
This is to make it easier to find scripts that need to be
rewritten to using the string concatenator instead
以下常量作为 PHP 核心的一部分一直有效。 注:
You may use these constant names in php.ini but not outside
of PHP, like in httpd.conf, where you'd
use the bitmask values instead.
表格 2. Errors and Logging Value | Constant | Description | Note |
1 |
Fatal run-time errors. These indicate errors that can not be
recovered from, such as a memory allocation problem.
Execution of the script is halted.
| | 2 |
Run-time warnings (non-fatal errors). Execution of the script is not
| | 4 |
Compile-time parse errors. Parse errors should only be generated by
the parser.
| | 8 |
Run-time notices. Indicate that the script encountered something that
could indicate an error, but could also happen in the normal course of
running a script.
| | 16 |
Fatal errors that occur during PHP's initial startup. This is like an
E_ERROR, except it is generated by the core of PHP.
| since PHP 4 | 32 |
Warnings (non-fatal errors) that occur during PHP's initial startup.
This is like an E_WARNING, except it is generated
by the core of PHP.
| since PHP 4 | 64 |
Fatal compile-time errors. This is like an E_ERROR,
except it is generated by the Zend Scripting Engine.
| since PHP 4 | 128 |
Compile-time warnings (non-fatal errors). This is like an
E_WARNING, except it is generated by the Zend
Scripting Engine.
| since PHP 4 | 256 |
User-generated error message. This is like an
E_ERROR, except it is generated in PHP code by
using the PHP function trigger_error().
| since PHP 4 | 512 |
User-generated warning message. This is like an
E_WARNING, except it is generated in PHP code by
using the PHP function trigger_error().
| since PHP 4 | 1024 |
User-generated notice message. This is like an
E_NOTICE, except it is generated in PHP code by
using the PHP function trigger_error().
| since PHP 4 | 2047 |
All errors and warnings, as supported, except of level
| | 2048 |
Run-time notices. Enable to have PHP suggest changes
to your code which will ensure the best interoperability
and forward compatibility of your code.
| since PHP 5 |
The above values (either numerical or symbolic) are used to build
up a bitmask that specifies which errors to report. You can use the
bitwise operators
to combine these values or mask out certain types of errors. Note
that only '|', '~', '!', '^' and '&' will be understood within
php.ini, however, and that no bitwise
operators will be understood within php3.ini.
Below we can see an example of using the error handling capabilities in
PHP. We define an error handling function which logs the information into
a file (using an XML format), and e-mails the developer in case a critical
error in the logic happens.
例子 1. Using error handling in a script
function userErrorHandler($errno, $errmsg, $filename, $linenum, $vars)
$dt = date("Y-m-d H:i:s (T)");
$errortype = array (
E_ERROR => "Error",
E_WARNING => "Warning",
E_PARSE => "Parsing Error",
E_NOTICE => "Notice",
E_CORE_ERROR => "Core Error",
E_CORE_WARNING => "Core Warning",
E_COMPILE_ERROR => "Compile Error",
E_COMPILE_WARNING => "Compile Warning",
E_USER_ERROR => "User Error",
E_USER_WARNING => "User Warning",
E_USER_NOTICE => "User Notice",
E_STRICT => "Runtime Notice"
$user_errors = array(E_USER_ERROR, E_USER_WARNING, E_USER_NOTICE);
$err = "<errorentry>\n";
$err .= "\t<datetime>" . $dt . "</datetime>\n";
$err .= "\t<errornum>" . $errno . "</errornum>\n";
$err .= "\t<errortype>" . $errortype[$errno] . "</errortype>\n";
$err .= "\t<errormsg>" . $errmsg . "</errormsg>\n";
$err .= "\t<scriptname>" . $filename . "</scriptname>\n";
$err .= "\t<scriptlinenum>" . $linenum . "</scriptlinenum>\n";
if (in_array($errno, $user_errors)) {
$err .= "\t<vartrace>" . wddx_serialize_value($vars, "Variables") . "</vartrace>\n";
$err .= "</errorentry>\n\n";
error_log($err, 3, "/usr/local/php4/error.log");
if ($errno == E_USER_ERROR) {
mail("[email protected]", "Critical User Error", $err);
function distance($vect1, $vect2)
if (!is_array($vect1) || !is_array($vect2)) {
trigger_error("Incorrect parameters, arrays expected", E_USER_ERROR);
return NULL;
if (count($vect1) != count($vect2)) {
trigger_error("Vectors need to be of the same size", E_USER_ERROR);
return NULL;
for ($i=0; $i<count($vect1); $i++) {
$c1 = $vect1[$i]; $c2 = $vect2[$i];
$d = 0.0;
if (!is_numeric($c1)) {
trigger_error("Coordinate $i in vector 1 is not a number, using zero",
$c1 = 0.0;
if (!is_numeric($c2)) {
trigger_error("Coordinate $i in vector 2 is not a number, using zero",
$c2 = 0.0;
$d += $c2*$c2 - $c1*$c1;
return sqrt($d);
$old_error_handler = set_error_handler("userErrorHandler");
$a = array(2, 3, "foo");
$b = array(5.5, 4.3, -1.6);
$c = array(1, -3);
$t1 = distance($c, $b) . "\n";
$t2 = distance($b, "i am not an array") . "\n";
$t3 = distance($a, $b) . "\n";
add a note
User Contributed Notes
Error Handling and Logging Functions
giunta dot gaetano at sea-aeroportimilano dot it
23-Jun-2005 11:03
Something to take care of: if track_errors is enabled, $php_errormsg will always be populated with error messages of warning (and possibly notice?) level, regardless of the error_reporting level set.
