User Contributed Notes PHP / Java Integration |
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09-Oct-2001 05:16 |
Yes, in fact it works perfect.
You'll have to have the JDK installed,
PHP Java extension compiled (--with-java), and the apropriate [Java]
section settings in your php.ini first though.
It seems like the
majority of problems that users report about this on unix/linux platforms
has to do with getting those php.ini settings right, since they vary
depending on what brand of JRE you use.
Suggest searching the web
for "PHP Java integration php.ini" for more info.
emilebosch at hotmail dot com
18-Oct-2001 08:19 |
Hey ppl,
i got this link for a friend, you can get more information on
the PHP and JAVA topic here :-)
Emile Bosch
ard(at)ard dot nu at remove dot thispart
18-Nov-2001 07:26 |
If you get the 'Couldn't create Virtual Machine' error without any further
explanation, you could try and add the following setting to Apache's
Debian 2.2 / Apache 1.3.19 / PHP 4.0.6 / Blackdown JDK 1.3.1)
Magnus_Naeslund at nowhere dot to dot be dot found
25-Dec-2001 04:52 |
An _very_ important thing here is to remember that the apache must be
linked with pthreads (do "LDFLAGS=-lpthread ./configure
<options>", or like me, add it the the .spec file).
You can
check if your apache is pthreaded with "ldd $(which httpd)" if
you like.
I experianced a lot of hangs/errors due to this problem,
it's a shame that it's not in the docs / README (i didn't find
ywliu at _spam_me_not_ dot hotmail dot com
08-Jan-2002 10:41 |
Hi all, After struggling for some time and referring to numerous
confusing articles , I finally came up with a working Java section in
php.ini, for Linux (RedHat 6.2) with Apache 1.3.22 and Sun JDK
[Java] java.class.path=/usr/local/lib/php/php_java.jar:/home/sinanet/www java.home
/usr/java extension_dir=/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20010901
substitute your document root for /home/sinanet/www , and your
extension_dir (it varies from version to version ) to for
extension_dir here.
I have tried this configuration with php 4.0.6,
4.1.0, and 4.1.1. It works pretty well. And I think this may save some of
your time to look for a working [Java] section.
Yen-Wei Liu
11-Jan-2002 05:25 |
About the java configuration in php.ini, setting java.library to the
location of, doesn't work for me. It only works when I set it
to the location of I hope this helps.
24-Jan-2002 01:13 |
I agree Xavier. My php.ini settings is: [java] java.class.path =
/usr/local/etc/php4/ext/java/php_java.jar java.home =
/usr/local/jdk1.3.1_02 java.library =
/usr/local/jdk1.3.1_02/jre/lib/i386/hotspot/ extension_dir =
/usr/local/etc/php4/modules extension =
When I
set and java.library.path, it doesn't work. Maybe
this will help the later. BTW. I found the PHP4.1.0 and PHP4.1.1
cann't generate, if it happen to you, you can use
fernando at lozano dot eti dot br
24-Jan-2002 10:20 |
I managed to get it working with IBM Java SDK 1.3.0 but it was not easy.
Here's my php.init:
[Java] extension = java.library.path =
/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20010901 java.class.path
= /usr/local/lib/php/php_java.jar java.home =
/opt/IBMJava2-13 java.library =
Besides, I had to edit
the httpd init.d script to include the statement:
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/IBMJava2-13/jre/bin:\ /opt/IBMJava2-13/jre/bin/classic
guess java.library.path should serve for this, but it didn't worked.
punjabimale at rediffmail dot com
25-Jan-2002 10:09 |
But php 4.1.1 isn't creating any file even after using
--with-java=/usr/java/j2sdk1.40 option. /usr/java/j2sdk1.4.0/bin is in
ywliu at _spam_me_not_ dot hotmail dot com
30-Jan-2002 06:13 |
There are two more useful links on in the
PHP&JAVA discussion. They are related to the PHP and Java integration
on Unix/Linux.
My settings (see above) is like that in the 1st
I have the path to java in my PATH env. variable, so MAYBE its why my works. I couldn't find the origin of, but now looks
there are and two options.
I built my php from
the source package, and does exist, at least on my RH6.2
with Apache 1.3.19 and Sun JDK 1.3.1. should be found
under php-4.1.1/ext/java/.libs .
