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Last updated: Wed, 29 Jan 2003

LXXVII. PDF functions


You can use the PDF functions in PHP to create PDF files if you have the PDF library by Thomas Merz (available at ; you will also need and to compile this. These two libs also quite often make problems when configuring php. Follow the messages of configure to fix possible problems.

Please consult the excellent documentation for pdflib shipped with the source distribution of pdflib. It provides a very good overview of what pdflib capable of doing. Most of the functions in pdflib and the PHP module have the same name. The parameters are also identical. You should also understand some of the concepts of PDF or Postscript to efficiently use this module. All lengths and coordinates are measured in Postscript points. There are generally 72 PostScript points to an inch, but this depends on the output resolution.

There is another PHP module for pdf document creation based on . ClibPDF. It has a slightly different API. Check the ClibPDF functions section for details.

The pdf module introduces two new type of variable. It is called pdfdoc pdfdoc is a pointer to a pdf document and almost all functions need it as its first parameter.

Confusion with old pdflib versions

Since the very begining of PDF support in PHP — starting with pdflib 0.6 — there has been tons of changes especially to the pdflib API. Most of these changes has been somehow covered by PHP, some has even required changes to the PHP API. Since pdflib 3.x the API seems to be stabilzed and PHP 4 has adopted the version as a minimum requirement for PDF support. The consequence will be that many functions will disappear or be replaced by alternatives sooner or later. Support for pdflib 0.6 is already completely given up. The following table list all the functions which are deprecated in PHP 4.02 and should be replaced by their new versions.

표 1. Deprecated functions and its replacements

Old functionReplacement
pdf_put_image()Not needed anymore.
pdf_get_font()pdf_get_value() passing "font" as the second parameter.
pdf_get_fontsize()pdf_get_value() passing "fontsize" as the second parameter.
pdf_get_fontname()pdf_get_parameter() passing "fontname" as the second parameter.
pdf_set_info_creator()pdf_set_info() passing "Creator" as the second parameter.
pdf_set_info_title()pdf_set_info() passing "Title" as the second parameter.
pdf_set_info_subject()pdf_set_info() passing "Subject" as the second parameter.
pdf_set_info_author()pdf_set_info() passing "Author" as the second parameter.
pdf_set_info_keywords()pdf_set_info() passing "Keywords" as the second parameter.
pdf_set_leading()pdf_set_value() passing "leading" as the second parameter.
pdf_set_text_rendering()pdf_set_value() passing "textrendering" as the second parameter.
pdf_set_text_rise()pdf_set_value() passing "textrise" as the second parameter.
pdf_set_horiz_scaling()pdf_set_value() passing "horizscaling" as the second parameter.
pdf_set_text_matrix()Not available anymore
pdf_set_char_spacing()pdf_set_value() passing "charspacing" as the second parameter.
pdf_set_word_spacing()pdf_set_value() passing "wordspacing" as the second parameter.
pdf_set_transition()pdf_set_parameter() passing "transition" as the second parameter.
pdf_set_duration()pdf_set_value() passing "duration" as the second parameter.
pdf_open_gif()pdf_open_image_file() passing "gif" as the second parameter.
pdf_open_jpeg()pdf_open_image_file() passing "jpeg" as the second parameter.
pdf_open_tiff()pdf_open_image_file() passing "tiff" as the second parameter.
pdf_open_png()pdf_open_image_file() passing "png" as the second parameter.
pdf_get_imagewidth()pdf_get_value() passing "imagewidth" as the second parameter and the image as the third parameter.
pdf_get_imageheight()pdf_get_value() passing "imageheight" as the second parameter and the image as the third parameter.

Hints for installation of pdflib 3.x

Since version 3.0 of pdflib you should configure pdflib with the option --enable-shared-pdflib.

Issues with older versions of pdflib

If you use pdflib 2.01 check how the lib was installed. There should be a file or a to link Version 2.01 just creates a lib with the name which cannot be found when linking the test programm in configure. You will have to create a symbolic link from to

Version 2.20 of pdflib has introduced more changes to its API and support for chinese and japanese fonts. This unfortunately causes some changes of the pdf module of php4 (not php3). If you use pdflib 2.20 handle the in memory generation of PDF documents with care. Until pdflib 3.0 is released it might be unstable. The encoding parameter of pdf_set_font() has changed to a string. This means that instead of e.g. 4 you have to use 'winansi'.

If you use pdflib 2.30 the pdf_set_text_matrix() will have gone. It is not supported any more. In general it is a good advise to consult the release notes of the used version of pdflib for possible changes.

Any version of PHP 4 after March, 9th 2000 do not support versions of pdflib older than 3.0. PHP 3 on the other hand should not be used with version newer than 2.01.


Most of the functions are fairly easy to use. The most difficult part is probably to create a very simple pdf document at all. The following example should help to get started. It creates the file test.pdf with one page. The page contains the text "Times Roman outlined" in an outlined, 30pt font. The text is also underlined.