21-May-2005 01:20
When configuring your error log file in php.ini, you can use an absolute path or a relative path. A relative path will be resolved based on the location of the generating script, and you'll get a log file in each directory you have scripts in. If you want all your error messages to go to the same file, use an absolute path to the file.
In some application development methodologies, there is the concept of an application root directory, indicated by "/" (even on Windows). However, PHP does not seem to have this concept, and using a "/" as the initial character in a log file path produces weird behavior on Windows.
If you are running on Windows and have set, in php.ini:
error_log = "/php_error.log"
You will get some, but not all, error messages. The file will appear at
and contain internally generated error messages, making it appear that error logging is working. However, log messages requested by error_log() do NOT appear here, or anywhere else, making it appear that the code containing them did not get processed.
Apparently on Windows the internally generated errors will interpret "/" as "C:\" (or possibly a different drive if you have Windows installed elsewhere - I haven't tested this). However, the error_log process apparently can't find "/" - understandably enough - and the message is dropped silently.
shawing at gmail dot com
27-Jan-2005 11:05
Although the root user writes to the files 'error_log' and 'access_log', the Apache user has to own the file referenced by 'error_log = filename' or no log entries will be written.
; From php.ini
; Log errors to specified file.
error_log = /usr/local/apache/logs/php.errors
[root@www logs]$ ls -l /usr/local/apache/logs/php.errors
-rw-r--r-- 1 nobody root 27K Jan 27 16:58 php.errors
omega172 at yahoo dot com
21-Sep-2004 10:01
As pointed out previously, PHP by default logs to the Apache ErrorLog.
Beware: the messages it logs do not conform to Apache's error log format (missing date and severity fields), so if you use an automated parser on your error logs, you'll want to redirect PHP's errors somewhere else with the error_log directive.
ptah at se dot linux dot org
10-Sep-2004 02:20
PHP5 only (only tested with php5.0).
If you, for some reason, prefer exceptions over errors and have your custom error handler (set_error_handler) wrap the error into an exception you have to be careful with your script.
Because if you, instead of just calling the exception handler, throws the exception, and having a custom exception handler (set_exception_handler). And an error is being triggered inside that exception handler, you will get a weird error:
"Fatal error: Exception thrown without a stack frame in Unknown on line 0"
This error is not particulary informative, is it? :)
This example below will cause this error.
class PHPErrorException extends Exception
private $context = null;
public function __construct
($code, $message, $file, $line, $context = null)
parent::__construct($message, $code);
$this->file = $file;
$this->line = $line;
$this->context = $context;
function error_handler($code, $message, $file, $line) {
throw new PHPErrorException($code, $message, $file, $line);
function exception_handler(Exception $e)
$errors = array(
E_USER_ERROR => "User Error",
E_USER_WARNING => "User Warning",
E_USER_NOTICE => "User Notice",
echo $errors[$e->getCode()].': '.$e->getMessage().' in '.$e->getFile().
' on line '.$e->getLine()."\n";
echo $e->getTraceAsString();
throw new Exception('foo', 0);
There are however, easy fix for this as it's only cause is sloppy code.
Like one, directly call exception_handler from error_handler instead of throwing an exception. Not only does it remedy this problem, but it's also faster. Though this will cause a `regular` unhandled exception being printed and if only "designed" error messages are intended, this is not the ultimate solution.
So, what is there to do? Make sure the code in exception_handlers doesn't cause any errors! In this case a simple isset() would have solved it.
regards, C-A B.
pgerzsonr at freestart dot hu
11-Jan-2002 05:03
A handy errorhandler class can be found at:
It has several enhancements (report layouts):
* prints the source code fragment where the error encountered,
* prints variable context around error source,
* suppresses error-messages, instead displays an arbitrary HTML or PHP page
* logging to multiple targets and autodetecting target logging
* error messages can be displayed in a separate browser window
* catching errors for runtime generated codes
* debugging variables.
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