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Last updated: Tue, 21 Dec 2004

CXIV. Standard PHP Library (SPL) 関数




To be written.


これらの定数は、この拡張モジュールで定義されており、 この拡張モジュールがPHP内部にコンパイルされているか実行時に動的にロー ドされるかのどちらかの場合のみ使用可能です。


RIT_SELF_FIRST (integer)




ArrayIterator::current --  Return current array entry
ArrayIterator::key --  Return current array key
ArrayIterator::next --  Move to next entry
ArrayIterator::rewind --  Rewind array back to the start
ArrayIterator::seek --  Seek to position
ArrayIterator::valid --  Check whether array contains more entries
ArrayObject::append --  Appends the value
ArrayObject::__construct --  Construct a new array object
ArrayObject::count --  Return the number of elements in the Iterator
ArrayObject::getIterator --  Create a new iterator from an ArrayObject instance
ArrayObject::offsetExists --  Returns whether the requested $index exists
ArrayObject::offsetGet --  Returns the value at the specified $index
ArrayObject::offsetSet --  Sets the value at the specified $index to $newval
ArrayObject::offsetUnset --  Unsets the value at the specified $index
CachingIterator::hasNext --  Cehck whether the inner iterator has a valid next element
CachingIterator::next --  Move the iterator forward
CachingIterator::rewind --  Rewind the iterator
CachingIterator::__toString --  Retrun the string representation of the current element
CachingIterator::valid --  Check whether the current element is valid
CachingRecursiveIterator::getChildren --  Return the inenr iteraor's children as a CachingRecursiveIterator
CachingRecursiveIterator::hasChildren --  Check whether the current element of the inner iterator has children
DirectoryIterator::__construct --  Constructs a new dir iterator from a path
DirectoryIterator::current --  Return this (needed for Iterator interface)
DirectoryIterator::getATime --  Get last access time of file
DirectoryIterator::getCTime --  Get inode modification time of file
DirectoryIterator::getChildren --  Returns an iterator for the current entry if it is a directory
DirectoryIterator::getFilename --  Return filename of current dir entry
DirectoryIterator::getGroup --  Get file group
DirectoryIterator::getInode --  Get file inode
DirectoryIterator::getMTime --  Get last modification time of file
DirectoryIterator::getOwner --  Get file owner
DirectoryIterator::getPath --  Return directory path
DirectoryIterator::getPathname --  Return path and filename of current dir entry
DirectoryIterator::getPerms --  Get file permissions
DirectoryIterator::getSize --  Get file size
DirectoryIterator::getType --  Get file type
DirectoryIterator::isDir --  Returns true if file is directory
DirectoryIterator::isDot --  Returns true if current entry is '.' or '..'
DirectoryIterator::isExecutable --  Returns true if file is executable
DirectoryIterator::isFile --  Returns true if file is a regular file
DirectoryIterator::isLink --  Returns true if file is symbolic link
DirectoryIterator::isReadable --  Returns true if file can be read
DirectoryIterator::isWritable --  Returns true if file can be written
DirectoryIterator::key --  Return current dir entry
DirectoryIterator::next --  Move to next entry
DirectoryIterator::rewind --  Rewind dir back to the start
DirectoryIterator::valid --  Check whether dir contains more entries
FilterIterator::current --  Get the current element value
FilterIterator::getInnerIterator --  Get the inner iterator
FilterIterator::key --  Get the current key
FilterIterator::next --  Move the iterator forward
FilterIterator::rewind --  Rewind the iterator
FilterIterator::valid --  Check whether the current element is valid
LimitIterator::getPosition --  Return the current position
LimitIterator::next --  Move the iterator forward
LimitIterator::rewind --  Rewind the iterator to the specified starting offset
LimitIterator::seek --  Seek to the given position
LimitIterator::valid --  Check whether the current element is valid
ParentIterator::getChildren --  Return the inner iterator's children contained in a ParentIterator
ParentIterator::hasChildren --  Check whether the inner iterator's current element has children
ParentIterator::next --  Move the iterator forward
ParentIterator::rewind --  Rewind the iterator
RecursiveDirectoryIterator::getChildren --  Returns an iterator for the current entry if it is a directory
RecursiveDirectoryIterator::hasChildren --  Returns whether current entry is a directory and not '.' or '..'
RecursiveDirectoryIterator::key --  Return path and filename of current dir entry
RecursiveDirectoryIterator::next --  Move to next entry
RecursiveDirectoryIterator::rewind --  Rewind dir back to the start
RecursiveIteratorIterator::current --  Access the current element value
RecursiveIteratorIterator::getDepth --  Get the current depth of the recursive iteration
RecursiveIteratorIterator::getSubIterator --  The current active sub iterator
RecursiveIteratorIterator::key --  Access the current key
RecursiveIteratorIterator::next --  Move forward to the next element
RecursiveIteratorIterator::rewind --  Rewind the iterator to the first element of the top level inner iterator
RecursiveIteratorIterator::valid --  Check whether the current position is valid
SimpleXMLIterator::current --  Return current SimpleXML entry
SimpleXMLIterator::getChildren --  Returns an iterator for the current entry if it is a SimpleXML object
SimpleXMLIterator::hasChildren --  Returns whether current entry is a SimpleXML object
SimpleXMLIterator::key --  Return current SimpleXML key
SimpleXMLIterator::next --  Move to next entry
SimpleXMLIterator::rewind --  Rewind SimpleXML back to the start
SimpleXMLIterator::valid --  Check whether SimpleXML contains more entries
class_implements --  Return the interfaces which are implemented by the given class
class_parents --  Return the parent classes of the given class
iterator_count --  Count the elements in an iterator
iterator-to-array --  Copy the iterator into an array
spl_classes --  Return available SPL classes

