LV. メール関数(Mail)
表 1. Mail設定オプション 名前 | デフォルト | 変更の可否 |
SMTP | "localhost" | PHP_INI_ALL | smtp_port | "25" | PHP_INI_ALL | sendmail_from | NULL | PHP_INI_ALL | sendmail_path | DEFAULT_SENDMAIL_PATH | PHP_INI_SYSTEM |
PHP_INI_* 定数の詳細と定義については、
Windows環境のみで使用されます: SMTPサーバのDNS名またはIPアドレス。
で、デフォルトは25です。PHP 4.3.0以降でのみ利
- sendmail_from
Windows環境でPHPから送信されるメールにおいて "From:" に使用する
- sendmail_path
sendmail プログラムを探すパスを指定します。
通常、/usr/sbin/sendmail または
configure は、このパスを探し、デフォルト値と
jdephix at hotmail dot com
02-Mar-2005 08:25
How to add multiple attachment to an email:
An email can be split into many parts separated by a boundary followed by a Content-Type and a Content-Disposition.
The boundary is initialized as follows:
$boundary = '-----=' . md5( uniqid ( rand() ) );
You can attach a Word document if you specify:
$message .= "Content-Type: application/msword; name=\"my attachment\"\n";
$message .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n";
$message .= "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"$theFile\"\n\n";
When adding a file you must open it and read it with fopen and add the content to the message:
$path = "whatever the path to the file is";
$fp = fopen($path, 'r');
do {
$data = fread($fp, 8192);
if (strlen($data) == 0) break;
$content .= $data;
} while (true);
$content_encode = chunk_split(base64_encode($content));
$message .= $content_encode . "\n";
$message .= "--" . $boundary . "\n";
Add the needed headers and send!
$headers = "From: \"Me\"<[email protected]>\n";
$headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\n";
$headers .= "Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"$boundary\"";
mail('[email protected]', 'Email with attachment from PHP', $message, $headers);
Finally, if you add an image and want it displayed in your email, change the Content-Type from attachment to inline:
$message .= "Content-Disposition: inline; filename=\"$theFile\"\n\n";
marcus at synchromedia dot co dot uk
18-Feb-2005 10:23
I've been helping a lot of people with scripting, and mail() is always a sticking point because no-one seems to be able to get the headers or MIME formatting right with their own code, mainly because you need to read all the RFCs and understand them in order to get it right. The simple answer is, don't bother trying: just use phpmailer instead: it's a nice tidy PHP class that deals with multipart MIME construction, header and body encodings, and it has a built-in SMTP client too.
I really can't recommend it enough - it's worth pretending that the mail() function doesn't exist.
The PEAR mail package mentioned in here offers similar improvements in available sleep hours and hair retention.
Metin Savignano <ms201 at zipfly dot de>
04-Feb-2005 01:32
If you want to use the mail() function under *nix and Windows alike, I recommend using the little fake sendmail utility available under (bsd license).
I tried it and it works great for me. I can use the very same PHP code on both the Linux server as well as my Windows test machine. It supports auth smtp.
Instructions: Download fake sendmail, unzip it into a directory of your choice, customize the sendmail.ini to your smtp server, set the sendmail path in your php.ini, and you're done.
maximo AT migliari DOT com
14-Jan-2005 07:58
If you are using Qmail and did the Life with Qmail installtion, verify that /var/qmail/bin/sendmail is chmodded to 755.
If its not, then the system will not be able to find the sendmail wrapper, even if /var/qmail/bin/sendmail IS in your path!
when I used the "which sendmail" command after having installed the qmail sendmail wrapper via "ln -s /var/qmail/bin/sendmail /sbin/sendmail" it returned no sendmail found! I checked the permissions and it was set to no permissions for sendmail (very weird).
Anyway, php needs sendmail to be in the path for it to compile with mail() support. Voil�! :)
Ivo Fokkema I.Fokkema att LUMC d0ttt nl
06-Sep-2004 08:03
We have a open source project that needed to be able to function on as many platforms and configurations as possible. Using '\n' as end-of-line for emailheaders would probably 'break' the email functionality on Windows and Mac platforms.
I have fixed this using the code below. Please note that since I don't have any access to a Mac server, this setup is not tested on a Mac, but should work.
if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN')) {
$s_eol = "\r\n";
} elseif (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'MAC')) {
$s_eol = "\r";
} else {
$s_eol = "\n";
(Thanx to Eric Gach on for the inspiration!)