예 1. Creating a PDF document with pdflib

$fp = fopen("test.pdf", "w");
$pdf = pdf_open($fp);
pdf_set_info($pdf, "Author", "Uwe Steinmann");
pdf_set_info($pdf, "Title", "Test for PHP wrapper of PDFlib 2.0");
pdf_set_info($pdf, "Creator", "See Author");
pdf_set_info($pdf, "Subject", "Testing");
pdf_begin_page($pdf, 595, 842);
pdf_add_outline($pdf, "Page 1");
pdf_set_font($pdf, "Times-Roman", 30, "host");
pdf_set_value($pdf, "textrendering", 1);
pdf_show_xy($pdf, "Times Roman outlined", 50, 750);
pdf_moveto($pdf, 50, 740);
pdf_lineto($pdf, 330, 740);
echo "<A HREF=getpdf.php>finished</A>";

The script getpdf.php just returns the pdf document.

$fp = fopen("test.pdf", "r");
header("Content-type: application/pdf");

The pdflib distribution contains a more complex example which creates a serious of pages with an analog clock. This example converted into PHP using pdflib looks as the following (you can see the same example in the documentation for the clibpdf module):

예 2. pdfclock example from pdflib distribution

$pdffilename = "clock.pdf";
$radius = 200;
$margin = 20;
$pagecount = 40;

$fp = fopen($pdffilename, "w");
$pdf = pdf_open($fp);
pdf_set_info($pdf, "Creator", "pdf_clock.php3");
pdf_set_info($pdf, "Author", "Uwe Steinmann");
pdf_set_info($pdf, "Title", "Analog Clock");

while($pagecount-- > 0) {
    pdf_begin_page($pdf, 2 * ($radius + $margin), 2 * ($radius + $margin));

    pdf_set_parameter($pdf, "transition", "wipe");
    pdf_set_value($pdf, "duration", 0.5);
    pdf_translate($pdf, $radius + $margin, $radius + $margin);
    pdf_setrgbcolor($pdf, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);

    /* minute strokes */
    pdf_setlinewidth($pdf, 2.0);
    for ($alpha = 0; $alpha < 360; $alpha += 6) {
        pdf_rotate($pdf, 6.0);
        pdf_moveto($pdf, $radius, 0.0);
        pdf_lineto($pdf, $radius-$margin/3, 0.0);


    /* 5 minute strokes */
    pdf_setlinewidth($pdf, 3.0);
    for ($alpha = 0; $alpha < 360; $alpha += 30) { 
        pdf_rotate($pdf, 30.0);
        pdf_moveto($pdf, $radius, 0.0);
        pdf_lineto($pdf, $radius-$margin, 0.0);

    $ltime = getdate();

    /* draw hour hand */
    pdf_moveto($pdf, -$radius/10, -$radius/20);
    pdf_lineto($pdf, $radius/2, 0.0);
    pdf_lineto($pdf, -$radius/10, $radius/20);

    /* draw minute hand */
    pdf_moveto($pdf, -$radius/10, -$radius/20);
    pdf_lineto($pdf, $radius * 0.8, 0.0);
    pdf_lineto($pdf, -$radius/10, $radius/20);

    /* draw second hand */
    pdf_setrgbcolor($pdf, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    pdf_setlinewidth($pdf, 2);
    pdf_rotate($pdf, -(($ltime['seconds'] - 15.0) * 6.0));
    pdf_moveto($pdf, -$radius/5, 0.0);
    pdf_lineto($pdf, $radius, 0.0);

    /* draw little circle at center */
    pdf_circle($pdf, 0, 0, $radius/30);



$pdf = pdf_close($pdf);
echo "<A HREF=getpdf.php?filename=".$pdffilename.">finished</A>";

The PHP script getpdf.php just outputs the pdf document.

$fp = fopen($filename, "r");
header("Content-type: application/pdf");

