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Last updated: Wed, 29 Jan 2003

LXII. mSQL functions


These functions allow you to access mSQL database servers. More information about mSQL can be found at .



In order to have these functions available, you must compile PHP with msql support by using the --with-msql[=DIR] option. DIR is the mSQL base install directory, defaults to /usr/local/Hughes.

Note to Win32 Users: In order to enable this module on a Windows environment, you must copy msql.dll from the DLL folder of the PHP/Win32 binary package to the SYSTEM32 folder of your windows machine. (Ex: C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32 or C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32)

Runtime Configuration

The behaviour of these functions is affected by settings in php.ini.

표 1. mSQL configuration options

For further details and definition of the PHP_INI_* constants see ini_set().

Here is a short explanation of the configuration directives.

msql.allow_persistent boolean

Whether to allow persistent mSQL connections.

msql.max_persistent integer

The maximum number of persistent mSQL connections per process.

msql.max_links integer

The maximum number of mSQL connections per process, including persistent connections.

Resource Types

Predefined Constants

The constants below are defined by this extension, and will only be available when the extension has either been compiled into PHP or dynamically loaded at runtime.

MSQL_ASSOC (integer)

MSQL_NUM (integer)

MSQL_BOTH (integer)

msql_affected_rows -- Returns number of affected rows
msql_close -- Close mSQL connection
msql_connect -- Open mSQL connection
msql_create_db -- Create mSQL database
msql_createdb -- Create mSQL database
msql_data_seek -- Move internal row pointer
msql_dbname -- Get current mSQL database name
msql_drop_db -- Drop (delete) mSQL database
msql_dropdb -- Drop (delete) mSQL database
msql_error -- Returns error message of last msql call
msql_fetch_array -- Fetch row as array
msql_fetch_field -- Get field information
msql_fetch_object -- Fetch row as object
msql_fetch_row -- Get row as enumerated array
msql_field_seek -- Set field offset
msql_fieldflags -- Get field flags
msql_fieldlen -- Get field length
msql_fieldname -- Get field name
msql_fieldtable -- Get table name for field
msql_fieldtype -- Get field type
msql_free_result -- Free result memory
msql_freeresult -- Free result memory
msql_list_dbs -- List mSQL databases on server
msql_list_fields -- List result fields
msql_list_tables -- List tables in an mSQL database
msql_listdbs -- List mSQL databases on server
msql_listfields -- List result fields
msql_listtables -- List tables in an mSQL database
msql_num_fields -- Get number of fields in result
msql_num_rows -- Get number of rows in result
msql_numfields -- Get number of fields in result
msql_numrows -- Get number of rows in result
msql_pconnect -- Open persistent mSQL connection
msql_query -- Send mSQL query
msql_regcase --  Make regular expression for case insensitive match
msql_result -- Get result data
msql_select_db -- Select mSQL database
msql_selectdb -- Select mSQL database
msql_tablename -- Get table name of field
msql -- Send mSQL query

User Contributed Notes
mSQL functions
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acroyear at io dot com
15-May-2000 09:11

To those porting code from w3-msql/lite to php, a few functions are different or missing (aside from the fact that the order of arguments is reversed and the other signatures are different...not good design work, imho, or was it built for msql 1.x?  At any rate, conformity with the C and Lite API should have been maintained.).

The lite/C function msqlStoreResult() is automatically done in msql_query() and msql().
<LI>msql_fetch_field() doesn't give you the field length value (unlike msqlFetchField()).  You have to call msql_fieldlen() to get that.
<LI>msqlEncode() is missing.  The functionality (which is needed for pretty much ALL SQL based rdbms's) is in addSlashes() in the String library.

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 Last updated: Wed, 29 Jan 2003
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