Then construct your headers using
$s_headers = 'From: [email protected]' . $s_eol;
Hope this helps anyone!!!
php at richardneill dot org
13-Jul-2004 01:09
Postfix under Mandrake 10.0 also objects to \\r\\n. The result is that every email is double-spaced, and all attachments break. (it was OK in 9.1). My (short-term) fix is this:
$message = str_replace("\r",'',$message);
This discussion may be relevant:
13-Jun-2004 07:53
Beware of Mac "line feeds" (\r) in long text strings in the body of a message--may cause Sendmail to insert exclamation points after every 256 chars
def at speakeasy dot org
22-May-2004 01:11
The body of the message cannot, in some (many?) cases, contain "bare line feeds" -- i.e. just "\n".
See this:
josh at sdfahrenheit dot com
16-Apr-2004 02:52
For anyone having problems with attached files coming through garbled, make sure you have magic_quotes_runtime set to Off in your php.ini - it adds funky escape chars to your attached data and garbles the attachment.
This was giving me all kinds of grief.
07-Apr-2004 12:36
If your system MTA is exim, you might find using it the following way gives you more control over the message that is sent. It uses batch SMTP rather than the hideous "-t" sendmail-like argument, and as a result allows the envelope and the headers to be specified seperately.
recipient, subject, body, [ [ [ headers ], sender ], helo]
bsmtp("[email protected]", "Subject", array("Line 1", "Line 2"), array(), "[email protected]", "host.address.com);
bsmtp(array("[email protected]", "[email protected]), "Subject", array("Line 1", "Line 2"), array(), "sender@addr$
function bsmtp($recipients, $subject, $body, $headers = array(), $sender= "<>", $helo = "")
$exim = "/usr/local/sbin/exim -bS";
if ( $helo == "" )
$helo = $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"];
if ( ! $headers )
if (is_array($recipients))
$c="To: ";
foreach ($recipients as $r)
$toheader .= $c . $r;
$c = ", ";
$toheader = "To: " . $recipients;
if ( ereg("@", $sender))
$fromheader = "From: " . $sender;
$fromheader = "From: <MAILER-DAEMON@" . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . ">";
$subj = "Subject: " . $subject;
$headers = array($toheader, $fromheader, $subj);
$headers[] = "X-Mailer: Dave's better php mail function";
print "<PRE>";
$fd = popen($exim, "w");
fputs($fd, "HELO " . $helo . "\n");
fputs($fd, "MAIL FROM: " . $sender . "\n");
if (is_array($recipients))
foreach ($recipients as $r)
fputs($fd, "RCPT TO: " . $r . "\n");
fputs($fd, "RCPT TO: " . $recipients . "\n");
fputs($fd, "DATA\n");
foreach ( $headers as $h )
fputs($fd, $h . "\n");
fputs($fd, "\n");
foreach ( $body as $b )
fputs($fd, $b . "\n");
fputs($fd, "\n.\nQUIT\n");
roberto dot silva at mexicoshipping dot net
24-Jan-2004 12:16
If you can't use or don't understand how to use the sendmail program from linux, you can use a PEAR object to send mail.
$recipients = "[email protected]";
$headers["From"] = "[email protected]";
$headers["To"] = "[email protected]";
$headers["Subject"] = "Test message";
$body = "TEST MESSAGE!!!";
$params["host"] = "smtp.server";
$params["port"] = "25";
$params["auth"] = true;
$params["username"] = "user";
$params["password"] = "password";
$mail_object =& Mail::factory("smtp", $params);
$mail_object->send($recipients, $headers, $body);
In my case, i use a smtp server that require authentication, and sendmail configuration is almost cryptic to me.
PEAR is already installed in PHP 4.0.3 , if not, you must go to pear.php.net and install it, in my case, I needed to add the Socket.php to the PEAR library.
aris AT riponce DOT com
19-Nov-2003 06:37
If you decide to send mail over an SMTP connection instead of using mail(), keep these hints in mind:
- Separate the header list from the message body with a single blank line. This way if the message body contains text that matches the headers you are safe.
- Apply the "hidden dot algirithm" to the body text. This simply means that if a line begins with a single "." just replace it with two dots "..".