pdf_add_annotation -- Adds annotation
pdf_add_bookmark -- Adds bookmark for current page
pdf_add_launchlink -- Add a launch annotation for current page
pdf_add_locallink -- Add a link annotation for current page
pdf_add_note -- Add a note annotation for current page
pdf_add_outline -- Adds bookmark for current page
pdf_add_pdflink -- Adds file link annotation for current page
pdf_add_thumbnail -- Adds thumbnail for current page
pdf_add_weblink -- Adds weblink for current page
pdf_arc -- Draws an arc
pdf_arcn -- Draws an arc (clockwise)
pdf_attach_file -- Adds a file attachement for current page
pdf_begin_page -- Starts new page
pdf_begin_pattern -- Starts new pattern
pdf_begin_template -- Starts new template
pdf_circle -- Draws a circle
pdf_clip -- Clips to current path
pdf_close_image -- Closes an image
pdf_close_pdi_page --  Close the page handle
pdf_close_pdi --  Close the input PDF document
pdf_close -- Closes a pdf document
pdf_closepath_fill_stroke -- Closes, fills and strokes current path
pdf_closepath_stroke -- Closes path and draws line along path
pdf_closepath -- Closes path
pdf_concat -- Concatenate a matrix to the CTM
pdf_continue_text -- Outputs text in next line
pdf_curveto -- Draws a curve
pdf_delete -- Deletes a PDF object
pdf_end_page -- Ends a page
pdf_end_pattern -- Finish pattern
pdf_end_template -- Finish template
pdf_endpath -- Ends current path
pdf_fill_stroke -- Fills and strokes current path
pdf_fill -- Fills current path
pdf_findfont -- Prepare font for later use with pdf_setfont().
pdf_get_buffer -- Fetch the buffer containig the generated PDF data.
pdf_get_font -- Deprecated: font handling
pdf_get_fontname -- Deprecated: font handling
pdf_get_fontsize -- Deprecated: font handling
pdf_get_image_height -- Returns height of an image
pdf_get_image_width -- Returns width of an image
pdf_get_majorversion --  Returns the major version number of the PDFlib
pdf_get_minorversion --  Returns the minor version number of the PDFlib
pdf_get_parameter -- Gets certain parameters
pdf_get_pdi_parameter -- Get some PDI string parameters
pdf_get_pdi_value -- Gets some PDI numerical parameters
pdf_get_value -- Gets certain numerical value
pdf_initgraphics -- Resets graphic state
pdf_lineto -- Draws a line
pdf_makespotcolor -- Makes a spotcolor
pdf_moveto -- Sets current point
pdf_new -- Creates a new pdf object
pdf_open_CCITT -- Opens a new image file with raw CCITT data
pdf_open_file -- Opens a new pdf object
pdf_open_gif -- Opens a GIF image
pdf_open_image_file -- Reads an image from a file
pdf_open_image -- Versatile function for images
pdf_open_jpeg -- Opens a JPEG image
pdf_open_memory_image -- Opens an image created with PHP's image functions
pdf_open_pdi_page --  Prepare a page
pdf_open_pdi --  Opens a PDF file
pdf_open_png --  Opens a PNG image
pdf_open_tiff -- Opens a TIFF image
pdf_open -- Opens a new pdf document
pdf_place_image -- Places an image on the page
pdf_place_pdi_page -- Places an image on the page
pdf_rect -- Draws a rectangle
pdf_restore -- Restores formerly saved environment
pdf_rotate -- Sets rotation
pdf_save -- Saves the current environment
pdf_scale -- Sets scaling
pdf_set_border_color -- Sets color of border around links and annotations
pdf_set_border_dash -- Sets dash style of border around links and annotations
pdf_set_border_style -- Sets style of border around links and annotations
pdf_set_char_spacing -- Sets character spacing
pdf_set_duration -- Sets duration between pages
pdf_set_font -- Selects a font face and size
pdf_set_horiz_scaling -- Sets horizontal scaling of text
pdf_set_info_author --  Fills the author field of the document
pdf_set_info_creator --  Fills the creator field of the document
pdf_set_info_keywords --  Fills the keywords field of the document
pdf_set_info_subject --  Fills the subject field of the document
pdf_set_info_title --  Fills the title field of the document
pdf_set_info -- Fills a field of the document information
pdf_set_leading -- Sets distance between text lines
pdf_set_parameter -- Sets certain parameters
pdf_set_text_matrix -- Sets the text matrix
pdf_set_text_pos -- Sets text position
pdf_set_text_rendering -- Determines how text is rendered
pdf_set_text_rise -- Sets the text rise
pdf_set_value -- Sets certain numerical value
pdf_set_word_spacing -- Sets spacing between words
pdf_setcolor -- Sets fill and stroke color
pdf_setdash -- Sets dash pattern
pdf_setflat -- Sets flatness
pdf_setfont -- Set the current font
pdf_setgray_fill -- Sets filling color to gray value
pdf_setgray_stroke -- Sets drawing color to gray value
pdf_setgray -- Sets drawing and filling color to gray value
pdf_setlinecap -- Sets linecap parameter
pdf_setlinejoin -- Sets linejoin parameter
pdf_setlinewidth -- Sets line width
pdf_setmatrix -- Sets current transformation matrix
pdf_setmiterlimit -- Sets miter limit
pdf_setpolydash -- Sets complicated dash pattern
pdf_setrgbcolor_fill -- Sets filling color to rgb color value
pdf_setrgbcolor_stroke -- Sets drawing color to rgb color value
pdf_setrgbcolor -- Sets drawing and filling color to rgb color value
pdf_show_boxed -- Output text in a box
pdf_show_xy -- Output text at given position
pdf_show -- Output text at current position
pdf_skew -- Skews the coordinate system
pdf_stringwidth -- Returns width of text using current font
pdf_stroke -- Draws line along path
pdf_translate -- Sets origin of coordinate system

User Contributed Notes
PDF functions
add a note add a note
perluca at fabaris dot it
07-Oct-1999 01:10

My recipie:

1) untar pdflib-2.01.tar.gz
$ make
$ make install

2) set a symlink
$ ln -s /usr/local/lib/ /usr/local/lib/
You need to do this 'cause the PHP configure checks for pdflib with a little C-program, compiling it and linking with library named libpdf (!)

this updates the info about dynamic library on your system (think about the magic phrase  "Reboot Windows "  )   ;-)

3) go to and checkout the source tree.
You can find How-To on

4) configure your php:

Stop your Apache server with apachectl stop (don't forget it!!!!!)

