VIII. COM support functions for Windows
These functions are only available on the Windows version of
PHP. These functions have been added in PHP 4.
- 차례
- COM -- COM class
- com_addref --
Increases the components reference counter.
- com_get --
Gets the value of a COM Component's property
- com_invoke --
Calls a COM component's method.
- com_isenum -- Grabs an IEnumVariant
- com_load_typelib -- Loads a Typelib
- com_load --
Creates a new reference to a COM component
- com_propget --
Gets the value of a COM Component's property
- com_propput --
Assigns a value to a COM component's property
- com_propset --
Assigns a value to a COM component's property
- com_release --
Decreases the components reference counter.
- com_set --
Assigns a value to a COM component's property
User Contributed Notes COM support functions for Windows |
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kevin at vcconcepts dot com
01-Apr-2001 12:37 |
I thought i'd share with those of you unfamiliar with one of the cool
about developing php on win32 systems..
is a good article, but i don't think the author hit the nail on
head showing how useful this can be.
Now, checkout this
how he describes 1) how to build a com object & 2) how to call
use the com object from ASP.
In php, this is how you
would call the same object:
$instance = new
$isleapyear =
echo "The <b>$year</b> is a leap
else {
echo "The <b>$year</b>
is not a leap year";
I hope this helps
someone.. you can contact me at [email protected] if
you would like
to discuss this further.
darkwings at 263 dot net
28-Feb-2002 04:11 |
now in PHP >=4.0.6 programming in window can use the ADO through
the COM like this: $dbconn=new COM ("ADODB.Connection") or
die ("connection create fail");
$dbconn->Open("Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=ndht;Initial
Catalog=printers;User Id=printers;Password=printers;"); $rec=new
COM("ADODB.Recordset") or die ("create Recordset
error"); while (!$rec->EOF) { echo
$rec->fields["fieldname"]->value." "; $rec->movenext();
} $rec->close(); $dbconn->close();
but there's still
a little question of working with the image field of mssql server.
madon at cma-it dot com
07-Mar-2002 07:59 |
I thought this excel chart example could be useful.
Note the use of
Excel.application vs Excel.sheet.
<pre> <?php
print "Hi"; #Instantiate the spreadsheet component. #
$ex = new COM("Excel.sheet") or Die ("Did not
connect"); $exapp = new COM("Excel.application") or Die
("Did not connect");
#Get the application name and
version print "Application
name:{$ex->Application->value} " ; print "Loaded
version: {$ex->Application->version} ";
$wkb=$exapp->Workbooks->add(); #$wkb =
$ex->Application->ActiveWorkbook or Die ("Did not open
workbook"); print "we opened
workbook ";
$ex->Application->Visible = 1; #Make
Excel visible. print "we made excell
visible ";
$sheets = $wkb->Worksheets(1); #Select the
sheet print "selected a sheet "; $sheets->activate;
#Activate it print "activated sheet ";
#This is a
new sheet $sheets2 = $wkb->Worksheets->add(); #Add a sheet
print "added a new sheet "; $sheets2->activate;
#Activate it print "activated
sheet ";
$sheets2->name="Report Second
$sheets->name="Report First
page"; print "We set a name to the sheet:
$sheets->name ";
# fills a columns $maxi=20; for
($i=1;$i<$maxi;$i++) { $cell = $sheets->Cells($i,5) ; #Select
the cell (Row Column number) $cell->activate; #Activate the
cell $cell->value = $i*$i; #Change it to 15000 }
= $sheets->chartobjects->add(50, 40, 400, 100); # make a
$chartje = $ch->chart; # place a chart in the chart
object $chartje->activate; #activate chartobject
$chartje->ChartType=63; $selected =
$sheets->range("E1:E$maxi"); # set the data the chart uses
$chartje->setsourcedata($selected); # set the data the chart uses
print "set the data the chart uses
$file_name="D:/apache/Apache/htdocs/alm/tmp/final14.xls"; if
{unlink($file_name);} #$ex->Application->ActiveWorkbook->SaveAs($file_name);
# saves sheet as final.xls $wkb->SaveAs($file_name); # saves sheet
as final.xls print
"saved ";
$exapp->Quit(); unset($exapp); ?>
admin at purplerain dot org
02-Apr-2002 11:01 |
An easy way to send e-mail using your default Outlook
account: <? $objApp = new
COM("Outlook.Application"); $myItem =
$objApp->CreateItem(olMailItem); $a=$myItem->Recipients->Add("[email protected]"); $myItem->Subject="Subject"; $myItem->Body="This
is a Body Section
now.....!"; $myItem->Display(); $myItem->Send(); ?>
admin at purplerain dot org
19-Apr-2002 11:34 |
an easy way to convert your file from .doc to .html
// starting
word $word = new COM("word.application") or die("Unable
to instanciate Word");
// if you want see thw World interface
the value must be '1' else '0' $word->Visible = 1;
//doc file
location $word->Documents->Open("E:\\first.doc");
file location '8' mean HTML
format $word->Documents[1]->SaveAs("E:\\test_doc.html",8);
word $word->Quit();
//free the object from the
memory $word->Release(); $word = null;
paulo at Ihatespam dot com
28-Jun-2002 05:48 |
Complementing Alex's Excell Example, let's print the SpreadSheet to a PDF
file using Acrobat Distiller:
$wkb->PrintOut(NULL, NULL, NULL,
NULL, "Acrobat Distiller");
There you go!!!
nospam at bol dot com dot br
21-Aug-2002 10:30 |
This is a sample to make a parametrized query using ADO via COM, this
sample was used with Foxpro but will work's with most ADO complient
databases. This was tested on IIS with WIN XP pro.