Subject: My message
Errors-To: [email protected]
Subject: Lunch
Remember the following items:
item 1
Item 21
Subject: My message
Errors-To: [email protected]
Subject: Lunch
Remember the following items:
item 1
Item 21
nes at techie dot com
26-Sep-2003 05:36
I've noticed some anti-spam email programs also deny delivery to mail that doesn't have a Message-ID. Even though it is legal to do so, many domains will consider the email spam and drop it.
Using sendmail on a win2k server, there is no Message-ID on some test mailings I've done. The ones that are added were there due to the filtering software added it afterwards, at least that's what the spamheaders error code database says.
ronan dot minguy at wanadoo dot fr
20-Feb-2003 04:45
If you want to send an email in HTML with accent letters (for non-only-english speaking people) or the euro sign, put this in your header :
Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-15
f dot touchard at laposte dot net
31-Jan-2003 03:46
***Encoding plain text as quoted-printable in MIME email***
If you don't want to install IMAP and use imap_8bit() to encode plain text or html message as quoted-printable
(friendly french special characters encoding :-) in MIME email, try this function.
I haven't fully tested it ( like with microtime with long mails). I send html message as 7-bit, so I didn't try yet with html.
If you have good html practise, you don't really need to encode html as quote-printable as it only uses 7-bit chars.
function qp_encoding($Message) {
/* Build (most polpular) Extended ASCII Char/Hex MAP (characters >127 & <255) */
for ($i=0; $i<127; $i++) {
$CharList[$i] = "/".chr($i+128)."/";
$HexList[$i] = "=".strtoupper(bin2hex(chr($i+128)));
/* Encode equal sign & 8-bit characters as equal signs followed by their hexadecimal values */
$Message = str_replace("=", "=3D", $Message);
$Message = preg_replace($CharList, $HexList, $Message);
/* Lines longer than 76 characters (size limit for quoted-printable Content-Transfer-Encoding)
will be cut after character 75 and an equals sign is appended to these lines. */
$MessageLines = split("\n", $Message);
$Message_qp = "";
while(list(, $Line) = each($MessageLines)) {
if (strlen($Line) > 75) {
$Pointer = 0;
while ($Pointer <= strlen($Line)) {
$Offset = 0;
if (preg_match("/^=(3D|([8-9A-F]{1}[0-9A-F]{1}))$/", substr($Line, ($Pointer+73), 3))) $Offset=-2;
if (preg_match("/^=(3D|([8-9A-F]{1}[0-9A-F]{1}))$/", substr($Line, ($Pointer+74), 3))) $Offset=-1;
$Message_qp.= substr($Line, $Pointer, (75+$Offset))."=\n";
if ((strlen($Line) - ($Pointer+75)) <= 75) {
$Message_qp.= substr($Line, ($Pointer+75+$Offset))."\n";
break 1;
$Pointer+= 75+$Offset;
} else {
$Message_qp.= $Line."\n";
return $Message_qp;
rune at imptech dot net
21-Dec-2002 10:13
If your using Postfix for SMTP on FreeBSD you MUST end header lines with \n and not \r\n. I'm not sure if this is true of other platforms but this is definitely the case on my FreeBSD server.
-=- RuneImp
ImpTech - Web Design & Hosting
kieran dot huggins at rogers dot com
20-Nov-2002 10:24
Thanks Hilger - that will come in handy on my end.
Here's a great overview of the MIME spec from 1993:
Happy mailing! - Kieran
stevenlim at Edinburgh-Consulting dot com
06-Sep-2002 07:53
How to detect a bounce email
1. make sure the email you send out have the header
"Return-Path: [email protected]\r\n",
"Return-Receipt-To: [email protected]\r\n"
2. setup this detect-bounce mail account at your mail server
3. redirect the incoming mail from this email account to your php script (check your mail server doc on how do this)
4. your php script will then be able to process the incoming email in whatever way you like, including to detect bounce mail message (use regexp search).
Note that the mail will be not be store after the mail server has redirect to your script. If you want to store it, you need additional code in your script
Hope the above help
Steven Lim
IT Consultant (www.Edinburgh-Consulting.com)
12-Apr-2002 03:35
As noted above sendmail_from is only used on MS Windows, to change the default sender on unix you must add -f to sendmail_path. For example in a <VirtualHost> directive:
php_admin_value sendmail_path "/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i -f [email protected]"
would set the default return-path for mail from that virtual host.
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