If you want to find some more
discussion about PHP & Java integration, you may try and look for php&java. It's a good place to start
Yen-Wei Liu
christian at wenz dot org
08-Feb-2002 11:36 |
JDK1.4 RC is out, here are my Windows settings that make the Java extension
extension=php_java.dll [Java] java.class.path =
c:\php\java\php_java.jar java.home = d:\jdk1.4\jre java.library =
I have not tested (yet) whether
installing just the JRE works; for servlet support w/ Tomcat you do need
JDK since Tomcat needs tools.jar that is not part of JRE.
not_contactable at yahoo dot com
03-Mar-2002 06:16 |
Installation of PHP's Java module under Win32(Apache/IIS).
I install
php in "C:\php", firstly I install with
"php-4.1.1-installer.exe"(from ),
and then unzip the ""(from )
to the C:\PHP.(because all the extension dll files are from this zip file,
including php_java.dll)
I also install my Java v1.3 in
And My Program require JDBC connection of the
Java Program, so I did install also the JDBC driver for MySQL in
"c:\JDBC4mysql\mm.mysql.jdbc-1.2c"(from ).
the PHP.ini: 1> You need to set the
extension_dir="c:\php\extensions"(directory of all the
extensions dll files)
2> Add those lines at the end of
php.ini ====== [Java] extension=php_java.dll java.class.path="c:\php\java\php_java.jar;c:\wwwroot;
c:\JDBC4mysql\mm.mysql.jdbc-1.2c" java.home="c:\jdk1.3\bin" java.library="c:\jdk1.3\jre\bin\hotspot\jvm.dll" java.library.path="c:\php\extensions" ======
extension: it is the DLL you wish to load in, here we want to load the
java module. * java.class.path: By default, you need to include the
"C:\php\java\php_java.jar" for Java & PHP connection, AND
those directories that contain the Java class files you wish to run. Here,
my program Java classes are in "c:\wwwroot\", and ALSO the JDBC
driver classes in "c:\JDBC4mysql\mm.mysql.jdbc-1.2c", because my
Program need to import it. * java.home: the bin directory (directory of
java.exe) * java.library: jvm.dll is supposed to be under JDK's
jre\bin\hotspot, but sometimes it doesn't, try to Find(Start->Find)
jvm.dll where it is. * java.library.path: which is the same as the
extensions directory.
venuti at sissa dot it
04-Mar-2002 01:23 |
Invoking java servlet from PHP.
This might look silly, but I found many
people on the net asking how to invoke a java servlet from php. Read these
for the message about servlets).
Basically, it's like calling any
other URL, so you can use the "file" function. Read also the
online documentation about "file".
This solution is much
easier than many others I have found around the net.
venuti at sissa dot it
13-Mar-2002 07:03 |
Again about how to call java servlets from php...
the above method I
described works as long as you don't need to send long strings as
parameters and this because they are sent via GET method that cannot
handle long strings. So you need to send the parameters via POST, which is
not straightforward at all! Infact, you need to open a socket and write
php code that sends the call to the servlet as if it came from a form with
post method.
flu at SLAMTHESPAMthelinuxpimp dot com
29-Mar-2002 12:23 |
I have written a tutorial on compiling PHP with Java support, under Linux.
You can find it at
hbnt at team-f dot net
15-Apr-2002 07:53 |
If you get the 'Couldn't create Virtual Machine' error, update your php to
version 4.1.1 (or greater) and the problem will be fixed.
svzn at km dot ru
22-Apr-2002 03:55 |
Answer to message from [email protected] 13-Feb-2002 12:26
"Java/php bridge? I used printwriter ... " Solution looks
like out.write("var1="+URLEncoder.encode(var1)); out.write("&var2="+URLEncoder.encode(var2)); out.write("&var3="+URLEncoder.encode(var3));
gturner at newedgenetworks dot com
30-May-2002 08:20 |
Hello! I have two tips about getting PHP Java to work, hopefully google
will pick this up...
After you've followed the instructions
(building PHP with Java enabled and hacking php.ini) and you get a message
Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: java in
(file) on line (line)
That means PHP doesn't know what the 'Java'
function is. You can confirm that the Java extension isn't loaded by
looking at 'phpinfo' and verifying that there is no section titled Java.
To fix this you need to edit php.ini and set the 'extensions_dir' and an
'extension' appropriately. On our system it was 'extension_dir =
/opt/php/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20020429' and an 'extension ='. All the documentation I found said the extension library should
be called '', but our build produced '', I have no idea
why, YMMV.