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Standard PHP Library (SPL) 関数
<nospam>mike[ at ]</nospam>
22-Nov-2004 08:47
Excelent article here by Harry Fuecks...

and some auto generated documentation that could be of some use here...

mastabog at hotmail dot com
17-Aug-2004 09:41
Marcus Boerger has done a wonderful job developing the SPL. He also provided many examples using the SPL that can be found in the php5 sources. Just unpack the sources and in the ext/spl/examples directory you have some very nice ones. Thank you Marcus for all your efforts!

Now, a contribution of mine (i think it will be implemented later anyway). The RecursiveIteratorIterator could use a depth limit option. Very useful in many situations (e.g. show just the 1st subdirectory of a list of dirs). I'm sure this can be done in other ways. Here's my 2 cents:

 * Limit Depth RecursiveIteratorIterator class
class LimitRecursiveIteratorIterator extends RecursiveIteratorIterator
protected $depth_limit;

     * No depth limit by default
public function __construct (Iterator $it, $mode = RIT_SELF_FIRST, $depth_limit = -1)
parent::__construct($it, $mode);
$this->depth_limit = $depth_limit;

     * After the call to next() if depth is bigger than limit then
     * just skip all subIterators for that depth until depth end.
public function next ()

       if (
$this->getDepth() == $this->depth_limit)
           while (

Then you can try this:

 * Directories only filter iterator class
class DirectoriesOnlyIterator extends FilterIterator implements RecursiveIterator
public function __construct ($path)
parent::__construct(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path));

public function accept()

public function hasChildren ()
public function getChildren ()
       return new

$it = new LimitRecursiveIteratorIterator(new DirectoriesOnlyIterator('c:'), RIT_SELF_FIRST, 2);

// list all dirs and 1st subdir of the c: drive (might take a while depending on how many you have)
foreach ($it as $key => $value)
str_repeat('    ', $it->getDepth()) . "$value\n";


This is considerably faster than using just the RecursiveIteratorIterator and ignoring yourself in the foreach loop the values for depth > limit (i.e. if($it->getDepth() > $limit) continue;). that is because the class will still parse everything up to the last depth level of every head node.

You can then play and display nice trees (might need a while() loop or the CachingRecursiveIterator to detect end nodes/leafs). There is already an example provided by Marcus in the ext/spl/examples dir i mentioned above.

Happy SPL-ing :),

P.S. I think some of the classes should call rewind() at instantiation time ... If you try to put a Caching* object in a foreach loop you will lose the first/last element. Instead, you should call rewind() and then go with a while($cit->valid()) loop and using current() and key() inside it.
dave at tunasoft dot com
10-Aug-2004 01:28
There are some interfaces used here that are not documented.  It took a bit to figure this one out, but you can create your own ArrayObject type class (that is, one who's objects can be access using the array [$index] syntax).

Your class must just implement ArrayAccess.  Which has four abstract methods you must define.  For example:

class Collection Implements ArrayAccess{
protected $array;
offsetSet($offset, $value){
$this->array[$offset] = $value;
$this->array[] = $value;

You'll have to jump through a couple more hoops to get foreach and print_r and the likes to behave properly.  But with just this, you can :

= new Collction();
$col[] = new ObjectX();
$col[] = new ObjectX(123);

// etc.
phil &ampersat;
17-Apr-2004 10:11
Here's a sample implementation of the RecursiveDirectoryIterator class. It prints a simple treeview of a given directory:
function recurse($it) {
   for( ;
$it->valid(); $it->next()) {
$it->isDir() && !$it->isDot()) {
printf('<li class="dir">%s</li>', $it->current());
$it->hasChildren()) {
$bleh = $it->getChildren();
'<ul>' . recurse($bleh) . '</ul>';
       } elseif(
$it->isFile()) {
'<li class="file">'. $it->current() . ' (' . $it->getSize(). ' Bytes)</li>';

recurse(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator('D:/'));

 Last updated: Tue, 21 Dec 2004
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