警告 | このモジュールは、
ルは使用者のリスクで使用して下さい。 |
を使用する必要があります。この拡張モジュールは、4.1.0以降 PHP に付属
表 1. XML-RPC設定オプション 名前 | デフォルト | 変更可能 |
xmlrpc_errors | "0" | PHP_INI_SYSTEM | xmlrpc_error_number | "0" | PHP_INI_ALL |
Jerome Delamarche
14-Oct-2004 09:58
The documentation lacks an example that shows how to send a fault in a response. Here is how to do it:
$args = array("faultCode" => $errcode, "faultString" => $errmsg);
$resp = xmlrpc_encode_request(NULL,$args);
//echo $resp;
php at hendrik-krauss dot de
13-Aug-2004 07:38
On "datetime" values:
If you implement an XML-RPC server with these functions and a client calls a method on your server, sending a datetime as parameter (in ISO 8601 format, as specified at ), the PHP XML-RPC will pass your registered server method an object as parameter. That object, for example, looks like:
If you do xmlrpc_get_type(obj), it will return "datetime", so presumably that function just returns the value of 'type'. 'scalar' seems to be the on-the-wire representation of the datetime (ISO 8601, exactly as received). 'timestamp' appears to be the ISO value in 'scalar' converted into a normal PHP timestamp (i.e. Unix time_t).
Note on 'scalar': Using a MySQL DB, we did something like "select blah where start_time >= $obj->scalar ;". That actually worked and returned expected results, so MySQL appears to handle that ISO 8601 format correctly.
swunderlin at REMOVE-telemedia dot ch
09-Jun-2004 10:20
pear hs an XML_RPC package, if you can't recompile your php:
steph at zend dot com
08-Jun-2004 11:04
It took me a while to get a client together without external libraries. This very basic client/server pair works on my home set-up - hopefully it will save the next xml-rpc virgin some grief.
/* clienttest.php */
function do_call($host, $port, $request) {
$fp = fsockopen($host, $port, $errno, $errstr);
$query = "POST /home/servertest.php HTTP/1.0\nUser_Agent: My Egg Client\nHost: ".$host."\nContent-Type: text/xml\nContent-Length: ".strlen($request)."\n\n".$request."\n";
if (!fputs($fp, $query, strlen($query))) {
$errstr = "Write error";
return 0;
$contents = '';
while (!feof($fp)) {
$contents .= fgets($fp);
return $contents;
$host = 'localhost';
$port = 80;
$request = xmlrpc_encode_request('cycle', 'egg');
$response = do_call($host, $port, $request);
/* servertest.php */
function lifecycle($method, $params) {
switch($params[0]) {
case 'egg':
$reply = 'All eggs will be birds one day.';
$reply = 'That must have been an otheregg';
return $reply;
$server = xmlrpc_server_create();
xmlrpc_server_register_method($server, "cycle", "lifecycle");
$request = $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA; $response = xmlrpc_server_call_method($server, $request, null);
header('Content-Type: text/xml');
print $response;
mboeren at php dot net
25-Feb-2004 12:34
Just a quick addition to my previous xmlrpc_client class: since you cannot use remote methods containing capital letters or methods from subhandlers (like 'system.listMethods()'), I added a 'call(...)' method to the class.
function call($function)
$return = NULL;
$argv = func_get_args();
array_shift($argv); $this->__call($function, $argv, &$return);
return $return;
$result = $client->call('system.listMethods');
$sum = client->call('add', '1', '2');
mboeren at php dot net
24-Feb-2004 03:01
I use the following code (requires the overload extension) to make developing clients easier:
include("utils/utils.php"); class xmlrpc_client
var $url;
var $urlparts;
function xmlrpc_client($url)
$this->url = $url;
$this->urlparts = parse_url($this->url);
foreach(array('scheme', 'host', 'user', 'pass', 'path',
'query', 'fragment')
as $part) {
if (!isset($this->urlparts[$part])) {
$this->urlparts[$part] = NULL;
function __call($function, $arguments, &$return)
$requestprms['host'] = $this->urlparts['host'];
$requestprms['port'] = $this->urlparts['port'];
$requestprms['uri'] = $this->urlparts['path'];
$requestprms['method'] = $function;
$requestprms['args'] = $arguments;
$requestprms['debug'] = 0;
$requestprms['timeout'] = 0;
$requestprms['user'] = NULL;
$requestprms['pass'] = NULL;
$requestprms['secure'] = 0;
$result = xu_rpc_http_concise($requestprms);
if (is_array($result) && isset($result['faultCode'])) {
print('Error in xmlrpc call \''.$function.'\''."\n");
print(' code : '.$result['faultCode']."\n");
print(' message: '.$result['faultString']."\n");
return false;
$return = $result;
return true;
21-Jan-2004 06:32
here's how to install it on windows (so it actually works):
- php.ini > enable "php_xmlrpc.dll" in extensions.