The next error message I ran into was:
error: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no php_java in java.library.path in
(file) on line (line)
Yay! this confirms that the JVM is indeed
loading (UnsatisfiedLinkError is totally on the Java side), so relax,
you're almost done! What's happening is that the Java class
'net.php.reflect' (a class in php_java.jar that is built by PHP) is trying
to execute 'System.loadLibrary("php_java")' and the JVM is
unable to find the file named '' (or maybe 'php_java.dll' on
Windows?). If you ever heard of LD_LIBRARY_PATH, java.library.path is the
same thing. The solution has two parts: First making sure the php.ini has
a 'java.library.path' (in the '[java]' section) that's pointed at the same
directory that 'extension_dir', specifically the directory containing the
file '' (or maybe '' like everyone else). Second, this
part is bad IMHO, making a symbolic link from the ''' file to
'' so that Java's System.loadLibrary method can find what
it's looking for (apparently Java prefixes the filename it looks for with
"lib"). To make this symbolic link do 'cd' into the extensions
directory and run 'ln -s'.
Hope somebody
finds this useful!
turman at dont-spam-me dot com
09-Jun-2002 10:16 |
With latest PHP releases (4.2.1), compilation process doesn't produce a
valid name for the Java extension library: I have to rename it to in order to use it (initial name was
on my Debian box, I have to add the following lines in my apache init.d
script: export
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/java/jre/lib/i386 \:/usr/local/java/jre/lib/i386/classic/
tricky but now it works well..
amtd at 163 dot net
11-Jun-2002 10:45 |
[Java] java.class.path =
.\extensions\php_java.jar java.home = c:\java java.library =
C:\java\jre\bin\server\jvm.dll java.library.path =
2000 P + Apache + SUN jdk 1.4.0-beta3
java(C:\java) Apache(C:\apache) PHP(C:\apache\php)
alexg at syspro dot co dot za
28-Aug-2002 06:50 |
According to an Article posted at:
might be some problems with getting php and jdk-1.4 to work toghether..
I`ve tried (php-4.2.2 and jdk-4.1) with no success....
aruntheking at hotmail dot com
19-Sep-2002 03:55 |
Installing PHP 4.2.3 on Red Hat Linux7.2 with Java
Support-Arunoday -------------------------------
module ------------------
1. Download PHP from 2.
Copy the file in the folder you want to have it installed like
/usr/local 3. Unpack the file using the following commands gunzip
php-4.2.3.tar.gz tar xvf php-4.2.3.ta This will create a directory
php-4.2.3. 4. cd into the above mentioned directory and type
./configure --with-java=<java directory> You can add more options
with configure. For a full list of options type ./configure --help
| more 5. If configure doesn't through any error then type
make 6. To test make you can type make test 7. To complete the
installation type make install In all probability the actual binary
that this will create by the name php will be in the /usr/local/bin
directory. This file should then be copied to your cgi-bin
directory[the webservers cgi-bin]
in my system i issued the
following command cd /usr/local/bin/php
8. Modify the php.ini with the following
[java] java.class.path=/usr/local/lib/php/php_java.jar java.library.path=/usr/local/lib/php /extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20020429 java.home=/usr/local/j2sdk1.4.0_02 extensions_dir=/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20020429
all probability the php.ini file will be in the php4.2.3/pear/tests
directory - u will need to copy it to the /usr/local/lib directory
and add the above lines
You will also need to cd into the directory
specified in java.library.path above and type the following ln -s This will make a symbolic link to file
A call to any of your PHP file will have to
be like the following: >/cgi-bin/php.cgi?<yourfilename>.php
as Dynamic Shared Object ---------------------------- Retrieve PHP
binary as mentioned above. The configiration process will be different
and will be as follows: ./configure
--with-apxs=/usr/sbin/apxs --with-java=/usr/local/j2sdk1.4.0_02 --with
postgresql is optional - u can leave it out if you donot
want to use it. apxs is required as it gives the directive to configure
php as a dynamic shared object with Apache. Advantage, it runs in the
same memory space as Apache and hence accessing of data is
faster. Apart from this there is no need to call the php interpreter
(php.cgi) with every call to a PHP file.
Add the following lines in
the php.ini file - it should be in
[Java] java.class.path=/usr/local/lib/php/php_java.jar :/usr/share/pgsql/jdbc7.1-1.2.jar:/var/www/html java.home=/usr/local/j2sdk1.4.0_02 java.library=/usr/local/j2sdk1.4.0_02/jre/lib/i386/ extension_dir=/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20020429
will also need to cd into the directory specified in
java.library.path above and type the following ln -s This will make a symbolic link to file through
Note: the jdbc7.1-1.2.jar file mentioned in
java.class.path is the JDBC part for Postgresql.