$make install

$apachectl start
.......... have happy time hacking with pdflib/php ! ;->


Uwe dot Steinmann at fernun-hagen dot de
10-Dec-1999 09:18

The php mailinglist reported a problem with the
installation of pdflib 2.01. The file pdf.h which is to be copied e.g. into /usr/local/include will end up as /usr/local/include if the directory /usr/local/include does not exist already. This is because configure of php to fail, since it can't find pdf.h

loke at ic dot chalmers dot se
17-Jan-2000 05:21

When pdflib2.01 is installed on a HPUX-10.20 system (perhaps others as well?), the libs end with .sl not .so which means that you should use
"ln -s /usr/local/lib/ /usr/local/lib/" instead!

yhan at elientech dot com
24-Jul-2000 04:03

You need the to get the latest pdf.c file from the CVS tree: php4/ext/pdf/pdf.c

And make sure that you have patched pdflib 3.01, or you will have problem writing pdf to file(httpd core dumps).

nathan at cournia dot com
27-Jul-2000 05:28

After a couple of hours of trial and error, I've finally gotten PHP 4.0.1pl2, Apache 1.3.12, and PDF 3.01 to all work together.� Here are the steps I followed.

Downloaded the above from the following sites:

I also downloaded the following:
PDFlib patch:
Latest PHP pdf.c:

After untarring the archives I did the following:
In PDF directory:
Applied PDF patch.
./configure --enable-cxx --with-tiffauxlib=-ljpeg --with-tifflib=/usr/lib --with-zlib=/usr/lib --with-pnglib=/usr/lib --enable-shared --enable-static --enable-shared-pdflib
make install

In Apache source directory:
./configure --prefix=/www/apache --with-perl=/usr/bin/perl --enable-module=so --enable-module=rewrite
make install

In PHP direcotry
Copied over new pdf.c file.
./configure --with-mysql --with-apxs=/www/apache/bin/apxs --enable-track-vars --with-zlib-dir --with-jpeg-dir=/usr/lib --with-png-dir=/usr/lib --with-tiff-dir=/usr/lib --with-pdflib
make install

From there I configured httpd.conf as outlined in the PHP docs.� Hope this helps.

nathan at cournia dot com
05-Aug-2000 04:28

Here are a couple of other notes I made when compiling in PDF 3.x support.

The PDF patch does not work, or at least I was unable to get it to work using 'patch'.  You have to manually make changes to the pdf file.  Simply look at the patch file to see what line to delete and add.  Lines with a plus in front of them should be added while lines with a minus should be deleted.

After compiling the PDF library, make sure '/usr/local/lib' appears in /etc/  Also, it's probably a good idea to run 'ldconfig' once the PDF library has been compiled.

Hope this helps.

yale_yu at yahoo dot com
30-Aug-2000 11:38

Just FYI, I just find pdflib-3.0.1 and pdflib-3.0.2 does't work with php-4.0.2 in my certain condition. Fortunately pdflib-3.0 does fine.

I'm runing Solaris 7 on a Sun Sparc, apache-1.3.12. DSO php-4.0.1pl2 or php-4.0.2 works well without pdflib support. But when I install pdflib-3.0.2, there's no DSO library made, which will cause php configuration failed, in /usr/local/lib, nor does pdflib-3.0.1, no matter how do I adjust the configure line parameters.

I have to back to pdflib-3.0, it works like a magic.

c dot hue at sofrel dot com
14-Sep-2000 09:52

For PdfLib.dll v2.01 look
02-Oct-2000 01:53

My process to get this all working:

I use debian, so I used dselect to make sure that I had libtiff and libjpeg.

Compile pdflib 3.02 "./configure --enabled-shared-pdflib --enable-cxx --enable-static --enable-shared --with-tifflib=/usr/lib --with-tiffauxlib=-ljpeg"

"make" then "make test" and "make install"

Edit /etc/ and include the line "/usr/local/lib"

"ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/"
"ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/"


Recompile PHP with "--with-pdflib"

If that doesn't work, make sure to check the last few lines of config.log ("tail -n 25 config.log") and look for errors.  Worked finally for me with PHP 4.0.2.

mrobinso at php dot net
17-Oct-2000 12:06

There seems to be a [known] bug in
pdflib-3.0.1 where file descriptors
are overwritten, resulting in an
apache segfault when accessing pdf
functions. The bug is documented in
the changelog of pdflib-3.0.2,
which cures this problem. (Thanks to
Jani for catching this.)

mike_nospam at envisionsoftware dot co dot nz
29-Oct-2000 01:36

[Editor's note: See the section "Security" in the manual for more information on this and other security matters]

The script getpdf.php should only be used to learn the concept of passing a file through a script and not actually used to perform this task.  In its current state, there is a large security flaw which enables many files (including all your php source) to be viewed by anyone.

For example shows the servers machines password file.

php at interfaces dot fr
03-Nov-2000 01:24

PHPLIB (3.0.2)

after compiling and installing pdflib3.0.2, it defaults to /usr/local/lib and creates symlinks that the ./configure of PHP doesnot want to recognize...

Simply run :
rm /usr/local/lib/
rm /usr/local/lib/
mv /usr/local/lib/ /usr/local/lib/

and everything will go right : -)

mschroebel at hsus dot org
04-Dec-2000 06:37

Having trouble getting MS IE to display your PDFs?

As [email protected] kindly wrote in the ClidPDF man page:

"I found out MSIE _REQUIRES_ a correctly set Content-Length header to be sent beside Content-Type to correctly display PDFs"

kill-9 at kill-9 dot dk
10-Jan-2001 11:55

After digging around in pdf.c I found two very useful undocumented PDF functions.

pdf_add_pdflink(int pdfdoc, double llx, double lly, double urx, double ury, string filename, int page, string dest)
Adds link to pdf document

void pdf_add_weblink(int pdfdoc, double llx, double lly, double urx, double ury, string url)
Adds link to web resource

enjoy them.

boism at NOSPAMmultimania dot com
10-Jan-2001 12:40

Here is a short example to display PDF files without needing a 'redirection'.
Works also with IE thanks to the previous note.
Avoid spaces/newlines/whatever before and after the php script if you want the file to be correctly handled as PDF.

