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Last updated: Tue, 21 Dec 2004

LXXII. Mohawk Software セッションハンドラ関数


msession は、ローカルまたはリモートで実行される高速セッションデー モンへのインターフェイスです。複数のPHP Webサーバにおいて集中的な セッション管理を行うために設計されています。 msessionとセッションサーバソフトウエアに関するより詳細な情報は、 にあります。

注意: この拡張モジュールはWindows環境 では利用できません。


PHPでMsessionサポートを有効にするには、 --with-msession[=DIR]をconfigureに 指定して下さい。ただし、DIRはMsessionのインストールディレクトリです。

msession_connect -- msessionサーバに接続する
msession_count -- セッション数を得る
msession_create -- セッションを作成する
msession_destroy -- セッションを破棄する
msession_disconnect -- msessionサーバへの接続を閉じる
msession_find -- 値を検索する
msession_get_array -- 配列値を得る
msession_get_data -- Get data session unstructured data
msession_get -- セッションから値を取得する
msession_inc -- セッションの値を増加させる
msession_list -- リスト ... ?
msession_listvar -- 変数を有するセッションの一覧を取得する
msession_lock -- セッションをロックする
msession_plugin --  msession personalityプラグイン内のエスケープ関数をコールする
msession_randstr -- ランダムな文字列を取得する
msession_set_array -- 配列の値を設定する
msession_set_data -- Set data session unstructured data
msession_set -- セッションに値を設定する
msession_timeout -- セッションの有効期間を設定/取得する
msession_uniq -- ユニークなIDを取得する
msession_unlock -- セッションのロックを解除する

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Mohawk Software セッションハンドラ関数
temp6453 at hotmail dot com
10-Mar-2005 09:21
A company I work for uses msession for a large cluster of servers.  I've set it up rather regularly and never had an issue at all with it not working.

Msession is stable.  It does something simple- it maintains an efficient database of key->value (session->data) pairs and searches them well in a nice threaded manner.  There is no need for constant revision.  It is _NOT_ a large application.  It's security is simply IP-block-based, so such concerns are also minimal.

To the user that says it should be removed- if you are having problems installing it, seek assistance doing so.  The product itself is just right.
norbert_gt at gmx dot net
15-Feb-2005 02:49
Do NOT use msession!!! On the lates distributions (Redhat, Suse) the msessions won't work anymore: the daemon won't fork at startup time and stucks after called once. I've tested this on three systems (e.g. SuSE 9.1.). Furthermore, the msessiond package is NOT supported/maintained since years. i recommend to remove it from the offical php distribution. Norbert.
Weird Silence
01-Feb-2005 01:19
We've created a distributed session handler that uses memcached - Check it out at - It's free and open source!
It uses's memcached: - Very cool stuff!
06-Nov-2004 11:52
Compiling msession can be quite a pain. Believe me.

Here's how I did it on a gentoo-box with gcc version 3.3.4 (20040623 (Gentoo Linux 3.3.4-r1, ssp-3.3.2-2, pie-8.7.6)):

1. Download and
2. Extract them in /usr/local (That path is hardcoded, so you don't really have a choice since there isn't a configure script)
3. You should now the directory /usr/local/phoenix containing msession and src.
4. Enter the src-directory and rename Linux.mak to config.mak (or the corresponding file, if you're using another system. Don't use unixgcc.mak directly - it won't work.).
5. Type make
6. Type make install. You might have to create /usr/local/phoenix/lib yourself and then type make install again.
7. Change into the msession-directory and type make.

For both msession and phoenix you may have to edit the makefiles manually and comment out the postgreesql and odbc-code (if you don't have postgree installed).

8. Recompile php with --with-msession.

mathijs at experimental dot net
13-Sep-2002 04:02
msession 1.0 (020603) is using /dev/urandom.
a dot whyte at cqu dot edu dot au
09-May-2002 12:53
You can fix the no random data in FreeBSD's /dev/random by using rndcontrol (as root) and setting the interupts which it looks at for entropy.

Something like  rndcontrol -s 14 -s 15  should help it out.
carsten at sarum dot dk
06-May-2002 10:12
If you have trouble connecting to the msessiond from a php-script, this might be the solution for you.

msessiond (and your php-extension) both use the libphoenix.a which, among other files, is built from a file called "mutils.cpp".

Open this file, and find a line saying:

FILE *f = fopen("/dev/random", "rb");

(I believe it is line 506. There's only this one.)

On my FreeBSD 4.5 Tiny, /dev/random seldom spits out data, so the program hangs on the next line (an fread() call). Use /dev/urandom instead, it always sends data.

Change the line above to:

FILE *f = fopen("/dev/urandom", "rb");

Then rebuild phoenix-lib, msessiond, and PHP. You might want to do a "make clean" to be sure the change is noted.

- Carsten

 Last updated: Tue, 21 Dec 2004
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