30-Sep-2002 09:22 |
For those using Redhat 7.x and Sun JDK, you have to set in LD_LIBRARY_PATH
the directory where .
In my case it looks
like: LD_LIBRARY_PATH=:/usr/local/j2sdk1.4.0_02/jre/lib/i386:\ /usr/local/j2sdk1.4.0_02/jre/lib/i386/server
solved my problem with not finding
this helps to save some time for others.. I spent a lot of time before
figuring this one out...
angel at wedoit4you dot com
06-Oct-2002 06:34 |
How is the RMI support? I believe interesting things could be
done using Java Applications with PHP Sites, invoking services from
the Java Applications, and invoking methods from the PHP Web Server on
the Java Client.
aruntheking at hotmail dot com
09-Oct-2002 10:40 |
Something that i missed out in my above mentioned earlier note on the
same topic, Thanks to Pablo for reminding me the
Important -------------
After you have completed the
above mentioned steps, open the httpd file in /etc/init.d and type the
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=:/usr/local/j2sdk1.4.0_02/jre/lib/i386 :\/usr/local/j2sdk1.4.0_02/jre/lib/i386/server
you will get an error stating not found
process ---------------
Before compiling PHP complete the
following steps: edit your /etc/ file by adding the following
/usr/local/j2sdk1.4.0_02/jre/lib/i386 /usr/local/j2sdk1.4.0_02/jre/lib/i386/server
make this change effect, type the following at the command
Now "cd" into
/usr/local/j2sdk1.4.0_02/jre/lib/i386 directory and enter the following
The response that you get back
shouldn't contain any "not found" error messages. If you get any
then you can add the path for
the "not found" file to
/etc/ and redo the above mentioned steps till you don't get any
error messages.
Now you can compile PHP in the process mentioned
above and follow the rest of the steps.
mike [at] blamires (dot) co (dot) uk
06-Nov-2002 11:45 |
For win32 users: I spent some time wondering why the php session couln't
find my classes/packages saved in my own custom classpath. even though the
correct paths were specified in java.class.path. The reasons was as simple
as double quotes. e.g.
java.class.path =
c:\php\extensions\php_java.jar; c:\java\packages\ - incorrect, the
packages & classes in c:\java\packages will not be
java.class.path =
"c:\php\extensions\php_java.jar;c:\java\packages\" - will find
all your classes and packages in c:\java\packages
Thanks to PHP for
another stunning feature. Mike
joey at creativejuices dot ws
11-Dec-2002 11:27 |
*** Win32 Users & Using Command-line Interface ***
First of
all, this is AWESOME!!!! I think PHP just took a huge leap forward with
this capability!
Here is what you need:
In the
Extensions extension=php_java.dll
[Java] java.class.path =
"C:\php\java\php_java.jar" java.home =
"C:\J2SDK_Forte\jdk1.4.0\jre" java.library =
java.library.path = "C:\php\extensions"
**** Don't
forget the double-quotes in the values ! ****
Next, add the file
type association for Windows 2000.
1) open Windows Explorer 2)
Click the Tool Menu Item 3) Select "Folder Options" 4)
Select "File Types" tab 5) Select "New" 6) Type
in your file extension for php scripts, I suggest ".phx" without
the double-quotes 7) Click "Ok" 8) Find that extension in
the "File Types" list again. You may have to back out and come
back in to find it. 9) Once you found that newly added php extension,
select the "Advanced" button. You can change the Icon here, but
what you want to do is click the "New" button next to the
"Actions" area. 10) For the "Action" value enter
the value "open" without the quotes. 11) For the "Action
used to perform this action:" value enter the value
"C:\php\php-cli.exe -c C:\WINNT %1" without the
Lastly, add c:\php to you PATH Environment variable on your
That should do it. You can test it by creating a
test.phx file and open a cmd (DOS) window and cd into that directory(eg.
c:\junk) and just execute your test file like this: c:\junk
This should return you your results as expected. If you
don't know much about the php-cli.exe (cli = Command-Line Interface) go
here .
used the person's example at the top of this page and it worked.
