In case you're wondering what's a "correctly hashed" directory for the use with cainfo: it's simply a directory which contains CA public certificates in PEM/X.509 format. You can get such certificates either from the CA's website (they advertise it in visible places) or from your browser. In Explorer for instance you can click on the little yellow padlock, go to the CA entry and export it.
The only trick with the directory is that file names must be in the form "hash.#". The "hash" part is the 8-digit hex hash of the certificate, while the # part is a number which serves to differentiate certificates which give the same hash (yes, it can happen with certificates coming from the same CA). Usually # is 0, but you also can use 1, 2 and so on when having more certs with the same hash.
In order to obtain the hash of a certificate you can use the openssl command line utility like this:
openssl x509 -hash -in certfile.cer | head -1