Mathieu BOIS

pdftest.php :

header("Content-Length: ".filesize($filename)); // for IE to work
header("Content-type: application/pdf");

dominic at execpc dot com
26-Jan-2001 10:43

To get around the IE problem with content-length, you can use the output buffering feature with PHP 4:

header( "Content-type: application/pdf" );

// turn output buffering on
$pdf = PDF_open();

// create your pdf here.


// get the length of the document
$length = ob_get_length();

// output content-length header
header("Content-Length: $length");

// send pdf to the browser, flushing and turning off output buffering

This works for me in NS 4.7 and IE 5

gateschris at yahoo dot com
31-Jan-2001 03:27

just something from :
Quite Important!!!

Just to have it in the archive I am responding to myself.

I managed to get it to compile. The problem lies with the PDFlib and the
options you compile it with. I was seeing some errors in reference to
the png functions inside the PDFlib being undefined. I decided to
recompile without PNG support. (--with-pnglib=no). Even though my system
has PNGlib in /usr/local/lib. I tried it both ways and disabling the PNG
support seemed to be the way to go.

After recompiling, PHP is no longer stopped on pdf_show_boxed.

HTH somebody...

Tom Walsh

> System: BSDi 4.1
> Trying to compile PHP4.0 with PDFlib support. I have downloaded the
> latest PDFlib (version 3.0) and compiled it. When I run the
> ./configure
> script I am getting an error message on PDF_show_boxed. It is
> telling me
> something to the effect that you must have libjpeg and libtiff
> installed.
> I have compiled libtiff (v3.5.5) and libjpeg (v6). I have also
> recompiled PDFlib with the libtiff switch
> (--with-libtiff=/usr/local/lib).
> I keep getting the same error message.
> I have tried forcing PDFlib to look at /usr/local/lib
> (--with-pdflib=/dir) and still the same error message.
> Any help is appreciated.
> As an aside: I find that PDFlib function and actually all things PDF
> like to be very poorly documented.
> Tom Walsh
> --

ernesto at calabozo dot com
09-Feb-2001 03:59

Ok, with the 3.03 version of pdflib, there's a bug in the library that throw an error when you try to create the Pdf direct in memory using:


You can fix this with the patch published in the pdflib page at:

After aplying the patch and recompiled the pdflib, you don't need to recompile the php, just restart the webserver and you are ready to go, at least it work for me =)
I use Linux, Apache and PHP as DSO.

Greettings and excuse my english, but it's not my mother language and is a little late now ;-)
Ernesto Domato.

grant at -conprojan dot com dot au
19-Feb-2001 07:52

You're trying to configure php with support for pdflib. You get the following error:

checking whether to include Pdflib 3.x support... yes
checking for PDF_show_boxed in -lpdf... no
configure: error: pdflib extension requires at least pdflib 3.x.

You may also need libtiff and libjpeg. If so, what you need is to install


I don't know what source tarball has those development libraries or if it's some make option I'm not aware of in the latest jpegsrc.v6b.tar.gz

When I installed that rpm both php and apache configured and compiled perfectly...

pete at SoulCoffee dot org
23-Feb-2001 11:18

I added the manually patched the file, configured with ./configure --enable-shared-pdflib and nothing else, and used this modification of the php page shown above:

header( "Content-type: application/x-pdf" );
$f = fopen("/tmp/test", "w");
$pdf = PDF_open($f);
//$pdf = PDF_new();
PDF_set_info_author($pdf, "Luca Perugini");
PDF_set_info_title($pdf, "Brochure for FlyStore");
PDF_set_info_creator($pdf, "See Author");
PDF_set_info_subject($pdf, "FlyStore");
PDF_begin_page($pdf, 595, 842);
PDF_add_outline($pdf, "Item".$data[1]);
PDF_set_font($pdf, "Helvetica-Bold" , 20, winansi);
PDF_set_text_rendering($pdf, 0);
PDF_show_xy($pdf, "OMG its a pdf on the fly!",50,780);
if (!isset($name)) {
$name = "Test Name";
if (!isset($age)) {
$age = "Test Age";
PDF_show_xy($pdf, "Your Name : $name" .$data[1], 100, 700);

PDF_show_xy($pdf, "Age : $age" .$data[2], 100, 620);

header("Content-length: " . filesize("test"));
$f = fopen("/tmp/test", "r");

Only then did it work for me.

jbinic at hotmail dot com
13-Mar-2001 10:49

My php compiled ok, but phpinfo() forgot about phplib. I figured out the libtiff on my box was not the right version. Very offset, I edited manually configure file and erase all -ltiff or replace them with bogus -lpng. Don-t care if -lpng wa duplicate. Php works fine now, with pdflib and without tiff support.
dmarsh dot nospam at spscc dot ctc dot edu
30-Mar-2001 01:41

Same as [email protected] only more info!!!!

(comments below are true as of 4.0.4pl1).
I kept banging my head on the "samples" that use PDF_new(). If you check
out the source tree comments on PDF_new(), PDF_delete(), and PDF_open_file() and
you will see they are only available in the CVS tree.