Now, if I can just figure out how to call my own custom classes
that have their own packages.
jason at buildernaut dot com
19-Dec-2002 01:28 |
ON Linux / Apache --with-apxs Page cannot be displayed - Apache
crapping out. I spent a great deal of time getting this to work - but
hey - I'm a newbie. One thing I did find was that I experienced an
error I have not seen on this board or anywhere else in searches. If
you try to run a test java .php page and you get a page cannot be
displayed error, try adding the follwing to your apache startup
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/j2sdk1.3/jre/lib/i386/server :/usr/lib/j2sdk1.3/jre/lib/i386
And of course change to paths that mean something to you.
neil at lowden dot net
03-Jan-2003 08:41 |
** Success with W2K Server, PHP 4.3.0 as IIS5 SAPI module and J2SDK1.4.1_01
After a bunch of annoyingly spurious "access
violation" and "Unable to create Java Virtual Machine"
errors I changed the php.ini setting for java.library
above examples now work perfectly incuding my own classes and those at
(thanks to emilebosch above on 18-Oct-2001 07:19). I'd really like
to know the difference between 'client' and 'server' JVM versions if
anyone can illuminate us.
1. Manual install of PHP
4.3.0 to C:\php with the following relevant extracts from
extension=php_java.dll [Java] java.class.path =
"C:\php\extensions\php_java.jar;C:\java\packages\" java.home
= "C:\j2sdk1.4.1_01\bin" java.library =
"C:\j2sdk1.4.1_01\jre\bin\server\jvm.dll" java.library.path
= "C:\php\extensions"
2. Default installation of latest
Java SDK from Sun
3. Win2K Server SP2 with all(?) patches
My own classes are placed in C:\java\packages\
Hope this helps some
raggha at hotmail dot com
13-Jan-2003 09:45 |
Just wanted to make available the solution I found posted on
solve the typical "Fatal error: Unable to Create Java Virtual
Machine" trouble for Win32 users (thanks buddy):
[12 Dec 2002
9:19am] [email protected] Hi there,
I'm confirming
C�dric's knowledge - java is running correctly from within PHP on Apache
only when PHP is running as a CGI and not as a SAPI module. When running
PHP as Apache SAPI Module after the restart Apache only fist access to php
page using java is running OK, all next reloads of this page caused
"Fatal error: Unable to create Java Virtual Machine in ..." I
think this could be still not solved
Thanks Alberto
BTW I'm running on: OS:Win2000
Server SP2 Apache:1.3.27 PHP Version 4.3.0-dev (Build Date Dec 12
2002 10:14:28) Java version=1.4.1_01 Java vendor=Sun Microsystems
becki at web dot de
30-Jan-2003 04:26 |
My solution for Suse 7.3, Sun Java 1.4.0 with PHP 4.3.0 as Command Line
Interface (CLI) and dynamic Apache module (DSO):
1. Make sure, that
Php is compiled --with-apxs and --with-java. If you dont know that,
phpinfo() or "php -i" helps.
2. Edit
usr/local/lib/php.ini : [Java] java.class.path=
/usr/local/lib/php/php_java.jar java.home=
/usr/java/j2sdk1.4.0/jre extension_dir=
/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20020429 extension=
3. Create Symlink: cd
/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20020429 ln -s
4. Edit /etc/init.d/apache : Find the
line: LD_LIBRARY_PATH=some/path and modify it
to: LD_LIBRARY_PATH=some/path:/usr/java/j2sdk1.4.0/jre/lib/i386:/usr/ java/j2sdk1.4.0/jre/lib/i386/server And
now restart apache with "rcapache restart"
Of course You
have to adjust all pathnames to your needs! Thanks to aruntheking at
hotmail dot com and turman at dont-spam-me dot com. 'Hope this is helpful
for sombody else.
mikezivin at yahoo dot com
23-Feb-2003 12:42 |
You MUST put double quotes around your java.class.path or else you will get
a "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException" in PHP.
malachi at eoti dot org
04-Mar-2003 10:12 |
JDK 1.4.1, Apache 2.0.43, PHP 4.3.1, WinXP:
I pretty quickly got the
first example on this page working. I was trying for quite some time to
get the second one working before I realized it would run from the
Command-Line, but not from the browser. However, the first example
does work fine with JDK1.4...