<? //
Create the main connection $dbc = new COM("ADODB.Connection")
or die ("connection create fail"); $dbc->Provider =
"MSDASQL"; $dbc->Open("FoxDatabase"); //
Creates a temporary record set $RSet = new
COM("ADODB.Recordset"); // Create one ADO command $cm =
new COM("ADODB.Command"); $cm->Activeconnection =
$dbc; // the ? inside values will be the parameters $par01 and
$par02 $cm->CommandText = "Insert Into testtable (
mycharfield,mymemofield) VALUES (?,?)" ; $cm->Prepared =
TRUE; // Creates and append 2 parameters $par01 =
$cm->CreateParameter('ppar01',129,1,50,'ABCDEFGHIKL'); $cm->Parameters->Append($par01); $par02
$cm->CreateParameter('ppar01',129,1,50,'123456789012346789'); $cm->Parameters->Append($par02); //
Call 10 times the exec comand to show 10 different queries for ($i = 1;
$i <= 10; $i++) { $par01->Value = 'Count '.$i;
$par02->Value = 'Passing here'.$i.' times'; $RSet =
$cm->Execute; } $RSet = $dbc->Execute("select * from
testtable"); while (!$RSet->EOF){ echo
$RSet->fields["mycharfield"]->value.' ' ; echo
$RSet->fields["mymemofield"]->value ; echo
' ';
$RSet->movenext(); } $RSet->close; $dbc->close; $cm->close; $RSet
= null; $dbc = null; $cm = null; ?>
dwt at myrealbox dot com
27-Aug-2002 10:31 |
When first writing applications instancing COM objects I always faced the
problem of the instanced program not terminating correctly although
everything else worked fine. In fact the process had to be killed manually
by using the task manager. When experimenting a bit I was able to isolate
the cause for this peculiar behaviour to be illustrated by the sample code
//Accessing arrays by retrieving elements
via function ArrayName(Index) works, but certainly is neither efficient
nor good style $excel=new
COM("Excel.Application"); $excel->sheetsinnewworkbook=1; $excel->Workbooks->Add();
$book=$excel->Workbooks(1); $sheet=$book->Worksheets(1);
$sheet->Name="Debug-Test"; $book->saveas("C:\\debug.xls");
$book->Close(false); unset($sheet); unset($book); $excel->Workbooks->Close(); $excel->Quit(); unset($excel);
arrays as usual (using the [] operator) works, buts leads to the
application not being able to terminate by itself $excel=new
COM("Excel.Application"); $excel->sheetsinnewworkbook=1; $excel->Workbooks->Add();
$excel->Workbooks[1]->Worksheets[1]->Name="Debug-Test"; $excel->Workbooks[1]->saveas("C:\\debug.xls");
$excel->Workbooks[1]->Close(false); $excel->Workbooks->Close(); $excel->Quit(); unset($excel);
sample code performs the same action twice and each time the file is
properly created. Yet for some mysterious reason the instanced excel
process won't terminate once you've accessed an array the way most
programmers (especially those who do a lot of oop in c++) do! Therefore
until the PHP developers become aware of this problem we'll have to use
the inefficient coding style illustrated in the first example.
tedknightusa at hotmail dot com
26-Sep-2002 04:29 |
A Notes example:
$session = new COM "Lotus.NotesSession"
); $session->Initialize($password); $someDB =
"C:\Lotus\Notes\Data\somedb.nsf"; $db =
$session->GetDatabase("", $someDB) or die("Cannot get
someDB.nsf"); $view = $db->GetView("some_view") or
die("Some View not found");
$doc =
$view->GetFirstDocument() or die("Unable to get Initial Some
// loop through while($doc){ $col_vals =
$doc->ColumnValues(); echo $col_vals[0]; $doc =
$view->GetNextDocument($doc); }
daveNO at SPAMovumdesign dot com
27-Sep-2002 04:52 |
The documentation for this feature is a bit redundant. It mentions that COM
performs and encourages information hiding (a.k.a. encapsulation) three
times. Perhaps instead it could expand a bit on what COM is useful for,
and particularly why combining it with PHP can be beneficial.
contributed examples above do a nice job of illustrating the benefits of
PHP+COM. In a nutshell, many Windows applications (especially office
suites and databases) expose useful functionality through the COM
For example, Microsoft Word can read RTF files and (of
course) write Word Documents. You could use PHP to generate RTF and then
use Microsoft Word via PHP's COM interface to convert the RTF to a DOC.
