PHP: dBase functions - Manual
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Last updated: Wed, 29 Jan 2003

XIX. dBase functions

These functions allow you to access records stored in dBase-format (dbf) databases.

There is no support for indexes or memo fields. There is no support for locking, too. Two concurrent webserver processes modifying the same dBase file will very likely ruin your database.

Unlike SQL databases, dBase "databases" cannot change the database definition afterwards. Once the file is created, the database definition is fixed. There are no indexes that speed searching or otherwise organize your data. dBase files are simple sequential files of fixed length records. Records are appended to the end of the file and delete records are kept until you call dbase_pack()().

We recommend that you do not use dBase files as your production database. Choose any real SQL server instead; MySQL or Postgres are common choices with PHP. dBase support is here to allow you to import and export data to and from your web database, since the file format is commonly understood with Windows spreadsheets and organizers. Import and export of data is about all that dBase support is good for.

dbase_add_record -- Add a record to a dBase database
dbase_close -- Close a dBase database
dbase_create -- Creates a dBase database
dbase_delete_record -- Deletes a record from a dBase database
dbase_get_record_with_names --  Gets a record from a dBase database as an associative array
dbase_get_record -- Gets a record from a dBase database
dbase_numfields --  Find out how many fields are in a dBase database
dbase_numrecords --  Find out how many records are in a dBase database
dbase_open -- Opens a dBase database
dbase_pack -- Packs a dBase database
dbase_replace_record -- Replace a record in a dBase database

User Contributed Notes
dBase functions
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Joerg Aldinger
16-Sep-2001 02:04

Note that dBase support on Windows is disabled by default.
Uncomment the following line in your php.ini file to enable it:


guillaume dot sueur at geosignal dot fr
07-Nov-2002 01:13

To retrieve the name of the fields.

$dbi = dbase_open($db_path, 0); // opens the dbf file
$res = dbase_get_record_with_names($dbi, 1); // throw record 1 into associative array key=>value
$cles = array_keys($res);// retrieves all  the keys from previous array, which are field names.

info at SyPlex dot net
09-Jan-2003 07:23

To answer to guillaume 07-Nov-2002 07:13:

Note that you have to remove the 'deleted' key which is not a field name.

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 Last updated: Wed, 29 Jan 2003
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