extension_dir =
[Java] java.class.path
= "c:\java\j2sdk1.4.1\lib\tools.jar;
C:\twsrc\products\java\jars\jdom.jar" java.home =
"C:\java\j2sdk1.4.1_01\jre" java.library =
"C:\java\j2sdk1.4.1_01\jre\bin\server\jvm.dll" java.library.path
= "C:\PHP\extensions"
polrtex at yahoo dot com
13-Mar-2003 05:52 |
For setting up php and java on Windows it is important to remeber to add
the quotation marks around the variables in php.ini, although you might
not be using spaces in the directory names. The default examples in
php.ini do not include quotes. I am running php 4.2.2 and
"D:\Inetpub\scripts\php-4.2.2\extensions\php_java.jar;" java.home=
"d:\jdk1.4" java.library=
"d:\jdk1.4\jre\bin\client\jvm.dll" java.library.path=
The same
options without the quotes generate various errors : couldn't find the
class I am trying to instantiate, or couldn't start the JVM.
kemccarthy_00 at yahoo dot com
16-Apr-2003 06:10 |
Installing J2sdk and php --with-java on a Linux RedHat 8 machine was easy
but figuring out how to configure the php.ini was the hard part; each
place we looked (docs,m boards,here) had a different
configuration. Distilling everything we've seen and using trial and
error we found the following to work. Since we have several Apache 1.3.27
servers running with PHP 4.3.1 on the machine as a DSO on each, we
added: export
LD_LIBRARY_PATH= /usr/java/j2sdkversion/jre/lib/i386: /usr/java/j2sdkversion/jre/lib/i386/server
in the apachectl script each specific to the servers we wanted to
integrate. Our /etc/init.d/apache script starts and stops all the
servers and we want to be able to start/stop one or another separately as
In the php.ini file we
added [Java] java.class.path=/usr/local/lib/php/php_java.jar java.home=/usr/java extension_dir=/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20020429
library and library path is found from the LD_LIBRARY_PATH env var; indeed
being explicit about them in the php.ini causes calls to new Java() to
francois dot turi at globecast dot com
02-May-2003 01:57 |
as stated in Bug #19937 dynamic extension loading fails
construction of extension on Aix is buggy. After a week research I
found the following fix:
The following patch should fix problem of
loading extension under AIX 4.3.3 like the java extension.
AIX, shared object are different from shared library. The default
library construction (as in the construction of the JAVA extension)
doesnt work correctly as it relies on dynamic linking from a library
when only a shared object is given. An exception appear as illegal
The following configuration are missing:
of all: ============= one should construct correctly the export
definition of In configure the following line should be
******************************** diff configure
configure.orig (sorry no -b available under
AIX) 78084,78086c78084 < # FTU export_symbols_cmds='$NM $libobjs
$convenience | $global_symbol_pipe | sed '\''s/.* //'\'' | sort | uniq
> $export_symbols' < export_symbols_cmds='$NM $libobjs
$convenience | $global_symbol_pipe | sed '\''s/.* //'\'' | sort |
uniq|awk -vlib=$SOHOME/$soname '\''BEGIN{printf
"#!%s\n",lib}{print \$0}'\'' > $export_symbols' < echo
"FTU export_symbols_cmds=$export_symbols_cmds" --- >
export_symbols_cmds='$NM $libobjs $convenience | $global_symbol_pipe
| sed '\''s/.* //'\'' | sort | uniq >
$export_symbols' ***************************
I added awk
-vlib=$SOHOME/$soname '\''BEGIN{printf "#!%s\n",lib}{print
\$0}'\'' To the pipe so the first line will be read
as: #!/your/path/to/your/
And the rest is
identical. Before compiling your library you should setup the SOHOME
variable as the path where your shared object ( will be
************ export
SOHOME=/s00/opendata/build/SSOD/php.430/current ************
important point: ======================== Refer the export file of
php shared object in the construction of the java extension: When
compiling the JAVA extension you have to setup the
following environement VARIABLE
***************** export
JAVA_SHARED_LIBADD="-Wl,-bI:.libs/libphp4.exp" *****************
line state that in the linking process (ld), the java extension will
use the libphp4.exp file to find undefined function or global variable.
By defaut such function will be resolve as running time. On AIX such
binding doesnt work because the is not a shared library
(doesnt appear in the genmkd listing) but a share object. You have to
specify the full path to your share object while linking it to make him
resolve correctly the reference to the Zend API.
Nota: the default
exemple given to make an extension doesnt have that problem because it
doesnt call any Zend API function stored in
External reference: The followings redbooks
explain the subtle difference between share objects and shared library
under AIX: Understanding C and C++ development on AIX chapter 3
Compiling and Linking
draft (for 5.L)
point: =========== The extension java should be rename after
construction to
cp -p
to work
About libtool: ==============
The first line
in configure change the libtool which is in charge of creating the
dynamic library. I cannot figure out if the bug is a php bug or a
libtool bug.
add a note |