The solution:

$fd = fopen("somefile","w"); $pdf = PDF_open($fd);
PDF_close($pdf); fclose($f);

You can't use PDF_new(), PDF_delete(), or PDF_open_file() until the current CVS
source code tree is branched into a version release at least newer than 4.0.4pl1!

matt_nospam at no_spam dot com
17-Apr-2001 10:10

If you still can't get your pdf files to show up in IE 5.5, here is something I found on phpBuilder:

1. Be sure to install the SR 1 for IE 5.5
2. Be sure your running Adobe Acrobat 4.0 (not 3.0).
3. Open Adobe Acrobat 4.0 by itself.
4. Click on File
5. Click on Preferences
6. Click on General
7. Deselect the option to: Web Browser Integration

That should do it. This does not correct the problem of opening the files directly in IE, but it's a great work around....and it works.

a dot marchand dot nospam at home dot com
01-May-2001 07:42

To continue on the internet explorer (Iexplorer, IE) requirements, instead of content-length, a simple:
header("Accept-Ranges: bytes");

is enough for the getpdf.php file working right. Even Netscape will without error with this modification.


webmaster at toolshed51 dot com
01-May-2001 10:10

An FYI for anybody else looking for pdflib help.  I got php-4.0.5 and built pdflib-4.0.0 with

'./configure' \
'--enable-cxx' \
'--enable-shared' \

I did make, make install and both make and make install complained that there is no makefile in pdflib-4.0.0/bind/php.  It works anyway, so dont worry bout it.
Then in php I used --with-pdflib=/usr/local and it works, this was performed on a FreeBSD 4.2 Release machine

mued at muetdhiver dot org
06-May-2001 09:11

If you just have a look into the rep given, you'll see a nice readme.txt saying you how to make this link working
tsvitbaum at gmx dot de
27-May-2001 03:27

When I use
$text='<align="center"><strong>Text text!</strong></div>
and then
$num=pdf_show_boxed($pdfdoc, $text ....)
I get a problem with PHP: after 30 sek. says PHP... Timiout reached.
With other text (without HTML Tags) it works fine. Were is a problem here?
Thanx for Answer.

jeff at iomojo dot com
27-May-2001 05:08

With php-4.0.5 and pdflib-4.0.1 there is an error in the php source code ext/pdf/pdf.c with function pdf_close_pdi_page wanting 3 args instead of 2.

To fix, copy the section for this function from the pdflib source  bind/php/ext/pdf/pdf.c  and then it will compile.

Section from the pdflib source reproduced below:

/* {{{ proto void pdf_close_pdi(int pdf, int doc);
* Close all open page handles, and close the input PDF document. */
PHP_FUNCTION(pdf_close_pdi) {
       zval **arg1, **arg2;
      PDF *pdf;

       if (ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != 2 || zend_get_parameters_ex(2, &arg1, &arg2) == FAILURE) {

      ZEND_FETCH_RESOURCE(pdf, PDF *, arg1, -1, "pdf object", le_pdf);




casebell at dreamwiz dot com
12-Jun-2001 04:36

With PHP-4.0.5 and PDFLib 4.0.1 the Error that do not compile in the php compiling..

The error function in pdf.c is no PHP_FUNCTION(pdf_close_pdi) but PHP_FUNCTION(pdf_close_pdi_page)

patch pdf.c in php-4.0.5. Like as below

PHP_FUNCTION(pdf_close_pdi_page) {
zval **arg1, **arg2;
PDF *pdf;

if (ZEND_NUM_ARGS() != 2 || zend_get_parameters_ex(2, &arg1, &arg2) == FAILURE) {

ZEND_FETCH_RESOURCE(pdf, PDF *, arg1, -1, "pdf object", le_pdf);




shicks at theaffinitygrp dot com
02-Jul-2001 07:23

I'm running Apache 1.3.20+PHP 4.0.6+PDFLib 4.0.1 and the 1st example given above doesn't seem to work.  When I try it, I get:

Fatal error: PDFlib error: function 'PDF_set_info' must not be called in 'object' scope in /usr/local/apache/htdocs/restricted/accounting/pdftest.php on line 4

Removing the filename and replacing it with "" seems to make the page work fine again.

werner at webapps dot co dot za
04-Jul-2001 03:37

In reply to [email protected] comment about the
"Fatal error: PDFlib error: function 'PDF_set_info' must not be called in 'object' scope"

The reason why you get this error is because the directory you are saving to does not have write permission.  Make sure that Apache (or whatever webserver you are using) can actully write to your directory.

sdelille at auxicad dot fr
12-Jul-2001 11:33

PDFLIB 3.0 won't work with PHP 4.0.6 because this version makes use of the "imagewarning" parameter, available only from PDFLIB version 3.01. PDFLIB 3.03 works fine for me with PHP 4.0.6.
13-Jul-2001 08:09
The demo version for windows (.dll) is purely for testing as their enourmous watermark spanning the entire page diagnolly makes it completely useless for anything else (that is what their liscensing suggests, I just wanted to let everyone know in case you got comfortable with the open-source concept.)
morten at e-rasmuREMOVETHISTEXTssen dot com
29-Jul-2001 03:06

To make PDFlib PDFlib 4.0.1 work under PHP 4.0.6, you need to add the file manually to the PHP extension library (as defined in php.ini).

