Make a firstdbm.db file.
Set attribute Read and Write.
$dbm = dbmopen("firstdbm","w");
echo "<b>\$dbm: $dbm = dbmopen(\"firstdbm\", \"w\");</b>< br>";
echo "<i>".dblist()." = dblist();</i>< br>< br>";
$fruit = "apple";
$colour = "red";
if (dbmexists ($dbm, $fruit)) {
$colour = dbmfetch ($dbm, $fruit);
echo "\$colour: $colour = dbmfetch(\$dbm: $dbm, \$fruit: $fruit);< br>";
$key = dbmreplace($dbm, $fruit, "green");
echo "\$key: $key = dbmreplace(\$dbm: $dbm, \$fruit: $fruit, \"green\");< br>";
$colour = dbmfetch ($dbm, $fruit);
echo "\$colour: $colour = dbmfetch(\$dbm: $dbm, \$fruit: $fruit);< br>";
if ( !dbmdelete($dbm, $fruit) ) {
echo "False (OK) = dbmdelete(\$dbm: $dbm, \$fruit: $fruit);< br>";
} else {
echo "True (NOT OK) = dbmdelete(\$dbm: $dbm, \$fruit: $fruit);< br>";
$colour = dbmfetch ($dbm, $fruit);
echo "\$color: $colour = dbmfetch(\$dbm: $dbm, \$fruit: $fruit);< br><hr>";
$i = 1;
$key = dbmfirstkey($dbm);
while ($key) {
if ($i==1) {
echo "\$key: $key = dbmfirstkey(\$dbm: $dbm);< br>";
} else {
echo "\$key: $key = dbmnextkey(\$dbm: $dbm);< br>";
$colour = dbmfetch ($dbm, $key);
echo "\$colour: $colour = dbmfetch(\$dbm: $dbm, \$key: $key);< br>";
$key = dbmnextkey($dbm,$key);
} else {
dbminsert ($dbm, $fruit, $colour);
echo "dbminsert(\$dbm: $dbm, \$fruit: $fruit, \$colour: $colour);< br>";
dbminsert ($dbm, "pear", "yellow");
echo "dbminsert(\$dbm: $dbm, \"pear\", \"yellow\");< br>";
dbminsert ($dbm, "apricot", "pink");
echo "dbminsert(\$dbm: $dbm, \"apricot\", \"pink\");< br><hr>";
$i = 1;
$key = dbmfirstkey($dbm);
while ($key) {
if ($i==1) {
echo "\$key: $key = dbmfirstkey(\$dbm: $dbm);< br>";
} else {
echo "\$key: $key = dbmnextkey(\$dbm: $dbm);< br>";
$colour = dbmfetch ($dbm, $key);
echo "\$colour: $colour = dbmfetch(\$dbm: $dbm, \$key: $key);< br>";
$key = dbmnextkey($dbm,$key);
echo "< br>";
if (dbmclose ($dbm)) {
echo "<b>True (OK) = dbmclose(\$dbm: $dbm);</b>< br>";
} else {
echo "<b>False (NOT OK) = dbmclose(\$dbm: $dbm);</b>< br>";
The first run output:
$dbm: 1 = dbmopen("firstdbm", "w");
ndbm support enabled = dblist();
dbminsert($dbm: 1, $fruit: apple, $colour: red);
dbminsert($dbm: 1, "pear", "yellow");
dbminsert($dbm: 1, "apricot", "pink");
$key: pear = dbmfirstkey($dbm: 1);
$colour: yellow = dbmfetch($dbm: 1, $key: pear);
$key: apricot = dbmnextkey($dbm: 1);
$colour: pink = dbmfetch($dbm: 1, $key: apricot);
$key: apple = dbmnextkey($dbm: 1);
$colour: red = dbmfetch($dbm: 1, $key: apple);
True (OK) = dbmclose($dbm: 1);
The second run output:
$dbm: 1 = dbmopen("firstdbm", "w");
ndbm support enabled = dblist();
$colour: red = dbmfetch($dbm: 1, $fruit: apple);
$key: 0 = dbmreplace($dbm: 1, $fruit: apple, "green");
$colour: green = dbmfetch($dbm: 1, $fruit: apple);
False (OK) = dbmdelete($dbm: 1, $fruit: apple);
$color: = dbmfetch($dbm: 1, $fruit: apple);
$key: pear = dbmfirstkey($dbm: 1);
$colour: yellow = dbmfetch($dbm: 1, $key: pear);
$key: apricot = dbmnextkey($dbm: 1);
$colour: pink = dbmfetch($dbm: 1, $key: apricot);
True (OK) = dbmclose($dbm: 1);