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Last updated: Wed, 29 Jan 2003

LXXXVI. GNU Readline

The readline() functions implement an interface to the GNU Readline library. These are functions that provide editable command lines. An example being the way Bash allows you to use the arrow keys to insert characters or scroll through command history. Because of the interactive nature of this library, it will be of little use for writing Web applications, but may be useful when writing scripts meant to be run from a shell.

The home page of the GNU Readline project is . It's maintained by Chet Ramey, who's also the author of Bash.

readline_add_history -- Adds a line to the history
readline_clear_history -- Clears the history
readline_completion_function -- Registers a completion function
readline_info -- Gets/sets various internal readline variables
readline_list_history -- Lists the history
readline_read_history -- Reads the history
readline_write_history -- Writes the history
readline -- Reads a line

User Contributed Notes
GNU Readline
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twebb at boisecenter dot com
04-Mar-2002 05:11

You'll probably need the --with-readline directive when configuring php to have the readline() functions available.  

If you've installed the readline libraries in /usr/local, add:


to your ./configure command.

14-Apr-2002 02:17
[Ed. note: you can use fopen("php://stdin", "w") to achieve the same thing, works on both Windows and Unix)]

I wanted to get console input in a PHP script running on windows, so I made a little hack, which is so simple, it is clearly public domain.  What I did was write a C++ program to get a line, then output it.  Then all that is needed is to exec() that program and capture the output - readline() for windows.  The C++ source is as follows:

#include <iostream.h>
#include <string>
void main()
 string input;
   cin >> input;
   cout << input;

It works wonderfully for my purposes, since I love the PHP language and want to have console input.

Justin Henck

joshua at
21-Apr-2002 10:17

Here's an example simple readline-like way to input from command line on windows - the single line is from the multiline is something I added...

function read () {
# 4092 max on win32 fopen

$fp=fopen("php://stdin", "r");

# strip newline
(PHP_OS == "WINNT") ? ($read = str_replace("\r\n", "", $in)) : ($read = str_replace("\n", "", $in));

return $read;

function multilineread () {
do {
$in = read();

# test exit
if ($in == ".") return $read;

# concat input
(PHP_OS == "WINNT") ? ($read = $read . ($read ? "\r\n" : "") . $in) : ($read = $read . "\n" . $in);

} while ($inp != ".");

return $read;

print("End input with . on line by itself.\n");

print("What is your first name?\n");
$first_name = multilineread();

print("What is your last name?\n");
$last_name = read();

print("\nHello, $first_name $last_name! Nice to meet you! \n");

jewfish at jewfish dot net
10-Jun-2002 11:05

There is a simpler way to do a multiline read than above:

function multiline() {
   while(($in = readline("")) != ".")
       $story .= ($PHP_OS == "WINNT") ? "\r\n".$in :

   return $story;

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 Last updated: Wed, 29 Jan 2003
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