The file can be downloaded from Just add it manually after all the compiling stuff is done.

bob at nijman dot de
02-Aug-2001 11:20

Try these tutorials:


schirmer at taytron dot net
14-Sep-2001 10:40


yes there is a free one:

Hope that helps a bit

pasnak at warpedsystems dot sk dot ca
10-Feb-2002 07:21

Right from their site:
The �Aladdin Free Public License�

In short and non-legal terms:

* you may develop free software with PDFlib, provided you make all of your own source code publicly available
* you may develop software for your own use with PDFlib as long as you don't sell it
* you may redistribute PDFlib non-commercially
* you may redistribute PDFlib on digital media for a fee if the complete contents of the media are freely redistributable.

pbierans at lynet dot de
27-Mar-2002 04:56

Load extension, open a PDF, add a font, modify PDF in memory and send
it to browser:

 // no cache headers:
header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT");
header("Last-Modified: ".gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s")." GMT");
 header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate");
 header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false);
 header("Pragma: no-cache");

   // is the PDFLIB for SunOS by "PDFlib GmbH"
   // visit

// if the extension is not automatically loaded by Apache
 // dl() will try to load it on demand:
 if (!extension_loaded($ext_name) && !@dl($ext_name))
   <table width="100%" border="0"><tr><td align="center">
     <table style="border: solid #f0f0f0 2px;"><tr>
       <td valign="middle" style="padding: 20px; margin: 0px;">
         <p style="font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; ">


         A PDF can not be generated right now.

         The administrator has been informed and will fix this as
         soon as possible.

         Please try again later.
  mail('[email protected]','Error: PDFLib not found',
        'Called by script:\n  '.$SCRIPT_FILENAME.'?'.$QUERY_STRING,
        "From: [email protected]\n");
 } // verify that extension is usable

 // unique serial number:
 $usnr= gmdate("Ymd-His-").rand(1000,9999).'-';

 // create pdf object
 $pdf = pdf_new();
pdf_set_parameter($pdf, 'serial',      'if-you-have-one');

 // fonts to embed, they are in the folder of this file:
pdf_set_parameter($pdf, 'FontAFM',     'TradeGothic=Tg______.afm');
pdf_set_parameter($pdf, 'FontOutline', 'TradeGothic=Tg______.pfb');
pdf_set_parameter($pdf, 'FontPFM',     'TradeGothic=Tg______.pfm');

 // load the source file:
$src_doc   =pdf_open_pdi($pdf,$src_file,'', 0);
 $src_page =pdf_open_pdi_page($pdf,$src_doc,1,'');
 $src_width =pdf_get_pdi_value($pdf,'width' ,$src_doc,$src_page,0);

pdf_begin_page($pdf, $src_width, $src_height);
   // place the sourcefile to the background of the actual page:

   // modify the page:
  pdf_set_font($pdf, 'TradeGothic', 8, 'host');
   pdf_show_xy($pdf, 'Now: '.gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s"),50,50);

 // prepare output:
$pdfdata = pdf_get_buffer($pdf); // to echo the pdf-data
 $pdfsize = strlen($pdfdata);     // IE requires the datasize

 // real datatype headers:
 header('Content-type: application/pdf');
header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename="'.$pdf_file.'"');
 header('Content-length: '.$pdfsize);
 echo $pdfdata;
 exit; // keep this one so no #13#10 or #32 will be written

chernyshevsky at hotmail dot com
06-May-2002 10:22

If you're wondering how to highlight words inside a PDF file, take a look at this script I've written (doesn't need PDFLib)

It's a whole lot harder than you think. (Rarely has no much code been written that does so little, that's what I say :-) Worth looking at if you want to do searches inside a PDF.

bs dot net at gmx dot de
07-Jun-2002 08:11

Well it's nice to have a PDF function under PHP, but for several problems PDFlib is useless. Here my problem I need a solution that create a PDF file after I've had transformed a XML file with XSLT to XSL-FO. Executing Apache-FOP with the "system" Command is not quite well. Therefore I need to create a seperate channel to create PDFs. The usability for transforming XML with XSLT in this case is poor. For standealone project this lib could be quite usefull, but for XSLT transforming I think a C++-dll-wrapper for XSL-FO->PDF after XML->XSLT->XSL-FO is more usefull. Or what do you think about it?
gilbertng at hongkong dot com
11-Jun-2002 10:23

Hope it can help someone:

$pdf = pdf_new();
if (!pdf_open_file($pdf, "")) {
print error;

            PDF_set_parameter($pdf, "resourcefile", "/usr/local/pdflib/fonts/pdflib.upr");

pdf_begin_page($pdf, 595, 842);
pdf_add_outline($pdf, "Page 1");

//pdf_set_font($pdf, "Times-Roman", 30, "host");
            // set chinese characters,
$font = pdf_findfont($pdf, "MHei-Medium", "B5pc-H",0);
if ($font) {
pdf_setfont($pdf, $font, 30);

pdf_set_value($pdf, "textrendering",0);
pdf_show_xy($pdf, "���� 100 Roman outlined", 50, 750);

pdf_set_font($pdf, "Times-Roman", 30, "host");
pdf_show_xy($pdf, "���� Times Roman outlined", 50, 600);
pdf_moveto($pdf, 50, 740);
pdf_lineto($pdf, 330, 740);

$buf = pdf_get_buffer($pdf);
$len = strlen($buf);

header("Content-type: application/pdf");
header("Content-Length: $len");
header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=foo.pdf");
print $buf;


wern at igroup dot ws
02-Jul-2002 02:02

Hi Guys

How can you encrypt a pdf document so that it is write protected.  You can read it, but can't make modifications to the file, except if you have the password.