- php.ini > make sure "extension_dir" is set correctly to find the dll in your php installation dir /extensions.
- copy iconv.dll from your php install dir /dlls to a directory in your path (ex: c:/windows).
if you got some errors while launching apache prior to trying this I suggest you reboot your machine first... sounds weird I know, but remember... you're running Windowz.
Have fun
sjtirtha at gmx dot de
21-Aug-2003 05:23
To install xml-rpc feature on Windows, you need to have "php_xmlrpc.dll" on your "/extensions" Folder.
And you need to enable it on "php.ini".
You need also library from .
to make your code simply.
Look the examples at .
mistcat attyatatat phreaker dootttt net
17-Apr-2003 10:52
Hope this saves somone some frustration:
As of php 4.3.1 and xmlrpc-epi-php-0.51 php would return a content type text/html instead of text/xml in its responses. this is a bad thing. Perl's XMLRPC::Lite for instance will not like you if you do this. Happily the solution is simple:
header("Content-Type: text/xml");
Happy Hunting.
25-Mar-2003 01:21
If you need a tutorial on the XML-RPC-Extension go to devshed:
bmichael at goldparrot dot com
09-Feb-2003 05:52
If anyone is interested in making XMLRPC requests directly from the client, I have been able to get xmlrpc to
work with vcXMLRPC javascript backend.
After about 1 week of scanning the market, I found this solution to be the best on Javascript back end. It uses the Microsoft.HTTP activeX control for IE, or HTTPRequest Object for Mozilla.
You include vc(Virtual Cowboys) vcXMLRPC.js file into your pages and make the rpc calls from with javascript to create the requests.
It works both ways.
Two Notes:
I have tested it on IE 6.02 and you need to change lines in ProcessRequest :
function to read:
dom = this.getObject("XMLDOM",http.responseText);
and change the getObject function to use the latest ActiveX Control:
MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0 (or 4.0)
MSXML2.DOMDocument.3.0 (or 4.0)
The controls are found on MSDN in the Web Services -> XML area.
As another note, you DO NOT NEED the rpcproxy.cgi script to use this. That is a proxy script to get around JS Security. You can use PHP to build the proxy. But, I was able to get the CGI working with GCC compiler on Solaris (change the -KPCI, depend and -x03 optimizer settings in the Makefile )
roland at php dot net
29-Jan-2003 10:15
You can find a good howto about the xml-rpc extension at
It's an easy client / server example - works quite good :-)
nospam at phppatterns dot com
07-Dec-2002 01:45
Note that you do need the iconv module installed to use the XML-RPC extension (see: )
hfuecks at pinkgoblin dot com
26-Sep-2002 01:34
You can pass PHP errors with the XML-RPC extension as described here:
steve at orangeNOSPAMimagineering dot com
24-Aug-2002 08:32
There's a handy library by Keith Devens (version 2.2.1) at
Here is a sample client. It remotely calls sample.sumAndDifference
with two parameters (3 and 5).
It returns:
sum => 8
difference => -2
include ("kd_xmlrpc.php");
$method = "sample.sumAndDifference";
$params = XMLRPC_prepare(array(3,5));
$site = "xmlrpc-c.sourceforge.net";
$location = "/api/sample.php";
list($success, $result) = XMLRPC_request( $site, $location, $method, $params );
foreach ( $result as $key => $value ) {
echo(" $key => $value \n");
hfuecks at pinkgoblin dot com
15-Aug-2002 03:32
This extension does not handle the process of making making XML-RPC client requests via HTTP; it only prepares the XML-RPC request payload.
This differs from many other XML-RPC implementations but offers greater flexibility, allowing SSL connections, authentication headers and XML-RPC via other transports like SMTP.
hfuecks at pinkgoblin dot com
28-Jul-2002 08:33
Anyone interested in PHP-GTK talking to an XML-RPC server:
ivanr at webkreator dot com
21-Jun-2002 06:50
For a really easy way to use this XML-RPC extension take a look at
XML-RPC Class Server ()
It automatically creates servers out of PHP classes. Creating clients is almost as easy, especially with the recent addition of the overload extension to PHP (see ).
nic at uklinux dot NOSPAM dot net
24-Apr-2002 04:05
An alternative XML-RPC implementation is available at - it's written in PHP so you can use it on servers for which you don't have the luxury of rebuilding PHP on.
cmv at php dot net
08-Jan-2002 01:26
"Latest releases" is a bit redundant, since this extension is bundled into PHP (as of 4.1.0). You don't need to download anything from sourceforge to make this work. Just compile PHP with the --with-xmlrpc flag.
The site is useful, however, for documentation.
ravan_n at hotmail dot com
27-Dec-2001 11:01
Refer to the below link for documentation / latest releases of the package.
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