The amazing thing about this is that you can actually insert PHP (or
template) code into Word itself, because RTF files are text-based like
HTML. Throw Distiller into the mix and you've got a web-based,
template-driven, maybe even database-driven PDF generator!
fun, Dave
pchason at juno dot com
11-Dec-2002 06:23 |
Searched for days on how to set up a multi-column html output grid that
didn't use an array when creating an ADODB connection. Couldn't find one
so I figured it out myself. Pretty simple. Wish I would have tried it
myself sooner. Commented code with database connection is
<html> <body> <table> <?php
//create the database connection $conn = new
COM("ADODB.Connection"); $dsn = "DRIVER={Microsoft
Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" . realpath("mydb.mdb");
$conn->Open($dsn); //pull the data through SQL string $rs =
$conn->Execute("select clients from web"); $clients =
$rs->Fields(1); //start the multicolumn data output $i =
0; $columns = 5; while (!$rs->EOF){ //if $i equals 0, start a
row if($i == 0){ echo "<tr>"; } //then start
writing the cells in the row, increase $i by one, and move to the next
record echo "<td>" . $clients->value .
"</td>"; $i++; $rs->movenext(); //once $i
increments to equal $columns, end the row, //and start the process
over by setting $i to 0 if($i == $columns || $rs->EOF) { echo
"</tr>"; $i = 0; } } //end multicolumn data
//close the ADO connections and release
resources $rs->Close(); $conn->Close(); $rs = null;
$conn = null; ?>
</table> </body> </html>
richard dot quadling at carval dot co dot uk
26-Feb-2003 12:51 |
With thanks to Harald Radi and Wez Furlong.
Some VBA functions have
optional parameters. Sometimes the parameters you want to pass are not
GoTo What:=wdGoToBookmark,
Name="BookMarkName" GoTo(wdGoToBookmark,,,"BookMarkName)
PHP, the "blank" parameters need to be empty.
Which is
<?php // Some servers may have an auto timeout, so take
as long as you want. set_time_limit(0);
// Show all errors,
warnings and notices whilst
developing. error_reporting(E_ALL);
// Used as a placeholder in
certain COM functions where no parameter is required. $empty = new
// Load the appropriate type
library. com_load_typelib('Word.Application');
// Create an
object to use. $word = new COM('word.application') or die('Unable to
load Word'); print "Loaded Word, version
// Open a new document with bookmarks
of YourName and
YourAge. $word->Documents->Open('C:/Unfilled.DOC');
Fill in the information from the
form. $word->Selection->GoTo(wdGoToBookmark,$empty,$empty,'YourName');
// Note use of wdGoToBookmark, from the typelibrary and the use of
$empty. $word->Selection->TypeText($_GET['YourName']);
$word->Selection->GoTo(wdGoToBookmark,$empty,$empty,'YourAge'); $word->Selection->TypeText($_GET['YourAge']);
Save it, close word and
finish. $word->Documents[1]->SaveAs("C:/{$_GET['YourName']}.doc"); $word->Quit(); $word->Release(); $word
= null; print "Word closed.\n"; ?>
The example
document is ...
Hello [Bookmark of YourName], you are [Bookmark of
YourAge] years old.
and it would be called
alex at domini dot net
05-Mar-2003 09:55 |
To manage the Windows Register at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ use these
/** * @return string * @param
aplicacio string * @param nom string * @desc Retorna el valor del
registre HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\aplicacio\nom */ function
rtv_registre($aplicacio, $nom) { Global $WshShell; $registre =
"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\\" . $aplicacio . "\\" .
$nom; $valor = $WshShell->RegRead($registre);
return($valor); }
/** * @return string *
@param aplicacio string * @param nom string * @param valor
string * @param tipus string * @desc Actualitza el valor del
registre HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\aplicacio\nom */ function
put_registre($aplicacio, $nom, $valor,
$tipus="REG_SZ") { Global $WshShell; $registre =
"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\\" . $aplicacio . "\\" .
$nom; $retorn = $WshShell->RegWrite($registre, $valor, $tipus);
return($retorn); }
// // Creem una
inst�ncia del COM que ens serveix per // accedir al registre de
Windows, i la mantenim. // D'aquesta manera millorem el
rendiment. $WshShell = new COM("WScript.Shell"); ?>
php at racinghippo dot co dot uk
23-Mar-2003 12:47 |
REFERENCE =========================================
Some COM
functions not only return values through the return value, but also act
upon a variable passed to it as a parameter *By Reference*:
= DoSomethingTo (myVariable)
Simply sticking an '&' in front of
myVariable doesn't work - you need to pass it a variant of the correct
type, as follows:
$myStringVariant = new VARIANT("over-write
me", VT_BSTR); $result = $comobj->DoSomethingTo(
&$myStringVariant );
The value in the variant can then be
retrieved by:
$theActualValue =
Other types of variant can be created
as your needs demand - see the preceding section on the VARIANT type.
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