Apparently this is a new feature that was added in Adobe Acrobat 5.0.


sean dot truman at truson dot biz
07-Aug-2002 12:29

A Friend of mine has written a PHP class that is free for generating dynamic PFD.  

matt at nospam dot org
24-Aug-2002 08:51

It's worth noting that once IE opens a url as pdf, it will always try to show it as a pdf within that window.  So, if you're working on your php script and produce an error, IE will show a broken image icon instead of showing the pdf in Adobe Acrobat.  It's not that PDFLIB produced a bad pdf. Instead the php parser has output some standard text first.  Close the browser window you're in, open a new window, and browse again to the url to see the error.  

The same is true if you're working on your first pdf, and keep getting errors.  Once you resolve the parse, PDFLIB, and whatever other errors there are, you have to close the window, and launch a new window for IE to show the pdf.

matt at nospam dot org
29-Aug-2002 06:11

Adding to my prior note, IE 6 has a strange feature of using GET when refreshing a pdf document, even though the page was originally POSTed to. This may be the root cause of all the trouble listed above regarding posting and pdf.  

So, I recommend:
1) using a two page form/action handler when doing pdf rendering instead of the standard $PHP_SELF form/self handler to resolve the problem discussed above
2) Using either GET, or a self posting form that sets cookies and then redirects to the pdf creation page instead of POST, so that the parms get to the page.  HTH

frederic dot surleau at atosorigin dot com
18-Sep-2002 09:12

If you use session, all headers you can send about "cache" are too late !


The solution is something like this :

// Default is "no-cache"


$pdf = pdf_new();

/* your code here /*


$buf = pdf_get_buffer($pdf);
$len = strlen($buf);

header("Content-type: application/pdf");
header("Content-Length: $len");
header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=foo.pdf");
print $buf;

keithw at nxdomain dot us
20-Nov-2002 03:30

One of the big problems I faced as I converted legacy applications to web base apps in PHP was how to handle reports.  HTML can only take you so far and doesn't handle formatted reporting at all, plus printing is inconsistent among browsers.  So, generating PDFs becomes very important to replace reports that must be highly formatted.

I spent about half a day setting up and testing PDFlib and while it worked great, I had reservations about maintenance.  Since my apps are not commercial, I wanted to use the free aladdin license, which requires compiling and linking PDFlib to PHP.  From what I read, the DSO version only comes with the paid commercial license.  So, when my distro vendor releases a patch for PHP, I would have to recompile it and link in PDFlib every time.  A major pain.  Plus, I use several distros and the procedure is slightly different with each one.

After much searching here and on google, I found several other solutions, some free, some not.  But the one I am using at the moment is done completely with PHP code (no modules, no compiling, no linking).  It is free and easy to set up and use.  It is called EZPDF and can be found here:

and here:

Since it is all done in PHP, it is slower than PDFlib, so if you have strict performance requirements, it might not be the best, but it has many features and everything I need.

20-Dec-2002 12:20
If you got this message you have already installed de pdflib. I had the same problem you have and did following changes, and it works

$pdf = pdf_new();
PDF_open_file($pdf, "");

PDF_set_info($pdf, "Creator", "hello.php");
PDF_set_info($pdf, "Author", "Rainer Schaaf");
PDF_set_info($pdf, "Title", "Hello world (PHP)");

pdf_begin_page($pdf, 595, 842);
pdf_add_outline($pdf, "Page 1");
pdf_set_font($pdf, "Times-Roman", 30, "host");
pdf_set_value($pdf, "textrendering", 1);
pdf_show_xy($pdf, "Times Roman outlined", 50, 750);
pdf_moveto($pdf, 50, 740);
pdf_lineto($pdf, 330, 740);

$buf = PDF_get_buffer($pdf);
$len = strlen($buf);

header("Content-type: application/pdf");
header("Content-Length: $len");
header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=hello.pdf");
print $buf;

echo "<A HREF=getpdf.php>finished</A>";

wmoran at potentialtech dot com
29-Jan-2003 11:02

I appreciate someone listing our phppdflib on this page.  I'm glad that folks feel it's good enough to pass on to others.
It's not good that the link goes directly to version 1.14.  This version is known to be buggy and is superceeded by a very stable version (currently 1.16).

If the editors could update the link to point to:

It will point to the phppdflib 'home' page, which always has the most recent version listed.

We're seeing a LOT of downloads of 1.14.  I left it on the server for archive purposes, but considering the traffic that it's getting, I'm considering removing it.

Alexandre Strube
03-Feb-2003 06:00

For a free alternative to it, try the pdf class found at
manish_shilpajp at yahoo dot co dot jp
12-May-2003 05:04

For users looking for a license free solution and also Japanese support use FPDF

and for japanese support on it see,

Manish Prabhune

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 Last updated: Wed, 29 Jan 2003
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